WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Date 04/06/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: CAIRNGORMS MARKETING STRATEGY Prepared by: ANDREW HARPER, HEAD OF ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUATHY DONALD, BUSINESS & MARKETING OFFICER Purpose The purpose of this paper is to inform the Board of the key elements of the Cairngorms Marketing Strategy, as developed and endorsed by the Tourism Development Working Group, and to seek the Boards endorsement of the Strategy. The complete Marketing Strategy is at Annex 1. Recommendations • The Board are invited to consider the Marketing Strategy and endorse the document as the way forward. Executive Summary The Marketing Strategy sets out the long-term vision for tourism in the Cairngorms; identifies the key marketing aims, and outlines the mechanisms for the delivery of these aims. Sustainable tourism is the overarching principle that underpins the Marketing Strategy and its subsequent delivery. It is therefore recognised that the Strategy may need to be adapted once the Sustainable Tourism Strategy is finalised in early 2005. The Strategy is supported by an Action Plan outlining its implementation, and this is in the final stages of preparation. CAIRNGORMS MARKETING STRATEGY Background 1. The development of a Cairngorms Marketing Strategy was identified as a key issue for tourism by the Tourism Development Working Group (TDWG) as outlined to the Board in Paper 1 of the January 2004 Board meeting. 2. In January the Strategy was in initial draft form. Since then it has been developed and finalised by a Marketing Sub Group of the TDWG, with the Strategy approved by the TDWG at their last meeting on the 12th May. Introduction 3. The Strategy outlines the vision and key aims for tourism in the Cairngorms; the strategic and policy contexts within which it operates, the key issues in terms of the tourism market and explains how these aims can be effectively delivered. 4. It is recognised that the Strategy is a dynamic document, capable of, and likely to be adapted as a result of the planned work on the Sustainable Tourism Strategy, and as improved information on consumer needs becomes available. Content of the Strategy 5. The vision for the future is to “establish the Cairngorms as one of the worlds most spectacular National Parks with a reputation for superb visitor facilities and services and access to a landscape of unrivalled natural beauty in which businesses can flourish in harmony with the natural environment.” 6. There are three key aims of the Strategy, supporting the overall objective, these are to:- • Utilise the opportunities created by the designation of the Cairngorms as a National Park to position the area as a quality destination for all to enjoy. • Encourage both new and returning visitors to continue returning, either on a more frequent, or longer stay basis. • Ensure that all marketing activity is delivered in an integrated and co-ordinated way, thereby maximising the area’s potential. 7. These aims have been developed following a SWOT analysis of the Cairngorms as a product and as a result of up to date market research on the national and local tourism market. 8. Due to the diversity of the area and the number of stakeholders involved in marketing and promoting tourism, the delivery of these aims will only successfully be achieved through partnership working to achieve a cohesive approach and avoid duplication. This will enable the development and creation of strong and cohesive brand for the area and developments and improvements to communication, both to consumers and to and with stakeholders. The provision of relevant market research on consumer needs, will assist the delivery of these aims for the Park as a whole and provide the tourism industry with valuable information to assist the development of individual businesses. Implementation 9. An Action Plan is in the process of being finalised. The Plan will identify the key priorities for action, the timescale within which these actions will be delivered and by whom, and where relevant, the costs associated with this action. The implementation of these actions will not be restricted internally within the Park Authority to one specific Group or Working Group, reflecting the integrated nature of the organisation, the Strategy and the Action Plan ANDREW HARPER RUATHY DONALD 25th May 2004 andrewharper@cairngorms.co.uk ruathydonald@cairngorms.co.uk