WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Page 1 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 6 Annex 1 03/09/10 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones Conserving and Enhancing Biodiversity and Landscapes 1 The landscape framework is completed and is actively supporting decision making for land and habitat managers, planning and development. Landscape Character Assessment adopted and used as basis for framework. Framework completed and adopted by CNPA board. The framework is on track for 2012 completion. There has been progress on analysis of the new Landscape Character Assessment and development of a matrix highlighting the major influences on landscape change within the NP. A programme of engagement on landscape values has been designed and will be delivered by spring 2011. 2 The Cairngorms Biodiversity Recording System continues to be developed, increasing records in less well covered part of the Park. Contributions to data are increasing and support for recorders is in place. At least 40,000 new records per annum Increase in range of recorders per annum. At least 40,000 new records per annum Increase in range of recorders per annum. Good progress is being made on record collection. More recorders have been recruited though four recorder training days and a Recorders forum at Boat of Garten in spring 2010. 1500 recording booklets have been printed and most now issued to groups. A pilot for visitors recording has been trialled this year. 3 Support for existing projects on priority species and habitats is maintained, and new action begun. The potential for reintroduction of locally extinct species will be evaluated. Review of potential reintroductions completed Ongoing increase in numbers of species for which positive action is underway. First steps of reintroductions programme initiated if agreed. Ongoing increase in numbers of species for which positive action is underway. Positive action is being maintained for key LBAP priority species including Red Squirrel, Wildcat, Water vole and a number of rare plants such as creeping lady tresses, twinflower and Small cow wheat. A new programme of raptor tagging has started including the first two peregrine falcons in the UK. This also includes Hen Harrier and Golden Eagle. 4 Active community engagement in cultural heritage is supported through action on conservation and awareness- raising. At least 10 new community cultural heritage projects underway. Action plan in place for continued community support beyond CHO project. The CHO is currently engaged in approximately 20 projects include Crofting Connections, Heritage Paths, curriculum for excellence and Shinty heritage. Cultural Heritage conference was held in June 2010. The CHO is actively engaged in increasing communication between community heritage groups around the park as a follow up to the conference. Integrating Public Support for Land Management 5 There are effective networks for land managers to share good practice, advise and inform policy. 100 famers and land managers actively participating in forums. 100 famers and land managers actively participating in forums. The third meeting of the Farmers Forum was arranged for June but due to low attendance at that time of year has been postponed until end of the August. This next forum meeting will be on the theme of food and drink Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 2 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Milestone March Milestone March Comment on Progress towards 2 year Achievement April 2010 to 2011 2012 achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones March 2012 25 training events in year 25 training events in year Nine events for land based businesses have been organised by delivered for land delivered for land CNPA in this period. Several events from other managers. managers. organisations have been promoted to our mailing lists. 6 Proactive advice and training enables land managers to make the most of SRDP and other funds to help deliver the priorities of the National Park Plan. 7 Mitigation and adaptation action is taken to contribute to national climate change targets through land use. Woodfuel Action Plan launched and report on delivery. Pilot project on land management adaptation for flood management established. Woodfuel Action Plan to be launched by Richard Lochhead MSP at the Grantown Show on 12 August and full plan to be published in Autumn 2010. Progress has been made in delivering actions in the plan include two firewood festivals, training on farm woodlands and woodfuel, information of the Low Carbon Cairngorms website and a series of 10 Woodfuel case studies published. Supporting Sustainable Deer Management 8 A deer management framework will be in place guiding management to achieve a range of objectives underpinned by good habitat condition. Deer management framework completed. Regular habitat monitoring in place. This is progressing well. The full draft of the Deer Framework has now been prepared and sent to CDAG for discussion and further amendment at their meeting in August 2010. Habitat monitoring is a facet of the framework which will be monitored by the Cairngorms Deer Advisory Group. 