WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Annex 1 08/10/04 INVESTIGATION OF OPTIONS FOR A PROPOSED EXTENSION TO THE SPEYSIDE WAY LONG DISTANCE ROUTE BETWEEN AVIEMORE AND NEWTONMORE BACKGROUND With growing local interest in seeing the route extended to the south, the partners of the Speyside Way Management Group agreed to appoint on contract, a Development Officer to investigate the options for extending the route from its current terminus in Aviemore, to Newtonmore. In the spring of this year, Alastair Macleod was appointed as Development Officer and he conducted an investigation of possible route options between April and July. MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The core functions of the contract post were to become familiar with route options and the history of this planned extension to the LDR, and to identify a preferred route on the ground in consultation with landowners. Consultation with local community and other interests also formed a key part of the job. Guidance from the Speyside Way Management Group was given throughout. The key areas of work are summarised as follows: 1. Familiarise with route extension options, and history of the project to date. 2. Check out options on ground in consultation with landowners and interested parties 3. Submit a report and advise the Speyside Way Management Group on a range of options for developing the route extension. METHODOLOGY Prior to investigations on the ground being undertaken, a desk exercise was conducted with the relevant landowners, agencies and other interested parties to establish the whereabouts of routes considered previously, any constraints which had been identified then, and where any environmentally sensitive areas were located. In general, however, the project was approached without preconceptions as to where the route should go. Meetings were held with landowners and their agents and tenant farmers, plus a wide range of interested parties including Community Councils, Community Associations, Development Trusts, organisations and agencies, local footpath groups and user-groups. Views were sought on potential options for the extension of the Speyside Way and notes were made of all points raised. Route options were inspected in the field to gain a general impression of their condition and whether they were ‘fit for purpose’. No attempt was made at this stage to assess in detail path condition or to quantify new build. Section 1 below lists the contacts made by the Development Officer and Section 2 lists all the routes investigated. An overview of all the routes investigated is provided as Map 1. SECTION 1: CONTACTS Landowners and Occupiers Alvie & Dalraddy Estates Dunachton Estate Forestry Commission Scotland Invereshie Estate Invertromie Estate Kinrara Estate Pitmain Estate Rothiemurchus Estate Ralia Estate Ballinluig Farm Ballintean Balnespick Farm Corarnstilbeg Farm Gordonhall Farm Kingussie Golf Club Loch Insh Watersports Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scottish Natural Heritage In addition, contact was made with a number of tenants of Kinrara Estate, as well as a number of individual households with property adjacent to any one of the route options. Community Groups & Local Representatives Aviemore & Vicinity Community Council Aviemore Footpaths Group Dalnavert Co-operative Cairngorm Rothiemurchus & Glenmore Group Kincraig & Vicinity Development Projects Ltd Kincraig & Vicinity Community Council Kingussie Business Association Kingussie & District Community Council Kingussie Footpath Group Newtonmore Community Council Newtonmore Community Woodland Trust Rothiemurchus & Glenmore Community Association Cllr Basil Dunlop Cllr Gregor Rimell Cllr Sheena Slimon Other Interests Highland Access Project Highland Council Ranger Service Highland Council Roads Department Scottish Executive, Enterprise and Transport (for A9 Trunk Road) Ramblers Association (Badenoch & Strathspey Branch) Scottish Rights of Way & Access Society SECTION 2: ROUTE OPTIONS INVESTIGATED Option A: Aviemore to Feshiebridge via B970 minor road (not mapped) Option B: Aviemore to Feshiebridge via Coylumbridge, Loch an Eilein and the ‘Thieves’ road through Inshriach Forest Option C: Aviemore to Dalraddy via the edge of the B9152 and the Kinrara Estate road Option D: Aviemore to Dalraddy via the edge of the B9152 and alongside the railway line Option E: Aviemore to Dalraddy via the west side of the A9 and the ‘upland edge’ Option F: Dalraddy to Kincraig via the Badenoch Way Option G: Kincraig to Feshiebridge via Invereshie Farm road Option H: Kincraig to Uath Lochans via Loch Insh Option J: Feshiebridge to Insh via Uath Lochans, and from Insh to Tromie Bridge via the Badenoch Way Option K: Feshiebridge to Tromie Bridge via River Feshie and Corarnstilbeg Option L: Tromie Bridge to Ruthven Option M: Ruthven to Newtonmore via the River Spey (not mapped) Option N: Ruthven to Newtonmore via Kingussie and the Sustrans cycle route Option P: Ruthven to Newtonmore via Kingussie golf course, Loch Gynack and Aultlarie Option Q: Ruthven to Newtonmore via the Invertromie Estate and Ralia Estate on the east side of the River Spey (see Map 1)