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Deadline looming for Cairngorms Design Awards entries

10th June 2016

Think you know of a good design in the Cairngorms National Park? It could be a new house, business premises or a big development. Or it could be something simpler such as a footpath, bridge or the renovation or conservation of a building or place.

The deadline for entries to the Cairngorms Design Awards is now just three weeks away so if you are a professional builder, architect or designer – or you have just seen something you think is good design – then the Cairngorms National Park Authority wants to hear about it.

The Design Awards were first run in 2012 and showcased some truly inspiring entries. With 2016 being Scotland’s Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design, the CNPA decided it was time to bring them back, with the awards aimed recognising exceptional standards of design and craftsmanship in the Park.

Entries to the Design Awards are being accepted until 1 July 2016. They will then be shortlisted and judged on the following criteria:

  • Contribution to sense of place and the special qualities of the National Park
  • Form of the development – including scale, massing, siting, design, detailing and materials
  • Inclusivity of design or meeting the specific needs of the user
  • Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency
  • Use of local materials and skills
  • Creativity / innovation

For more information on the Design Awards or to enter, please visit the CNPA website