WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING held at The Duke of Gordon Hotel, Kingussie on Friday 8th September 2006 at 1.30pm PRESENT Eric Baird Bruce Luffman Stuart Black Eleanor Mackintosh Duncan Bryden Alastair MacLennan Nonie Coulthard William McKenna Basil Dunlop Sandy Park Angus Gordon Gregor Rimell Douglas Glass Richard Stroud Lucy Grant Susan Walker David Green Ross Watson Marcus Humphrey Bob Wilson In Attendance: David Cameron Jane Hope Bob Grant Fiona Newcombe Murray Ferguson Francoise van Buuren Apologies: Anne MacLean David Selfridge Andrew Rafferty Sheena Slimon Election of Convener 1. This item was chaired by David Cameron as Proper Officer for the CNPA. He drew Member’s attention to the process for the election of Convener as set out in the Standing Orders. Two nominations were declared: David Green was nominated by Stuart Black and seconded by Eleanor Mackintosh; Duncan Bryden was nominated by Sandy Park, and seconded by Willie McKenna. Following a secret ballot, David Green was elected as Convener by 13 votes to 7. In accepting his position as Convener, David Green recorded his thanks to Andrew Thin who had made an enormous and lasting contribution to the Cairngorms National Park Authority in its first three and a half years. 2. Anne MacLean’s absence was noted, following an emergency operation in hospital. The Board recorded their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Minutes of Last Meeting – approval 3. The minutes of the last meeting held on the 11th August 2006 were approved subject to one minor change at paragraph 21(f). third line where “president” should read “precedent”. Matters Arising 4. Jane Hope reported on the follow up to paragraph 27 of the minutes, referring to the review of committee membership. No members had expressed an interest in either joining or coming off a committee. However, a place remained unfilled on the Finance Committee and on the Staffing and Recruitment Committee following the departure of Andrew Thin. It was proposed to return to the matter of membership once the new Board Member had arrived and the new Convener had a chance to consider his membership of committees. In the meantime, all committees were quorate and could continue to function. Contribution Towards Work Programme Delivered by Upper Deeside Access Trust 2006-07 (Paper 1) 5. Marcus Humphrey declared an interest and left the room. 6. Bob Grant introduced the paper which provided further detail of the proposed work programme being delivered by UDAT for 2006-07 and sought Board approval to fund the programme. The Board had considered this issue at its previous meeting, and while approving the principle, requested that the figures be re-presented to make clearer the total works delivered and money received and generated by UDAT. As agreed by the Board, the re-presented figures had been approved by the Convener and the Vice Convener following the last meeting and this was now in front of the Board for their ratification. It was noted that the proposed funding by the CNPA of the UDAT work had been submitted to the Scottish Executive for approval (as required by the Delegated Authority Limits) and had been approved. 7. There was some discussion on the awkwardness of providing monies for capital works on paths without any clear provision for future maintenance. This was a well known problem which still needed to be addressed. The Board would shortly be considering a further paper about future arrangements for funding and managing the path infrastructure within the Park and this would need to take account of the likely needs for capital funding, as well of revenue funding for maintenance on into the future. It was noted that in the case of UDAT, there was already some provision for future maintenance costs through the annual revenue generating activities at Glen Muick. 8. The Board agreed the recommendations of the paper as follows: a) The Board noted the detailed justification for funding the proposed programme of work for 2006-07; and b) The Board approved funding of £100,00 towards 2006-07 programme of works being delivered through the Upper Deeside Access Trust but noting the need to make provision in the future for funding for maintenance. National Park Plan – Interim Consultation Report (Paper 2) 9. The information paper was introduced by Francoise van Buuren, and updated Members on the public consultation on the draft National Park Plan and the release of a publicly available summary of responses. Francoise drew the Board’s attention to the presence in the audience of Vicky White from the Macaulay Institute, who were undertaking a study of the process being followed by the Cairngorms National Park Authority in putting the National Park Plan together. The board paper drew the attention of Board Members to the significant themes emerging from the consultation responses and pointed to the timetable at paragraph 10 which set out the proposed meetings at which there would be further discussion of how the plan would be revised to take account of these. 10. In discussion the following points were made: a) Timing was tight; there was still a lot of work to be done to have the Plan agreed by partners and ready to submit to Ministers before Christmas. The support of partners was crucial; a huge amount of work was underway at official level, working with partner organisations to revise the Plan in a way which took on board all the comments made and resulted in a final version which everyone could proactively support. b) The Advisory Panel on Joined Up Government was timetabled for December in order to get confirmation of collective commitment to the completed Plan from all the public sector bodies. There was some discussion as to whether this should take place after or before the CNPA Board meeting to consider the completed text of the Plan. It was also noted that there needed to be sufficient time between a final Plan being available, and taking this to the Advisory Panel, given that for some organisations an internal approval process might be needed to endorse the final version of the Plan. c) It was noted that many other partners, including voluntary bodies, communities etc would be wanting to show their support for the Plan. d) It was essential to get widespread ownership of the Plan, and be clear who was delivering what. 11. The Board noted the paper and the proposed schedule of Board meetings, and noted that staff would report back on the best timing for the Advisory Panel on Joined Up Government following discussion with other bodies. Draft Annual Report and Accounts 2005-06 (Paper 3) 12. David Cameron and Francoise van Buuren introduced the paper which updated the Board on progress made with the production of the draft Annual Report and Accounts for 2005-06. It was noted that this was the first Annual Report on the current Corporate Plan. There were no plans for a public launch, and the report would be circulated to a target audience including MSPs, other organisations etc. The Chair of the Finance Committee reported that the Committee had approved the accounts that morning. She recorded the congratulations of the Committee to the Finance team for implementing an improved system for financial management during the year, which had dealt effectively with the “slippage” difficulty which had been experienced in previous years. The net result was that the final accounts showed expenditure delivered within 2% of budget. The Finance Committee recommended the accounts to the Board. 13. The Board approved the recommendations of the paper as follows: a) The Board noted the draft Annual Report and Accounts for 2005-06 which had been circulated under separate cover informally and in confidence; b) The Board, following the update from the Finance Committee, agreed the Accounts for 2005-06; c) The Board noted the request to submit any further comments on the draft Annual Report and Accounts to the relevant officers by the 20th September; d) The Board noted the process for completion of the draft Annual Report and Accounts. Corporate Plan Update, Theme 5 (Paper 4) 14. David Cameron and Francoise van Buuren introduced the paper which informed the Board of work to date on the fifth strategic theme of the Corporate Plan; namely “to be an open, innovative and professional organisation that engages effectively with the public and behaves with integrity. 15. The Board noted the paper with no questions. Any Other Business 16. None Date of Next Meeting 17. Friday 6th October 2006 at Braemar Village Hall.