WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 05/10/07 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DECISION Title: Election of Deputy Convener Prepared by: Jane Hope, Chief Executive Purpose a) To set out the process for election of Deputy Convener; b) To remind Members that nominations will be sought at the meeting itself. Members who are absent may be nominated provided they have indicated to the Convener their consent to being nominated. Recommendations That the Board: a) follow the process as set out in standing orders already approved; b) agree that any vote should be by secret ballot. Executive Summary The election of the Deputy Convener is governed by the CNPA’s standing Orders. The Board agreed at its meeting on 10 August 2007 an amendment to Standing Orders to allow the next election to take place at the meeting on 5 October 2007 (as opposed to the date of 10 August which otherwise would have been the due date). The election will be by absolute majority. The election will be conducted by the Convener, as the chair of the meeting. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CONVENER – FOR DECISION Process of Election – Extract from Standing Orders 1. The following extract from the CNPA’s standing orders sets out the process of election: 2. In accordance with schedule 1, paragraph 11, of the Act, the board elects the Convener and Deputy Convener from among its number. At the second-last CNPA meeting before the term of office of a current Convener expires, election of the next convener shall take place. The process of election for convener shall be conducted by the proper officer. The process of election will be as follows: a) The chair will seek nominations from members of the NPA at the meeting. Any member may propose another NPA member as convener, and a third member must second the nomination for it to be valid. b) Each candidate who has a valid nomination will be asked if they wish to make a short statement to the meeting. c) Members who are absent from the meeting may be put forward for election, provided they have indicated to the convener their consent to being nominated. A statement by such a candidate may be circulated at the meeting. d) Election will be by absolute majority, as follows: • Members may only cast one vote in each round of voting; • Only Members who are present may vote; • Once the first set of votes has been cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be excluded; • A fresh vote will be taken on the remaining candidates where again each member can only cast one vote for the candidate of their choice; again the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be excluded. • This process will continue until one candidate emerges with an absolute majority of the votes cast by those members present and voting. • Where there is an equality of votes among those candidates who have least votes, then a decision on who is to be excluded will be determined by lot. • If it is the case that there is only one candidate for either position, then that person will be declared elected. 3. The duration of the office of Convener and Deputy Convener will be 3 years (unless the member concerned ceases to be a Member of the NPA, or resigns from the position of Convener/Deputy Convener before the end of the period). 4. For cases in which a Convener/Deputy Convener resigns or ceases to be a Member, the above process will apply, as the first item of business, at the next board meeting following the vacancy arising. 5. The above process in paragraphs 4-5 will also apply to the election of Deputy Convener, which shall take place after the election of Convener if both posts are to be decided at the same meeting. Additional Considerations 6. Your attention is drawn to the fact that the current Deputy Convener was appointed for 3 years on 10 September 2004. An amendment to Standing Orders was approved on 10 August 2007, to allow for the next election to take place at today’s meeting (5 October 2007). 7. The standing orders are silent on whether or not a vote should be by secret ballot or by show of hands. I propose, in keeping with the first elections on 15 April 2003, and subsequent elections in 2004, that the vote should be by secret ballot. JANE HOPE 14 September 2007 janehope@cairngorms.co.uk