WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 THESE TABLES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN FULL TEXT FORMAT CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.001 Carrbridge in Motion Carrbridge Community Arts Youth training in video film making, their community, culture, heritage at this time with new Park etc 3000 0 18.03.04 3000 A - 19.03.04 1 April-June 04 Final Payment made "The Film making project was a huge success. Everyone enjoyed being involved and the response within the community was tremendous." "All the youngsters involved in the project are extremely proud of their efforts. They have learnt new skills and have gained a new found self confidence." "The project was also a demonstration to the wider community of what could be achieved by local youngsters who are not always viewed by the older generation in the best possible light." 32 120 7 LEC, Local Authority, LEADER+, Awards for ALL/Lottery 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.002 Out and About in the National Park Newtonmore and District Floral Art club Part of celebration in village hall, they will have a display on "Out and About in the National Park" 500 £239 Entrée fees 2. 04.04 739 A - 05.04.04 3 21-22 July 04 Final payment made 8.10.04 (£500) "Being able to show off our skills attracts new members and our club gives pleasure to many." 16 400 7 * * 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.004 Uphill Ski Club Awareness and Promotion. Uphill Ski Club To support awareness raising and increasing involvement of local volunteers, as well as inspiring others to take on new challenges. Official opening of centre with publicity. 3000 0 27.04.04 3000 A - 27.04.04 1 Aug 04 - Feb 05 No advance paid, Final payment made 16.03.05 (£3000) "The community is now more aware of our services and opportunities to participate which will hopefully lead to increased participation of disabled people and the recruitment of more volunteers. 150 220 * 7 * * * * LEC, Awards for All/Lottery 4. Sustainable Communities / Park for All TO41.006 Community Fun and Games Outdoor Fair Logie Coldstone Welfare Trust Management Committee (LCWTMC) Community Fun / Games Day including stalls such as a Save Cash & Reduce Fuel stall offering energy efficiency advice, an exhibition on the Hall, marquee tents offering food and refreshments, “It’s a knockout” type activities, tug o’ war, a local pipe band and organised activities for all ages and abilities. 1532 0 2.06.04 1532 A - 8.06.04 4 38165 Advance paid £510 in July, Final payment made 10.03.05 (£787.09) "We had an excellent turnout of people, both local residents and visitors, and managed to attract people of all ages. The fun games day has helped build momentum for further community events including a duck race, a Who wants to be a millionaire quiz, and a childrens indoor fun day. The events helped to foster community spirit and engage the community in the Logie Hall redevelopment project". 14 200 7 * 3. Special Qualities Understanding Cairngorms National Park Project Status Page 1 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.008 Garden Revelopme nt Grantown Play Group Garden in the Play Group compound will become a means of generating interest, awareness and appreciation of the outdoors for children and parents. 3000 4700 29.04.04 7700 A - 18.05.04 20 completion expected by August Advance given June 04 (£1000) Final payment made 10.03.09 (£2000) 50 plus people involved directly, leaflet distributed throughout Park to relevant organisations. "The garden redevelopment has been a massive success: platleaders, parents and others have been hugely complimentary about our achievement. One factor in this success was the speed of CNPAs decision to fund the project, enabling us to progress much sooner than anticipated. This is an ongoing project with the opportunity to involve not only the children at playgroup and their parents, but the school and nursery and also other pre-school providers within the National Park. A terrific addition to community resources". 36 100 * 7 * * * * LEC, Local Authority, Other public or charitable funding 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.009 Patrick Geddes Project Ballater (RD) Ltd Exhibitions and awareness raising on Patrick Geddes, his life and ideas. 2980 0 26.04.04 2980 A - 14.05.04 18 Aug - Oct 04 Advance paid June 04 (£993), Final claim paid 10.03.05 (£1986.59) "Locally the event did most to raise awareness of Geddes, his life, international importance and relevance today. After touring the Station in Ballater, the Scottish parliament, Aberdeenshire council offices, the exhibition will find a permanent viewing location in Ballater, continuing to draw interest. Additionally a copy will go on to India, and permanent links have been established, particularly between schools". The grant scheme is one of the best I have dealt with, straightforward application and assistance was welcome. Refreshing to find a scheme that does not require match funding as it is basically a small pot that can be more effort than it is worth. 12 200 7 LEC, Local Authority, LEADER+, Awards for ALL/Lottery , Rural Challenge Fund, Other public or charitable funding 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage Page 2 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.011 Pantomime and Workshops Newtonmore Drama Group To write and produce a pantomime for Xmas 04, including local references and references to the National Park. As well as workshops to generate greater interest in drama. 