WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 3 3/12/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: BOARD MEETINGS IN 2005 Prepared by: Andy Rinning, Systems Support Manager David Cameron, Head of Corporate Services Purpose To propose a schedule of Board and Committee meetings for 2005. Recommendations That the Board approve the proposed schedule of Board and Committee meetings for 2005. That the Board agree that Staffing and Recruitment Committee meetings are called as required during 2005 until an established cycle of business is established. Executive Summary A proposed schedule of Board, Planning Committee, Finance Committee and Audit Committee meetings has been drawn up for 2005, together with suggested locations for each. The precise venue to be used at each location will be determined in due course. BOARD MEETINGS IN 2005 Background 1. During 2004 the Board has adopted a policy of holding its meetings and those of its committees in different venues around the Park. 2005 Meeting Schedule 2. A proposed meeting schedule for 2005 is appended to this paper. This schedule aims to continue the practice of moving meetings around the Park. The location of meetings has been included, although some venues have been identified the remainder have yet to be determined. 3. The schedule covers full Board meetings and those of its Planning, Finance and Audit Committees. Finance and Audit Committees have been scheduled to take place prior to Planning Committee meetings. 4. At this stage, Staffing and Recruitment Committee meetings have not been built into the schedule. It is proposed that these meetings should be called as required, until an established cycle of business is established. Andy Rinning David Cameron 25 November 2004 andyrinning@cairngorms.co.uk davidcameron@cairngorms.co.uk Paper 3 Annex 1 3/12/04 BOARD MEETINGS IN 2005 JAN 14 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Aviemore Cairngorm Hotel 28 Planning Ballater Albert Hall FEB 11 Finance 0930 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Tomintoul Village Hall 25 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall MAR 11 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Newtonmore Village Hall 24 Audit0930 Planning 1030 Grantown area Tbc APR 8 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Carrbridge Village Hall 22 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall MAY 6 Finance 0930 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Dykehead/Kirriemuir Tbc 20 Planning 1030 Grantown area Tbc JUN 3 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Aboyne The Victory Hall 17 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall 1 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Nethy Bridge Community Centre JUL 15 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall 29 Planning 1030 Lecht Lecht Centre AUG 12 Finance 0930 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Crathie/Braemar Tbc 26 Audit 0930 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall SEP 9 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Edzell Panmuir Arms Hotel 23 Planning 1030 Grantown area Tbc OCT 7 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Strathdon Tbc 21 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall NOV 4 Finance 0930 Planning 1030 Board 1330 Kingussie Community Centre 18 Planning 1030 Grantown area Tbc 2 Planning 0130 Board 1330 Ballater Albert Hall DEC 16 Audit 0930 Planning 1030 Grantown area Tbc 30 Planning 1030 Ballater Albert Hall