WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 5 Annex 1 08/04/05 Table of Operational Plan Goals (not available in full text format) Goal: Duties as the outdoor access authority effectively and efficiently delivered (46) 3 Year Milestone: Cairngorms LOAF up and running; core path plan identified; and outdoor access strategy in place. Success Measure High levels of public awareness of rights and responsibilities; low number of disputes. Status Action Lead Group Tasks Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 (Green / Amber / Red) Establish and run successful Local Outdoor Access Forum VSRG Organise 5 meetings of LOAF per year VSRG Hold Outdoor Access Conference Develop conference proposal through LOAF Hold conference March 2006 Uphold access rights and monitor success VSRG Draw up procedure guidelines for Board approval Develop procedure guidelines June Board VSRG Implement, monitor and review procedures to investigate complaints and uphold access rights Implement & monitor procedure Advise LOAF of strategic themes - review procedure as required Implement & monitor procedure Publicise the Scottish Outdoor Access Code VSRG Develop and deliver programme with SNH Promote responsible outdoor access VSRG Develop and deliver programme with SNH VSRG Annual gathering of fishers and paddlers on Spey Facilitate Spey gathering VSRG Advise on revised river-user's guide for Spey Produce draft revised guidance Issue guidance 2005/06 Milestones CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 5 Annex 1 08/04/05 Goal: Duties as the outdoor access authority effectively and efficiently delivered (46) 3 Year Milestone: Cairngorms LOAF up and running; core path plan identified; and outdoor access strategy in place. Success Measure High levels of public awareness of rights and responsibilities; low number of disputes. Status Action Lead Group Tasks Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 (Green / Amber / Red) 2005/06 Milestones VSRG Sign-boards at popular access points and code promotion in fishing huts on Spey Identify needs in conjunction with stakeholders and agree locations Develop promotional material Install promotional material Develop Outdoor Access Strategy and Core Paths Plan exercise VSRG Final audit produced Issues, stakeholder workshops, development of strategy Draft OAS consultation Finalise and publish OAS - implement VSRG Identify key stages towards CPP adoption and draft 3 year Project Plan Scope and commence drafting 3 year plan Approval of 3 year plan September Board Implement plan Implement plan VSRG Devise Electronic Path Management System through GIS Identify CNPA electronic path management needs Develop Project Plan to implement system - July Board Fully operational EPMS Sub-total