9 There will be greater public awareness and understanding of deer management, its environmental and economic value. At least 3 public facing events held. At least 3 public facing events held. Three events are planned for September 2010. One aimed at encouraging chefs to use venison and to promote the value of the deer industry. One to promote the Quality Wild Venison Assurance Scheme to land managers. One to work with local schools to broaden understanding of deer management. There is also preliminary work being undertaken to encourage more people to experience deer stalking in order to fully appreciate the skill and expertise involved in keeping to best practice mangement. Providing High Quality Opportunities for Outdoor Access 10 Outdoor Access Authority duties are delivered effectively and efficiently and advice and support on outdoor access rights and responsibilities is promoted and upheld. Live caseload of access issues does not exceed 40 cases. 11 The Core Paths Plan is adopted and 90% 70% of network is fit for Live caseload of access Substantial progress has been made in resolving access case issues does not exceed 40 with the current live caseload being 36 with 19 closed to cases. date. The dogs campaign is addressing irresponsible behaviour through engagement with community groups. 90% of network is fit for 43% of the network is currently Òfit for purpose.Ó A Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 3 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones of the 932 Km of paths network will be Òfit for purposeÓ. purpose. purpose. programme of works, principally targeted at addressing directional signs, will assist in achieving the 2011 milestone. 12 Construction Work has commenced on Speyside Way extension and will be completed in three year period. Planning permission granted and paths agreements orders in place. Construction work commenced. A Path Order has been objected to and this will result in a local inquiry later this year. It is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted in autumn 2010. 13 New Strategic Outcome: The Cairngorms Outdoor Access Trust (COAT) is delivering National Park Plan priorities within a robust 4-year business plan to 2015 and is levering significant external funding into the Park. 9.5 km of low ground paths upgraded Funding leverage CNPA; others is 1:3 Mountain Heritage Path Programme commenced. Funding leverage CNPA; others is 1:3 7.85 kms of path upgraded with planning and path agreements in place to allow for completion in the current financial year. Funding leverage in the current financial year exceeds 1:4. (£185,000 out of £740,000 total) 14 Half of communities in the Park have new path leaflet in line with CNP guidance. 4 Community Path Leaflets published following CNP Guidance. 8 Community Path Leaflets published following CNP Guidance. A path leaflet is now available in Nethy Bridge and others are in development in Boat of Garten, Ballater and Kingussie. These will be completed in the current financial year. 15 Health professionals are aware of the walking groups in their area and actively refer people to them. Groups are available in 10 of 18 communities. Increasing annual participation. Groups are available in 15 of 18 communities. Increasing annual participation. There are now 10 communities in which at least one health walk group is operating. Making Tourism and Business More Sustainable 16 The Park brand is recognised as a mark of quality and positive environmental management and is actively sought by businesses. 10% annual increase in number of businesses using the Park brand. 10% annual increase in number of businesses using the Park brand. 220 businesses and organisations using the brand as at July 2010. Milestones are on target but risk remains as encouraging businesses to engage in quality and environmental accreditation schemes (GTBS in particular) remains challenging. This risk will increase significantly from Oct 10 as staff changes within CNPA will reduce the time available for brand promotion and management. Complementary work on an environmental support scheme for the Park has not helped as much as hoped but work continues to refine this with Business Gateway (old corporate plan achievement). Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 4 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones 17 Mitigation and adaptation action being taken to contribute to national climate change targets and environmental sustainability through best business practice. Food and Drink Development Plan approved and match funding for Phase 1 secured. 3 significant Phase 1 projects under way On track for year 1 and 2 milestones. Food and Drink Development Plan nearing completion. Funding application (LEADER and other sources) being prepared in autumn 2010. Early projects underway in July (food and drink guide and producers directory). Internal CNPA staff changes will impact on the resources available to drive forward the development plan from Oct 10. 18 The Cairngorms Business Partnership (CBP) is delivering National Park Plan priorities within a robust 3-year business plan and is levering significant external funding into the Park. CBP Marketing Plan approved and membership increasing to 500 businesses. CBP three year Business Plan approved and membership increasing to between 500 and 750 businesses. CBP marketing review underway and due to report in autumn 2010. Membership currently 276 and increasing steadily. Big membership drive to follow later in 2010 on back of marketing and website work. Negotiations ongoing with business plan development and interaction with NPP priorities. Some risk remains as CBP is still in early stages of development. 