1200 0 05.05.04 1200 A - 17.05.04 12 2 evenings in December 04, as well as 10x workshops over the summer Advance of £307 paid 1.09.04, increase of funds by £302. Final payment made 02.03.05 (£893) "The communities reaction to the pantomime have been extremely positive. We have enrolled eleven new members (this includes two families), and for the first time in many years we have as many adult males joining as females. The grant enabled Newtonmore drama group to take forward a small seed of an idea and nurture it into a living , growing sapling". 70 680 7 VABS 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.013 Ceilidh's in the Cairngorms DANNSA Holding of workshops, ceilidh dances in three locations around the National Park (Kingussie, Tomintoul and Braemar) in late summer/autumn 04. 3000 2339 11.05.04 5339 A - 17.05.04 6 Late Summer/ Autumn 2004 NH authorised final claim of £2,000 on 26/11 "The project gave an opportunity to those living in (4) rural Highland communities to access dance, music as well as sample some of the indigenous Gaelic arts of these Highland communities." "The grant scheme was refreshingly straightforward". American visitors were treated to highland hospitality when the workshop in Laggan was extended to accomodate their arrival. 8 171 7 * * * * * LEC, LEADER+, Awards for All/Lottery 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.015 Gaelic Songs - a tribute to Donald Campbell Kingussie Arts Network Inspired by local Gaelic bard Donald Campbell's songs, the project will bring together interested parties and local singers in talks, workshops and a performance to the community in Kingussie. 3000 660 18.05.04 3660 A - 18.05.04 1 winter 04 Final payment made 20.05.05 (£1858.13) Event rehearsals taking place on 16 January, 30 January and 5 February (1-5pm, Badenoch Centre, Kingussie), with a final performance on 5 Feb evening. "The project had a group of about 30 people singing in Gaelic to a very high standard in a very short time. Attendance ranged from 7-79 years old, with over 250 people enjoying and participating in the workshops nd final concert". 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage Page 3 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.017 Tea in the Park Glenlivet & Inveravon Community Association ‘Tea IN THE PARK’ will be a month long celebration of Glenlivet’s inclusion in the Cairngorm National Park i.e. throughout the month of August, to see an exhibition based on the Cairngorms National Park and in particular the Glenlivet. Estate. The community association will provide teas, coffee, soft drinks, ice creams, light lunches and snacks every day in August 2004 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. in Glenlivet Public Hall. 2800 1350 14.06.04 4150 A - 24.06.04 10 38200 Completed, final payment made. Major success, getting wide publicity and sure to be repeated in coming years. Brought the community together and promoted the area. Increased group confidence, project management and catering skills, although they did feel that "Greater input and interest from CNPA would have been appreciated and of value". Visit by National Chairman of Visit Scotland highlighted its impact. 30 2000 7 LEC 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.018 ‘Insh Village Rumpus’ Kincraig and Vicinity Community Council Will provide a focus for a community celebration of the National Park and Midsummer. The event will provide an opportunity to share ideas and enthusiasm for the development of the area with a wider audience. Entertainment for the afternoon will be provided by young musicians from the Fèis Spè Ceilidh Band, a project itself supported by assistance from CNPA and Leader+. 1090.7 86 7.06.04 1176.7 A - 10.06.04 3 19th June 2004, Report received, final payment made. "Dreadful weather was undoubtedly a disincentive, however those who did come enjoyed the music from the Feis Band and the chance to meet and discuss local issues." "People appreciated local food supplies and children enjoyed the quiz and maze." "We appreciated the quick response of the funding body to our application and the subsequent support." 75 7 4. Sustainable Communities Page 4 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.022 Generation Bowling Tournamen t Tomintoul and GlenLivet Oudoor Bowling Club Pairs of 1 under 16 year old and their partner being over 10 yeas older play in a round robbin Bowling tournament. 2 tournaments, 1 for primary and 1 for secondary school children from across the National Park. 770 100 18.06.04 870 A - 24.06.04 6 5 Sept/19 Sept 04 Advance of £770 paid on 1.09.04. Final payment made on 10.01.05 £520. "The club was able to capitalise on its established tradition of promoting the game as one that all ages can enjoy. Two succesful tournaments were enjoyed - even the weather stayed dry." "Will become an annual event and the use of images from the event will be a reminder of the CNPA support this year." "We felt that the "paper-work" involved was very simple and uncomplicated". 