WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Annex 3 04/09/09 Annex 3 – CNPA Ranger Grant Application, Annual Work Programme Annual Work Programme and Local Monitoring CNPA Objectives for Rangers CNPA Ranger Grant Outputs Ranger Service Outputs Ranger Service Targets and Milestones Progress summary The specific objectives CNPA wants to see Ranger Services deliver. The specific outputs that Ranger Services deliver for CNPA funding. The specific outputs that the Ranger Service applying for grant will deliver to be eligible for CNPA funding. Include all tasks but focus on Key Tasks of particular interest. Include number of days (for each CNPA Objective -1.1, 1.2 etc -for Rangers not per output). Defined steps towards achieving Output. Link to payment schedule. No need to include targets & milestones for every individual output – agree an appropriate number of key ones with CNPA. Record of achievement against milestones. NB -Please provide information on nationally reported outputs in a separate table -Annex C Ranger Aim 1: To ensure a warm welcome and provide support for people to enjoy the outdoors. 1.1 People are aware of the opportunities to enjoy the outdoors in the Cairngorms National Park. •Sites, routes, activities & events effectively promoted. •Promotional material distributed through press, leaflets, web-sites, newsletters etc. days 1.2 People can find out about how to make the most of the places they visit in the Cairngorms National Park. •Visitor facilities planned and managed to secure broad appeal. •Orientation, way marking and information and advice provided. days 1.3 People from all sectors of society are encouraged to use the sites, facilities and activities provided by the ranger service. •Community outreach work completed •Events/activities to attract broader range of users/specific target groups to sites completed. days Ranger Aim 2: To increase awareness, understanding, care and responsible use of the natural and cultural heritage. PAGE 2 Annual Work Programme and Local Monitoring CNPA Objectives for Rangers CNPA Ranger Grant Outputs Ranger Service Outputs Ranger Service Targets and Milestones Progress summary 2.1 People have a greater understanding and awareness of the special qualities of the Cairngorms National Park, including the natural and cultural heritage. •Events and Interpretation programmes for local people and visitors developed and delivered. •Educational and learning programmes for schools and communities developed and delivered. days 2.2 People have opportunities to care for and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the Cairngorms National Park. •Work with volunteers and community- based groups to deliver practical action etc completed. days 2.3 The public and land managers are aware of their responsibilities under the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and are encouraged to act to support the sustainable management and use of the outdoors to meet a range of social, economic and environmental objectives appropriately. •Promotional SOAC activities completed – publications, events, displays, leaflets, talks etc. •Local source of advice on SOAC provided. •Support and liaison with the public, land managers and the CNPA Access Team on access issues and promotion of responsible behaviour. days Ranger Aim 3: To support the sustainable management and use of the outdoors to meet a range of social, economic and environmental objectives. PAGE 3 Annual Work Programme and Local Monitoring CNPA Objectives for Rangers CNPA Ranger Grant Outputs Ranger Service Outputs Ranger Service Targets and Milestones Progress summary 3.1 A clear role for rangers within the co-ordinated planning, provision and management of access, countryside and greenspace resources. •Input and advice to Local Access Forum provided. •LBAP and Species Action Plan work completed. •Input to relevant strategies and initiatives – core paths planning, sustainable tourism, community planning, conservation projects etc. provided. days 3.2 Sites and facilities for enjoying the outdoors are well managed to required standards and their use monitored to ensure the needs of local communities and visitors are met. •Preparation and review of site management plans. •Infrastructure managed. •H&S inspections completed. •Actions to respond to the requirements of visitors with special needs undertaken. •Visitor monitoring completed. days 3.3 The natural and cultural heritage of the places valued by people is well cared for and enhanced. •Site improvement work completed. •Site management & monitoring completed. days