19 Opportunities for visitors to make contributions to the sustainable management of the National Park are actively promoted and well used. System in place to improve promotion of opportunities. Value of contributions is assessed. Value of contributions has increased. Ad hoc system currently in place to direct potential contributors to suitable projects/activities. More time and resources required to meet the milestones. 20 17 communities within the Park have community action plans in place in line with National Park Plan. 12 action plans agreed throughout the Park in total. 17 action plans agreed through out the Park in total. The community consultation in Tomintoul, Aviemore, Rothiemurchus, Glenmore and Kincraig is underway. This will result in the 12 action plans being agreed by March 2011. 21 Through acting as lead authority, the Authority ensures that the Cairngorms LEADER rural development programmeÕs investment are targeted towards LEADERÕs strategic outcomes of revitalising communities and a progressive rural economy and hence makes a positive contribution to the National Park Plan. Assessment of beneficiary data confirms business plan remains on track to deliver programme outputs. Assessment of beneficiary data confirms business plan remains on track to deliver programme outputs. £1.7m of LEADER funds committed out of £2.17 budget to date, in line with Programme end in 2013; a further £2.7m of match funding invested in the Park through the LEADER activity plus £70k of in kind contributions. Many projects in support of Park objectives supported see www.cairngorms-leader.org for full information Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 5 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones Making Housing More Affordable and Sustainable 22 The Authority achieves an increase in the proportion of affordable housing from relevant developments through the interaction of its planning policies and development management activities. An increasing trend in the proportion of affordable housing arising from relevant planning approvals. An increasing trend in the proportion of affordable housing arising from relevant planning approvals. Local Plan policy agreed to secure 25-40% affordable housing for all housing developments. 23 Through proactive research and engagement with partners, the Authority identifies and promotes suitable sites for affordable housing. Annual increase in area of land being considered as having potential for affordable housing. Annual increase in area of land being considered as having potential for affordable housing. Active engagement with partners is ongoing to identify suitable sites and projects for affordable housing. 24 The Authority helps stimulates a wider range of affordable housing initiatives coming forward for development within the National Park. Support 2 Rural Housing Enablers, and initiatives with private landowners/ developers at 4 sites. Support 2 Rural Housing Enablers and initiatives with private landowners/ developers at 4 sites. Progress is being made in identifying unsubsidised affordable housing projects in Highland, Aberdeenshire and Moray with landowners and improving the quality of properties and reducing fuel poverty in partnership with the Local Authorities, Rural Housing Enablers and the SRPBA and other partners. 25 The Authority promotes improvements in the sustainable design of housing within the National Park. Adoption and promotion of sustainable design guide. Promotion of at least one new demonstration event. Assessment of sustainability against design guide. Promotion of at least one new demonstration event. Sustainable Design Guide to be adopted in October 2010. Raising Awareness and Understanding of the National Park 26 A two year ranger transition programme has been delivered to consolidate the family of ranger services in the National Park. All ranger services funded by CNPA actively use the National Park brand. All ranger services actively use the National Park brand. Good progress made with ranger branding of uniforms and some vehicles. Future priorities for ranger services will be discussed at LOAF in August and with CNPA Board in October. 27 A National Park web portal is in place and working effectively to meet customers/users needs. CNP Web portal launched. Web 2 functions added to CNP web portal to improve understanding of external views of the Discussions are continuing with CBP to ensure that the portal and visitcairngorms website are complimentary. The web portal is expected to Ôgo liveÕ on a low key basis by the end of August for a test period of a few months when Ôcritical Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 6 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones National Park. friendsÕ will be asked for their feedback. Future developments and any changes will then be discussed with CBP once their marketing review is available. 28 Information about National Park and its special qualities is available in key places (NNRs, visitor centres and attractions, and communities). Total of 3 ranger bases upgraded and 3 community info panels installed. Total of 7 ranger bases upgraded and 6 community info panels installed. Good progress with new interpretation installed in Crown Estate base and Loch Muick (Balmoral) due in August. Plans for Glen Tanar being developed. Community panels produced for Glenlivet, Carr-bridge and Nethy Bridge (paths) with installation due summer 2010. Progress being made with a community panel in Braemar. 