48 140 * * 7 * * * Local Authority, Awards for All/Lottery, SportScotla nd 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.023 Living in the Park Art Competition Society of Badenoch and Strathspey Artists Adult and Children’s all National Park competition, including 2 and 3D entries. Will also include a travelling exhibition of entries going to Laggan, Kingussie, Aviemore, Grantown-on- Spey, Tomintoul, Strathdon, Braemar and Ballater 3000 0 29.06.04 3000 A - 1.07.04 2 July 04 - March 05 Advance paid 14 July (£1000). Final report received, payment made on 24.0205 (£1836.67) Final report "Over 450 entries, with an estimate putting the number of people who will have seen the exhibition as over 2000. Although there were less entries from Donside, Deeside and Angus, personal contacts made during the exhibitions is likely to lead to a better response and cooperation in similar pojects in the future. It has facilitated links between groups in the National Park Area. The project has visibly reinforced the Society's aims of encouraging local artists to exhibit their work, and stimulating interest in the visual arts by means of exhibitions." Visitors book "Art is part of the Cultural Heritage of the Park which we must not neglect, Great talent in the Park". 80 2400 7 * * * * 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.025 Winter in the Park RICHMOND MEMORIAL HALL Organise a weekend event incorporating all community members ie businesses, clubs and groups to celebrate winter in the park 1950 0 5.09.04 1950 A - 5.09.04 1 18/19 Dec 04 Advance paid 09.04 (£650) Final payment made 4.03.05 (£656) As all the community came together to make this event happen, then everybody played a part in its success. 6 200 * 7 * LEC, Awards for All/Lottery 4. Suistainable Communities Page 5 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.026 Morlich Trail Orienteerin g EQUAL ADVENTURE DEVELOPME NTS The project is to construct a permanent Trail Orienteering course along the Loch Morlich all abilities trail in Glenmore Forest. 2870 0 9.09.04 2870 A - 24.09.04 15 Autumn 2004 Advance £950 paid 25 Aug Final Payment made 3.03.05 (£1915) Opening of course 21.01.05, Estimate that already (and in winter!), around 25 people use the course (after only 2 months being open). The National Park community has gained a new resource/activity to attract visitors and local people of all abilities to be more activie and to appreciate the natural beauty the Park has to offer. 20 500 * 7 Other public or charitable funding 4. Sustainable Communities / Park for All TO41.027 Braemar Books Publication Braemar Civic Amenities Trust The reprinting of two books of local interest, to be included in the same volume. “The Legends of the Braes of Mar” and The history of John Von Lamont, a Braemar man who became Astronomer Royal to the Court of Bavaria in the 19th century. We also plan to have an official launch in the village, (hopefully in November, to catch the Xmas market) to which representatives of all of the above organisations, plus all local residents and of course the press, would be invited. 3000 2000 2.09.04 5000 A - 2.09.04 1 38292 Advance paid £900 in August, Final payment increased to £2100 and paid 23 Dec. "The project has so far proved a resounding success, with 1000 copies of the book printed and in less than 3 weeks almost one-third had been sold!" "It has helped to interest both the younger generation and recent incomers to the depth of the areas history ..." "We feel that this scheme is pump-priming at its best. It should be continued if at all possible." 5 150 * * 7 * Awards for All/Lottery 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage TO41.028 Cairngorms National Park Open Texas Scramble Abernethy Golf Club Golf Competition. Teams of four, to include Ladies, Gents and Juniors. Open to members of Abernethy Golf Club and members of Golf Clubs within and around the Cairngorms National Park. 950 500 4.08.04 1450 A - 6.08.04 2 12 Sept. 04 Fina claim paid 25 Oct 04 "The competition attracted 64 golfers from 13 different clubs from in and around the National Park". "The weather was kind and all golfers thoroughly enjoyed the event which was both social and competitive". "We certainly believe the grants scheme and its operation is a success." The event will become an annual event. 27 37 * 7 * * * * 3. Special Qualities Understanding Page 6 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.029 Autumn Colour in the Cairngorms National Park Newtonmore Community Woodland & Development Trust A Weekend Watercolour Challenge Autumn Colour in the Cairngorm National Park , based on the Wildcat Trail (7- mile path round Newtonmore). Competition open to all, with a class for 16s and under. 718.4 200 10.08.04 918.4 A - 10.08.04 1 2-3 Oct 04 Advance of £240 paid. Final Payment made 03.03.05 (£218.13) "There was interest in the competition, especially in the children's section, as it made people aware of the talents and possibilities. It showed that people are aware of the Wildcat Trail and the work of the trust. Many pictures showed real familiarity with the trail". 28 people participated and approximately 40 general public saw the event. 10 50 7 * * * * * LEC, Local Authority, LEADER+, Scottish Land Fund, Other public or charitable funding 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.031 Activeaboy ne challenge MID DEESIDE LIMITED A single day event designed to show off the scope and beauty of the local area for a broader populace. Teams of participants from a wide area both within and without the National Park and of broad ability levels to enjoy a challenging walking, cycling, canoeing day through the Mid Deeside area which crosses the borders of the Cairngorms National Park. 160.43 400 26.08.04 560.43 A - 27.08.04 2 Cancelled, agreed to support up front costs only - £160.43 paid 27.09.04 Paid up-front costs and hope that event may be held next year. Materials purchased will be used for other community activities - first aid kits, registration with Aberdeenshire Leisureland service, allowing access to equipment for events, brochure template from printers. 