WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Annex 1 08/04/05 Proposed Park Plan – Contents March 2005 The following are proposed sections for the final Park Plan: 1. Introduction • purpose of National Parks • purpose of the Park Plan • how it was put together • An Integrated Approach (resolving conflict, balancing aims etc) • Scottish Executive guidance • relation to Development Planning Process • Sustainability Appraisal • monitoring and review 2. About the Park • A special and popular place • A national asset • Current State of the Park 3. Looking Beyond our Boundaries • sustainable development (incl. sustainable tourism etc) • social justice • open to innovation and change • our place in the wider community (impacts outside boundaries, outside influences, communication etc) 4. Our Vision for the Park 5. Conserving and Enhancing the Park • Introduction- key principles • Agriculture and Crofting • Deer Management • Forestry • Moorland • Water • Landscape (wildness, human experience, cultural landscapes etc) • Nature conservation • Air quality • Natural minerals • Built Environment and Historic Landscapes • Cultural traditions 6. Communities Living and Working in the Park • Introduction- key principles • Economy • Education and training • Tourism • Transport and communications • Housing, infrastructure and building design • Renewable Energy • Waste Disposal/Minimisation • Strengthening communities 7. Understanding and Enjoying the Park • Introduction- key principles • Outdoor access • Visitor Management • Learning and Understanding 8. Annexes/Supporting Documents • Tabular summary of actions • Report of consultation on the Draft Plan • List of organisations involved in the preparation and formal consultation • Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment • State of the Park Report • Key Issues Papers