29 Educational resources and programmes have been developed and a variety of formal and informal Park-related, outdoor learning opportunities have been delivered. Cairngorms Outdoor Learning Network launched. Site specific education materials launched at 2 NNRs and Outdoor learning conference held. Good progress made with Cairngorms Learning Zone website launched and work started on NNR resource packs for Abernethy and Muir of Dinnet. ÔMaking the Most of National ParksÕ resource pack launched and distributed at six Learning Teaching Scotland outdoor learning seminars. 30 Boundary expansion programme has been delivered, ensuring consistent treatment of the National Park. A9 Marker installed and significant visitor publications/websites modified. 4 boulders and A93 marker installed. Detailed designs for A9 marker installation prepared. Costs for the project to be presented to Finance Committee in August. Advertisement consent for the four boulders received and manufacture underway. New range of visitor maps for the expanded CNP in production. 31 State of the Park Report published to inform development of the next National Park Plan. State of the Park update prepared for publication alongside draft NPP. Monitoring arrangements for new NPP in place. Good progress made so far with the collation of a set of National Park health indicators. Strategy and Communications 32 The Authority delivers an effective lead role in the enabling and co-ordinated delivery of National Park Plan outcomes to 2012. 90% outcomes on track to be achieved. Outcomes achieved. National Park Plan progress review 2009/10 prepared for publication shows 78% of outcomes currently on track to be achieved. Delivery teams and bilateral co-ordination continues. 33 Engage partners and stakeholders in development of the next National Park Draft NPP prepared ready for public consultation. New NPP approved by Ministers. Engagement with stakeholders and communities ongoing from July 2010 to inform board discussions and draft plan in 2011. Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 7 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones Plan 2012-17. 34 Prepare and report on CNPA Corporate Plan and National Park Plan delivery. Annual Reports published by 31 July Regular monitoring reports to Board. Annual Reports published by 31 July Regular monitoring reports to Board. NPP progress report and CNPA annual report for 2009/10 have been delivered. There are regular updates for staff and board on monitoring and delivery. 35 A Communications Strategy is in place emphasising raising awareness of the National Park and focusing on National Park-based communications and linkage with the communications work of partners. Evaluation of media coverage highlights positive progress in media (public) awareness of NP. Evaluation of media coverage highlights positive progress in media (public) awareness of NP. Work is on-going through SEARS, ANPA and regular meetings with LLTTNPA and SNH to promote the work of NPs and to bring NPs into the communication strategy of partner organisations. Work is on-going with LTTNPA to agree NP messages which will lead future comms work. There have been a number of successes in relation to media profile and interest in Park, both through CNPA and partner work. CNPA comms strategy being re-developed. 36 The Authority ensures that efficient, effective collaboration is established with key partners, and that partnersÕ actual and planned contributions are explicitly reflected in their organisational plans and reports. Evaluation of partnersÕ plans and reports highlights positive reflection of their contribution to the NP. Evaluation of partnersÕ plans and reports highlights positive reflection of their contribution to the NP. A framework for evaluating key partners contributions to the National Park Plan will be developed in 2010 for use in 2011/12. The results of the evaluation and ease of use of the framework will also provide feedback to improve monitoring of the next National Park Plan. 37 Analysis of the most effective contributions that partners in the National Park can make towards national climate change targets and a collective focus on creating a low carbon National Park. Baseline analysis of potential for carbon savings in the National Park. Collective priority action for low carbon NP set out in new 5 year NPP. Partnership with SAC agreed to develop baseline analysis. Initial workshop with technical experts held March 2010, follow up workshop scheduled by end of 2010. Preparation of climate change scenarios to inform planning underway. Planning and Development Management 38 The Authority provides a planning service for the National Park that is proactive, efficient and effective, and that contributes to achieving the Park aims Effective: % applications determined within 4 months of call-in. Efficient: no. of Effective: % applications determined within 4 months of call-in. Efficient: no. of Work is ongoing on improving the effectiveness of the planning service within the new structure. The application caseload is now in the order of 22 active applications which is manageable. Call-in is around 12%. E-planning with Loch Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 8 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Achievement April 2010 to March 2012 Milestone March 2011 Milestone March 2012 Comment on Progress towards 2 year achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones and to delivery of the National Park Plan. applications determined per FTE NPP: through other KPIs / milestones applications determined per FTE NPP: through other KPIs / milestones Lomond and the Trossachs NPA should come on stream later this year, which will further expedite processing of applications. 