6 50 7 LEC, Local Authority, LEADER+, Scottish Land Fund, Other public or charitable funding. 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.032 Clova Hall 50th Anniversary Glen Clova Village Hall A birthday party for the 50th anniversary for the opening of the hall is to be held on Sept 3rd 2004 to which all past members of the hall committee and inhabitants of the glen are invited. 730 300 17.08.04 1030 A - 30.08.04 13 38233 Final payment made 27.09.04 (£730) "The event was most enjoyable, inluding people with summer houses in the Glen and those who had not attended any other celebration held in the hall in the past." "Thanks is due to all who helped us to obtain the grant which provided an opportunity for bringing people together who otherwise could have been missed." 8 77 7 Local Authority 4. Sustainable Communities Page 7 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.033 Kingussie River Spey Performanc e Feis Spe The project aims to bring together a number of local musicians and local school children in a performance to represent the movement of the River Spey through the National Park 3000 2615 17.08.04 5615 A - 18.08.04 2 end Feb 05 Advance paid 25 Aug (£1000). Final payment 2.03.05 (£2000) "Dannsa Spe brought together tutors and yound musicians from throughout the district to work together for the final performance - the opportunity to play and dance in mixed groups is very valuable". 80 200 7 * Local Authority, LEADER+, Awards for All/Lottery 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.034 Touler Open Seminar Tomintoul Community Newsletter To hold an open seminar to gain input from the community on how their newsletter meets their needs, how it can be improved and how they can become more involved. An vent to bring the community together around the newsletter 924 300 17.08.04 1224 A - 30.08.04 13 38267 NH authorised advance of £300 on 12/11, Final payment made 2.03.04 (£624) The event was made a success by taking place over a 6 month period, with good venue and reinforcement at other events. The process has helped the community to become more engaged with the representatives of the Park, with the local plan process and with the aims of the National Park. 12 500 7 LEC, Local Autority, Scottish Land Fund, CED & Other public or charitable funding. 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.035 Grantown Try Tri Simon Grosvenor / Rebecca Reid - Under Grantown Motor Mania Try Tri is short for Try a Triathlon and as such is a short version of the Triathlon. It consists of a 300 metre swim in the Grantown Grammar school pool, immediately followed by a 14 km cycle ride and a 4.5 km run. Entrants range from as young a 7 years of age up to about 70. 1494 1100 30.08.04 2594 A - 1.09.04 10 38235 Advance paid of £500, Final payment made 3.03.05 (£994) 41 people involved (35 volunteers), 37% of participants from the CNP, 129 team registered with 113 starting the event. The changes made in the event this year have inspired the organisers to develop the event in future years, particularly with regard to local publicity, and their own organisation and development of the volunteer aspect and partnership with local businesses. 41 113 * 7 * * * * Local Authority 3. Special Qualities Understanding Page 8 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.038 Gaelic Songs tour and CD Comhlan Luaidh Bhaideanach The project will be five Gaelic song workshops and ceilidhs lead by Comhlan Luaidh Bhaideanach, culminating in the production of a CD 3000 4300 25.08.04 7300 A - 27.08.04 2 Sept 04 - Feb 05 Advance paid Sept (£1000) Final payment made 5.04.05 (£1990.62) "The project gave the opportunity for more people to receive Gaelic song tuition from fluent Gaelic speakers. The events also helped to promote performances, workshops, ceilidhs, classes and such events which will provide opportunities for singing, social activity, musical appreciation and cultural research. It also encouraged people to view Gaelic as a strong component in the identity of the Cairngorms". Approximately 60 people were involved in the events. 10 81 7 * * 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage TO41.039 Chainsaw Art Competition , Tom Jones Carrbridge Community Council The project is an opportunity for up and coming chainsaw carvers in and around the national park to take part in a competition based on artistic merit strongly associated with the highland environment and culture. 1500 26.08.04 1500 A - 30.08.04 4 12.09.04 Advance paid 6.09.04 (£500) Final payment made 04.03.05 (£1001.98) "The event was a very unusual spectacular event, holding people's ttention for hours and possibly encouraging others to make use of the sometimes discarded old trees. The competition has raised awareness of our village, bringing people to our community and it has already inspired members within the community to become involved next year, helping the event to expand. The enthusiasm is great". 