WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 3 Annex 2 07/04/06 COMMUNICATIONS PLAN: EUROPEAN CHARTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN PROTECTED AREAS AND THE CAIRNGORMS BRAND European Charter for Sustainable Tourism 1. The Cairngorms National Park Authority has recently been awarded the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. It is the first National Park in the UK to receive this. In essence, the Charter should be seen as an accreditation of the Park’s Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan. Put simply, it shows that the way in which tourism development and support is to be taken forward (by various partners - not just the CNPA) strikes an appropriate balance between economic, social and environmental objectives. Cairngorms Brand 2. One of the key actions within the Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan is the development and roll out of a Cairngorms Brand. This brand is not simply about establishing an identity for the CNP. It is also a tool for helping to embed some of the values associated with the Park, specifically high standards of quality and of environmental management. If customers understand this, it provides even greater marketing advantage for those businesses/groups or products that are eligible to use the brand than would be the case if it was purely a geographical logo. At the same time, if businesses/groups see the brand as creating marketing advantage, those that do not currently meet the eligibility criteria for the brand will be more likely to pursue the accreditation that is required to access it. 3. Information on the criteria that have been set so far by the Cairngorms Brand Management Group (BMG) for use of the Brand has recently been circulated to Board members, the ViSIT Forum and all tourism enterprises on the Park Authority database. The current criteria will continue to evolve and develop as the criteria for additional business sectors such as golf clubs, ski schools etc is agreed by the BMG. Relationship between the Charter and the Brand 4. At this stage, use of the Cairngorms Brand is intended to convey a message about the group/business/product with which it is being associated, i.e. that they are of high quality and meet high environmental standards. Use of the European Charter mark at this level would not mean the same thing. Care therefore needs to be taken as to how the Charter mark and the brand are used, if we are to avoid sending out confusing messages. 5. As an added complication, Part 2 of the European Charter is to be developed so that individual enterprises can be accredited, based on a commitment to quality standards and environmental sustainability. The administration of this stage will be the responsibility of the individual Charter Park although there is an assumption that existing accreditation schemes will be built upon. Thus, the current eligibility criteria and administrative arrangements for the Cairngorms Brand could almost certainly be used to allow business use of the Charter mark. As work progresses at the European level on the use of the Charter Mark by individual businesses, consideration will need to be given as to whether this is a route we would want to go down in the CNP or not. 6. Given the link between the European Charter and the Cairngorms Brand, and the importance of getting key messages out to stakeholders, this communications plan seeks to clarify the key messages, target audiences and channels of communication. (Table not available in full text format)