39 Local Plan is in place and used as a basis for encouraging and managing sustainable development in the Park. Local Plan adopted. Local Plan policies referenced in active use by local authorities in development management. Consultation on post-inquiry modifications complete. Local Plan scheduled for adoption in October 2010. 40 The Authority has made significant progress in the development of the Local Development Plan for the National Park. Consultation completed on main Issues Report. Preparation of proposed plan. Initial stage to assess development sites for possible inclusion in Local Development Plan underway and due to be completed in November 2010. Co-ordinated engagement on NPP and LDP underway to inform main issues report. 41 Supplementary guides are in place including Sustainable Design Guide, Renewable Energy, Developer Contributions, Natural Heritage, Landscape and Carbon. All Supplementary Guidance adopted Supplementary guidance referenced in active use by local authorities in development management. Preparation of all guidance underway. 1st phase of Supplementary Guidance to be adopted in October 2010, 2nd phase March 2011. 42 Enforcement monitoring of the local plan and planning and development management process and conditions. Reviews undertaken of 50 developments or expression of concern. Reviews undertaken of 50 developments or expressions of concern. MEO in post Feb 2009. CNPA Enforcement Charter agreed July 2009. Following 69 reviews April 2009 to March 2010, process in place to achieve milestones in 2011 and 2012. First report to Planning Committee September 2010. MEO protocol meetings have been set up with 5 LAs. 43 E-Planning regime established and widely used. E-planning system implemented. E-planning system performing effectively. Online Local Development Plan system hosted by LL&T, installation completed and tested and expected to be fully operational by December 2010. Online Planning Information System to be hosted by LL&T, proposal currently under consideration and planned implementation in March 2011. Corporate Services 44 Lead, co-ordinate & deliver service improvement priorities, focusing in particular on development of shared Positively assessed delivery of CNPA Best Value action plan and NPA Positively assessed delivery of CNPA Best Value action plan and NPA Joint procurement officer in place with formal service delivery arrangements to be finalised. First 3 joint HR processes signed off by both NPAs. Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10 Page 9 Cairngorms National Park Authority Corporate Plan Monitoring: Progress Against 46 Achievements 7th Update June 2010 Revised Strategic Outcome / Milestone March Milestone March Comment on Progress towards 2 year Achievement April 2010 to 2011 2012 achievement AND Years 1&2 milestones March 2012 corporate services between NPAs. joint working plan. Efficient and effective service provision to public and partners is supported through appropriate training and development and evidenced by appropriate independent service assessment. Balanced scorecard KPIs shows satisfactory complaints handling. Lead own internal organisational greening initiatives to identify and implement sustainability improvements in policies and practices. 2% to 3% annual reduction in carbon emissions from CNPA business travel. joint working plan. 45 Balanced scorecard KPIs All KPIs currently show satisfactory service delivery. Staff shows satisfactory survey conducted through ÒBest Places to WorkÓ highlights complaints handling. effective training and development systems in place. Low level of service complaints. 46 2% to 3% annual reduction Replacement of two pool cars in June 2010 with lower CO2 in carbon emissions from ratings plus purchase of electric car. Achieved reduction of CNPA business travel. over 10% CO2 emissions compared with 4% to 6% target in last 2 years. 47 CNPA operates to total Efficiency savings target exceeded in 2009/10 and 2010/11 on expenditure within target The Authority operates to budget, and meets Scottish Government efficiency expectations. 2% efficiency savings delivered. The Authority implements internal equalities action plans and, through promotion of equalities in procurement and other core systems, encourages best practice in equalities action in other organisations. Positive overall assessment of equalities action plan implementation. track to deliver total efficiencies at end of 3 year programme range of -2% to +1% of in excess of £300k compared with £280k target. total income. 48 Positive overall Equality Impact Assessments completed for five generic areas assessment of equalities of activity, including community engagement, print and action plan publications, websites, holding events and training. Three year implementation. review of Gender Equality Scheme and Race Equality Scheme published on 29 June 2010. Developing proposals for promoting equality to external organisations through use of brand, grants programme, and the procurement process. Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Papers for 3 Sept meeting :Board:CNPA Bd Paper 6 Annex 1 Corp Pl Update No 7 June 2010.doc 29/08/10