9 1500 * 7 * * * * LEC, Local Authority, LEADER+ 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.041 Juvenile Masons 160 Anniversary march Ballater Juvenile Masons A reunion march to celebrate a local tradition that was the little Masons march through Ballater. This event will bring residents together for the 160th Anniversary, involving old “little Masons”, and the children from the community, the march will be followed by a community celebration and dance 1350 800 31.08.04 2150 A - 16.09.04 16 38348 NH authorised advance of £450 on 15/11. Final payment made 02.03.05 (£900) "The reunion was a great success on the day. The march was led through the village by the local pipe band plus the Junior Band, creating a lot of interest to the visitors. …when everyone works together, projects, celebrations and certain village needs can be achieved. Approximately 250 took part in the event, dinner and march, with 100 people watching in the afternoon".Expected 80 registrations, got over 108 20 400 * * * * 7 * 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage Page 9 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.042 ShowBoate rs Boat of Garten Community Company The formation and performance of a production especially created to celebrate Boat of Garten being a part of the Cairngorms National Park. Eight short plays based on local legends have been commissioned and written by a playwright/actor especially for this occasion. Additionally, Theatre skills in Sound & Lighting Training 2700 114 15.09.04 2814 A - 16.09.04 2 Oct onwards with performanc es on 29 and 30 Dec 04 Advance paid 22.09.04 (£900), NH authorised final payment of £1,800 on 16/11 "Project exceeded all expectations and fulfilled all objectives …" "2 nights excellent entertainment for village and visitors - enhanced feeling of community involvement and pride in achievement of group." " Excellent idea (Grant Scheme), very speedy and helpful response... Thank you." 30 210 * 7 LEC, Awards for All/Lottery 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.044 ABC Xmas event Aviemore Business Association This is an event for Christmas involving the community and visitors. 3000 3000 1.10.04 6000 A - 21.10.04 20 Xmas 04 Advance payment made 7.12.04 Final paymemnt made 3.03.05 (£2000) The estimated turnout for the event exceeded 2500, with over 90 members of the group involved. ABA was pleased to be associated in partnership with the Cairngorms National Park in this event, ... believing that these partnerships are important to help to increase the economic benefit to our businesses and communities alike". 40 3500 * 7 LEC, Local Authority, Awards for All/Lottery, Other public or charitable funding. 4. Sustainable Communities Page 10 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.046 Laggan Walks Laggan Community Association The Festival is to celebrate Laggan’s new status as the western gateway to the Cairngorms National Park. It focuses on open space and traditional access and emphasises the opportunities for everyone from children to senior citizens and for those who live in the Park as well as visitors. It is hoped that the programme will ensure that children, young people and parents will become more aware of the many attractions on their own doorstep. 3000 70 21.09.04 3070 A - 21.09.04 1 October School break Advance paid 10.04 (£1000) Final payment made 4.03.05 (£2000) Aproximately 100 people were involved (locals and visitors). "The timing of the project to coincide with the autumn school break meant that our two children's events were well subscribed - both local and visiting children - and a great time was had despite the atrocious weather. This has generated a new familiarity and ownership of the Picnic and Pond area. Meanwhile, the forest events and exhibition of Laggan in the National Park have generated a sense of belonging to something tangible". 10 90 7 * LEC, Local Authority, Awards for All/Lottery, Other public or charitable funding 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.047 3 in the Park – Snowboard Series. Cairngorm Snowboard Club propose to run a snowboard event at each of the Ski areas in the National Park, Cairngorm, the Lecht and Glenshee. The competitions would be open to all but run as a series to encourage all competitors to attend all three events. 3000 150 4.10.04 3150 A - 21.10.04 17 Jan-Feb 05 Advance paid 11.01.05 (£1000). Final payment made 16.03.05 (£2000) The project was a success due to the excellent snow conditions and the funding received from the National Park. I think this event has raised awareness regarding the 3 ski areas in the National Park. It has helped to raise awareness of the Cairngorm Snowboard Club and has also highlighted the Lecht Ski Centre as being a suitable venue for bigger events in the future. 10 120 * 7 * * * * Local Sports Council 3. Special Qualities Understanding Page 11 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.048 Railway Volunteers Strathspey Railway Company Ltd. To advertise for and bring together a group consisting of men, women and young people, including those with a disability, from a number of areas within Cairngorms National Park, to provide them with training in maintenance and team working skills and an opportunity to practice these new skills. 2000 1340 23.09.04 3340 A - 21.10.04 28 Oct 04 - Feb 05 Advance paid £667. Final payment made 2.03.05 (£1426.06) "Phase 1 of the project has been completed successfully, although bad weather did keep volunteer numbers down". This will now allow them to progress to phase 2 and put into practice/continue the training of the volunteers. 