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Schools media project

The Park Authority has supported a project involving schools from in and around the National Park to write and produce their own short films about the Park. The project has helped to raise awareness about the National Park as well as developing skills in film production.

In 2007, pupils from six secondary schools produced films on living, working and visiting the Park, highlighting issues on outdoor access, traditional music, biodiversity, the environment, tourism and other business. Watch the video clip students produced in 2007.

In 2009, pupils from nine primary schools produced films on the impact of climate change on the Park, and how people might adapt to these impacts in the future. With support from the CNPA and the Clim-ATIC project, they worked with scientists and local experts to explore the impacts locally and how to tackle them, focussing on topics such as moorlands, biodiversity, energy, forestry, tourism, flooding and transport. View the video produced by students in 2009.

In 2011, nine secondary schools across the Cairngorms National Park and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, produced films about how their school is delivering outdoor learning through the Curriculum for Excellence. Watch the video produced by students in 2011.

The fifth Schools Media Project in 2013 involved 10 primary schools across the Cairngorms and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Parks. The students made films that celebrate ‘Year of Natural Scotland’ and the 10th Anniversary of the Cairngorms National Park.

Schools Media Project 2013

Schools Media Project

School’s Media Project 2013

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Cairngorms National Park, a compilation film was put together showing the highlights of the project since 2005. View the anniversary video clip here

Do you have any other questions?

To request a full version of the films and for more information on the Schools media project, contact [email protected]