WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Annex 2 08/04/05 Our Vision 1. Our vision is a National Park which inspires residents and visitors alike, a place in which the outstanding environment is enhanced and enjoyed by all and in which thriving communities create opportunities for all. It is a Park that is recognised locally and beyond for its special qualities, its innovative approach and as a national asset. 2. It is a Park where future generations will understand and enjoy the special qualities that underpin the area’s national importance, local economy and its appeal to residents and visitors. This means understanding and managing the interaction between the landscape and wildlife of the mountains, forests, rivers, lochs and farmland, together with the tourism and recreation, and the needs of communities. 3. It is a Park in which local residents feel a sense of pride, shared purpose and enthusiasm; take an active role in shaping its future; and in which they are able to enjoy living and working and fulfil their ambitions. 4. It is a Park which celebrates its history and future and takes a lead in the nation; which embraces change, looks beyond its boundaries and is open to innovative ideas. It is a Park where everyone takes responsibility for managing its resources effectively to sustain its special qualities and to benefit local communities and the nation. 5. Above all, it is a Park in which the wide diversity of communities and organisations can work together through openness, trust and mutual respect to conserve, enhance and promote all that makes this place special; while always looking ahead to create an inspiring and successful place to live, work and visit. 6. In particular, our aspirations include: Conserving and Enhancing the Park 7. It will be a Park which conserves and enhances the natural and cultural resources which underpin its special nature, much of its economy and its appeal to residents and visitors. This will include conserving and enhancing the landscapes, habitats and species, geological and archaeological sites and built heritage that are of local, national and international importance. 8. This will mean a Park in which the scale and interaction of ecological processes is recognised; where places are valued and enjoyed for the sense of wildness they offer; where all forms of pollution are minimised and where human development contributes to, not detracts from, conserving and enhancing these qualities. 9. This will mean a Park in which residents, businesses, visitors and organisations all contribute to conserving and enhancing the area; where there is a productive and integrated land management sector which successfully delivers private and business objectives and public benefits; and where visitors, residents and managers act responsibly, understand the special nature of the Cairngorms and their responsibilities to the land, wildlife and to each other. Communities Living and Working in the Park 10. It will be a Park in which thriving and inclusive communities help to sustain, and are in turn sustained by, the special natural and cultural qualities of the Cairngorms. 11. This will mean communities in which all sections of the population can find housing, education and training, employment and services that meet their needs; in which the special qualities of the Park stimulate economic activity rather than constrain it; where local businesses can flourish; where good transport and communications connect people within and beyond the Park; and development contributes to the area through sensitive and efficient design. 12. This will mean strong and effective communities taking an active role in the management of the Park, confident to share their ideas, experience, culture and heritage with the nation. 13. This will mean everyone taking a responsibility to use the Park’s resources carefully, with an eye to what future generations will need and to the impact of our current use. Understanding and Enjoying the Park 14. It will be a Park where both residents and visitors enjoy and in turn support its special qualities in many different ways; where there is a wide range of outdoor access opportunities on both land and water available to all; where visitors and residents alike can learn about their surroundings, enjoy a high quality experience and tell others of the fun to be had in this special place. 15. This will mean a Park that provides information and interpretation engaging to all ages, abilities and interests and which fosters a spirit of caring for this special place; where local people are well informed about the area and enthusiastic to communicate their knowledge; where there are diverse opportunities to access the countryside for fun, sport and healthy living; and where all those living, working and visiting the Park will recognise the others’ needs and their interdependence and act accordingly.