19 7 7 LEC, Awards for All/Lottery, Other public or charitable funding 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage TO41.049 Braes Hogmanay Chapeltown Hall, Braes of Glenlivet We plan to hold a Hogmanay to celebrate the New Year and the forthcoming impact on our community of being part of the Cairngorms National Park. 2229.41 203 27.09.04 2432.41 A - 26.10.04 29 New Years night advance of £820 authorised on 5/11 Final payment made 2.03.05 (£1409.41) Report in, "The event was a great success, with over 90 people in attendance. Assistance from the scheme contributed to getting all those people involved and has increased interest and capacity in using the hall - the new facilities have already been booked and used for other local events". "I've never felt such a great atmosphere in Hogmanay!" 17 76 7 Local Authority, Awards for All/Lottery 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.052 Workshop series Carrumba plan to take the band out on the road over the Winter months, and have at least two of our practice sessions take place in villages like Newtonmore and Kingussie. These ‘Roadshows’ would hopefully attract new players to the band, especially focusing on the brass section we’re trying to promote this weekend. 2727.2 350 28.09.04 3077.2 A - 26.10.04 28 winter 04 NH authorised advance of £909 on 8/11 Final payment made 24.02.05 (£2091) "It was a socially-inclusive project bringing together a cross-generational group of people of different levels of skills and abilities. (The performance) also attracted interest from the BBC2 arts magazine programme, The Culture Show, with clips from the performance broadcast nationally. The collaboration between local people from communities throughout Badenoch and Strathspey provides the basis for building links between the communities and creating future opportunities to work together on other projects of common interest." Increase of grant proposed? 18 120 7 4. Sustainable Communities Page 12 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.054 Grantown Youth Project Grantown Community Centre / YMCA A series of arts programmes based within the community centre - drama group workshops and play, upgrading café-bar, arts and crafts business development. 3000 750 28.10.04 3750 A - 29.10.04 2 through the rest of this year advance of £567 paid 7.12.04 Final payment made 11.04.05 (£859.23) "Workshops were successful, with all but 1 being full. The young people who took part in the projects have gained a lot. Their confidence has been built to take part in new activities. Also, the projects enabled the centre to show we are hard working to further develop new activities for people in the community. Young people have learnt new skills which they have told me they have shared with their siblings, parents and friends". 50 14 7 Local Authority 4. Sustaianble Communities/ Park for All TO41.056 Graffiti Art and the Cairngorms area C.W.Y.D Aviemore Streetlink Project The Streetlink project will explore issues that are important to local youth, and their heritage within the Badenoch and Strathspey area. The medium of urban and graffiti art will be used. The subject matter will be the Cairngorm National Park, looking at the local issues in Badenoch & Strathspey 2010 28.09.04 2010 A - 13.10.04 15 18-22.10.04 Advance paid of £670 on 13.10.04. Final payment made 12.04.05 (£703.02) "The project was very definitely a success on a number of levels. Not only directly taking in social issues for the community, during the workshop, but also involving some education for the young people. By starting to allow the young people to take part in the National Park, it began to question their interpretation of the National Park and its heritage in a medium that suited their interest. Interest that hopefully will start to extend to future work we do around the Park and in the communities own ideas of development." 15 100 * 7 Local Authority, LEADER+, Rural Challenge Fund. 4. Sustaianble Communities/ Park for All TO41.057 Sport Any Way Braemar Braemar Disabled Ski and Outdoor Activities Club To set up an orienteering course based on usable pavements, footpaths and tracks in and around the village. An orienteering map and information pack of the village would have to be produced 1000 08.10.04 1000 A - 14.10.04 6 ongoing No appoval schedule supplied, but claim and report in order. Final payment made 5.04.05 (£807.21) "Local group members have only just completed the preparatory work, but it is expected that the project will attract a wide range of interests from pasing tourists, families and due to its all abilities orientation. By linking in both orienteering in a safe environment with historic, nature and childrens activity trails in the village there are also expected to be wider benefits to the local community and economy". 3 6 7 3. Special Qualities Understanding / Park for All Page 13 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.059 Looking Back and Forward BRAEMAR SCHOOL ASSOCIATIO N The project will involve the children in collecting oral history and working with art specialists, transforming this into a performance which relates the past development of the community with the future in regard to the village and the National Park. 3000 200 11.10.04 3200 A - 21.10.04 10 Jan-Feb 05 for 6 weeks NH authorised advance of £1,000 on 12/11. Final payment made 02.03.05 (£2000) Performance was "sold-out". "The activity was ambitious - we had to work hard so there is a real feeling of achievement. It has been very positive for the children to meet and talk to the older people in the community and to make an effort to do something for others. I hope that this has opened new doors for the children in terms of a lifelong enthusiasm for the arts". 28 97 7 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage TO41.073 JMA Model Award John Muir Award Cairngorm (Highland Wildlife Park) Generate a model JMA with Kingussie High School pupils, including awareness raising and environmental education resources about Moorlands at the Highland Wildlife Park. And as mobile displays 3000 885 13.08.04 3885 A - 13.10.04 61 (*clarificatio n of proposal took time) Autumn 04 Advance paid 21.10.04 (£1000), Final payment made 3.03.05 (£2000) "Many parens were pleased with their childrens keen involvement and the Kingussie H.S rector strongly wishes the partnership to continue. The boards and mini-moorland will provide a source of inspiration and education for visitors and future JMA participants. Ongoing work will use this as a resource for the local schools and JMA particpants". 21 150 7 LEC, Other public or charitable funding 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.074 Skate the Park BOAT OF GARTEN YOUTH ACTION GROUP To hold a Skateboard competition for the youth of Badenoch and Strathspey, bringing this community of interest together and showcasing the efforts of the Boat of Garten Youth Action Group in developing the facilities 920 150 27.09.04 1070 A - 13.10.04 16 16.10.04 Final payment made 28.10.04 (£613) "This project was a great success because it was programmed by youth, for youth." "It showed people that when a small village works together a lot can be achieved." 20 70 * 7 LEC, Other public or charitable funding (BBC children in need) 4. Sustainable Communities / Park for All Page 14 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.075 Drumguish Dykers Kincraig and Vicinity Community Council A weekend event to watch and learn and then participate in repairing and building stone walls. The event is open to all community members locally and in the surrounding area 693 30.09.04 693 A - 14.10.04 15 23-24.10.04 Finqal payment made 10.01.05 (£310.92) "A huge success! Virtually the whole community of Drumguish participated on the Saturday and about a dozen on the Sunday." "The tools & skills are now available in the community to enable us all to help each other out in the repair and maintenance of our own dykes." 35 3 7 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage TO41.076 Cairngorms Crystals Grantown Museum and Heritage Trust To bring together and publish in a booklet, information about the Cairngorm Crystal. This will be the first time this information has been brought together and made available to the public.- free to those using public facilities across the Park and available to be purchased by anyone interested 2948.55 2500 15.09.04 5448.55 A - 14.10.04 29 ongoing Advance paid 10.04 (£1000) Final payment released 2.03.05 (£1948.55). Awaiting booklet The success of the booklet depended upon the generosity of organisations and individuals loaning their specimens, photos, sharing of knowledge. Very grateful for the opportunity to carry out this project which we have long wished to do". 5 1000 * 7 * * * * LEC, Local Autority, LEADER+, Rural Challenge Fund, Other public or charitable funding. 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage Page 15 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.077 Squirrel Leaflet Badenoch and Strathspey Conservation Group To produce a colour leaflet on red squirrels and their conservation, with the support of experts and schools, to ensure it is in plain English and accurate 2997.12 04.10.04 2997.12 A - 14.10.04 10 ongoing Advance of £1000 paid 18.10.04 Final payment made 21 March 05 (£1951.78) "The leaflet project is giving a wide range of people an opportunity to gain more understanding about one of our most threatened mammals. It is encouraging people of all ages to appreciate wildlife and take an interest in securing its future and that of its pinewood habitat. We consider the focus it provides helps develop community pride in one of the special icons of the woodlands of the Cairngorms. The leaflet provides a resource that the community can provide to visitors. The leaflet provides a free resource that without support we could not have made available and we hope that grants such as this one will continue to be available for community groups". 10 1000 * 7 * * * * Other public or charitable funding 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage TO41.078 Cairngorm Capers GlenLivet and Inveravon Community Association Traditional Halloween party for children under 16 and their parents, under the theme of characters and information about the Cairngorms National Park 508 30.09.04 508 A- 14.10.04 14 29.10.04 NH authorised final payment of £334.31 on 16/11 "Very successful. It appeared that almost all the children in Glen Livet/Inveravon attended - plus some late holiday makers …". "Stipulating that fancy dress competition should reflect Park Life led to research by families". "A very local event." 25 140 7 LEC, Other public or charitable funding 4. Sustainable Communities TO41.079 There’s more to Clova than walking Clova Heritage Group Exhibition on static panels of Clova Heritage’s work in it‘s first year and the first year of the CNPA. To be shown at three locations in the Clova Glen on a rotational basis 2610.7 29.09.04 2610.7 A - 14.10.04 16 ongoing Advance paid 01.05 (£870) Final payment made 5.04.05 (£1830.15) Over 50 people involved to date with the displays expected to attract a lot more interest and wider use during the suummer. The group has been working quietly with the community to allay fears of a big tourist invasion due to the work of the group, and members of the community who were particularly wary of National Park status and influx of tourists are now more relaxed about the whole process.The group found the time-scale of the project very tight. 4 60 7 Local Authority 3. Special Qualities Understanding Page 16 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.080 Shinty in the Park The Camanachd Association To develop through a series of coaching in schools, and then a tournament, a festival of Shinty in the Badenoch and Strathspey area 1930 30.09.04 1930 A - 21.010.04 22 ongoing coaching, event on 27 Feb 05 NH authorised advance of £643 on 5/11 Final payment made 21.03.05 (£1094.77) "Shinty should now develop in the Strathspey area and we should see the forming of Strathspey Youth Shinty Club in 2005. Without the support of the CNPA, the coaching and festival of shinty may not have taken place. This funding has now laid the platform for a new club to be developed, with a nucleus of kids available to participate". 112 children took part with a further 50+ people involved in the Strath. 112 54 7 * LEC, Local Authority, Awards for All/Lottery 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.081 Newtonmor e Junior Curling Club Newtonmore Junior Curling Club The club will ensure that a regular opportunity is available to members and any junior interested to take up Curling in the Newtonmore area. The support sought will ensure that during the winter of 2004/05, the members can practice at the nearest facilities(Pitlochry), or weather permitting, outdoors in the Badenoch and Strathspey area 1420 29.09.04 1420 A - 21.10.04 22 ongoing NH authorised advance of £473 on 19/11. Final payment made 7.03.05 (£970) "The Newtonmore Curling Club has gained in that there are now several young curlers who are sufficiently competent to play in adult tournaments. This will hopefully allow the continuation of the sport within the local community". 15 3 7 * Sports Council 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.082 Nethybridge Dam Nethybridge Interpretive Project Ltd To reinstate and make accessible a log floating dam and channel, along with locally developed interpretive panels. 3000 3000 30.10.04 6000 A - 21.10.04 21 ongoing NH authorised advance of £1,000 on 5/11 Final payment made 11.03.05 (£1999.99) "The project has allowed a remarkable example of the area's industrial archaeology to be restored and accessed by all, thus ensuring its historical significance to the local community is preserved and not forgotten.The involvement of local members of the community in the development and implementation of the project has helped to stimulate interest in the local heritage. Future involvement of local schools will take place in the summer". 6 2 7 LEC, Local Authority, LEADER+, Awards for All/Lottery, Rural Challenge Fund 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage Page 17 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 Appendix 2 03/06/05 CNP SGS Ref. No. Project Title Registered Community Name Description of Project SGS Input (£) Other Funds (£) Log in date Total cost (£) Status (Date) * Log in to Approval processing time (days) Date of Event/ Activity Notes Report Notes No. of Group Members involved No. of Other persons involved Badenoch (group base 7, activity area *) Strathspey (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Moray (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Donside (group base 7, activity area *) Upper Deeside (group base 7, activity area *) Angus Glens (group base 7, activity area *) From who had the group previously got funding? National Park Aim closest fit TO41.083 Wade Heritage Garden WADE CENTRE The project seeks to bring together the community of users of the centre, their families and friends, local school children, and specialist rangers and Folk Museum staff to develop a heritage garden at the centre 3000 1.10.04 3000 A - 21.10.04 20 ongoing Advance paid 11.04 (£1000) Final payment made 31.03.05 (£2000) "The partnership working was agreat success and it is hoped will be sustainable in the years to come. The project enabled varied members of our local community to come together as one with varied skills and knowledge in order to achieve a common goal. 32 34 7 3. Special Qualities Understanding TO41.085 Dulnain Bridge Hall Windows DULNAIN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL TRUST Proposal to reinstate windows in the front of Dulnain Bridge Village hall 3000 18.10.04 3000 A - 26.10.04 8 Windows to go in on 18 March, event just after NH authorised advance of £1,000 on 15/11. Final payment made on 05.04.05 (£177.84) The hall is now beautiful inside and out. The lighter airier feel adds new life to what was already a busy and well used building. The project has encouraged even more people to be aware of the hall and how lovely it is, and awareness will continue and grow as the hall is used for events.This scheme is exactly what we were looking for to enable this project to happen. 60 people involved in the project. 15 45 * 7 * LEC, Local Authority 1. Natural & Cultural Heritage Total 1365 17390 7 = 14 * = 16 7 = 19 * = 13 7 = 5 * = 15 7 = 2 * = 15 7 = 6 * = 13 7 = 2 * = 13 1 = 12, 2 = 0, 3 = 18, 4 = 19 2126.806 2041.431 61.2245 £508 to £7,700 10.6122 27.8571 382.755 Average Grant Offer Average Actual Grant Given Average Number of persons * A - Approved, P - Processing, R - Rejected % of grants @ 100%+ Max & Min total project size Average Log in to approval period Average group size Page 18