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Executive Summary The CNPA is the lead body for the Cairngorms LEADER+ Programme, a fund of European money to promote sustainable rural development. Management of the Programme is undertaken by a Local Action Group (LAG) made up of representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors. We fund the administration of the Programme through a partnership of local public bodies, employing a full-time Programme Manager and two part-time support officers based in the CNPA office in Grantown. The current administration funding package runs out at the end of 2004. The LAG has agreed a budget for 2005-07, and we are now seeking formal approval from each partner for their contribution. The CNPA portion is £40,500 over the three years, 22% of the total. We expect all aspects of the Programme to be complete by the end of 2007. CAIRNGORMS LEADER+: ADMIN CONTRIBUTION FOR 2005-07 Introduction 1. The purpose of this paper is to seek the Board’s approval for the CNPA to contribute £40,500 over the three calendar years of 2005-07 towards the total administration costs for the Cairngorms LEADER+ Programme. 2. Overall administration costs represent about 13.85% of the total Programme value and compare favourably with other programmes of a similar size and complexity elsewhere. 3. We would also continue to provide an in-kind contribution to costs through employing the officers and providing office accommodation. Background 4. LEADER+ is a European grant-giving programme aimed at the sustainable development of Scotland’s rural communities. There are thirteen programmes running in Scotland. The Cairngorms Programme is focused on the theme of “helping the communities to make best use of natural and cultural resources”. 5. The CNPA acts as the lead body for the Cairngorms LEADER+ programme. We also provide a financial contribution to administration costs, as well as in-kind support through employing the officers, providing office accommodation and management support. 6. The Programme runs from 2002 to 2007, and will fund about 100 projects in the Cairngorms area, worth approximately £2,440,000. Of this £1,007,000 will be funded by LEADER+; £1,326,000 from public funds; and £107,000 from the private sector. To date, the Programme has supported 70 projects across the Park ranging from community based youth initiatives; the John Muir Award; the recent farmers market; traditional music and heritage projects; walking festivals; and improving visitor facilities. We will be bringing a separate Briefing Paper to the Board later in the year. 7. Whilst the CNPA is the lead body for the Programme, its overall management is directed by a Local Action Group (LAG) comprising representatives from the public, private and community partners in the area, including the CNPA. It is chaired independently by Peter Mackay. A list of the current LAG members is contained at Annex 1. 8. As part of this role, the LAG oversees the Programme administration, which comprises three staff based in the CNPA office in Grantown. The staff are linemanaged by the Head of Strategic Policy and Programme Management. Funding for the administration is provided by the CNPA, 4 local authorities, 2 local enterprise companies and SNH. 9. The effectiveness of the administration is measured through a series of targets, and ultimately by the success of the programme itself. Targets include meeting certain spending deadlines set by the European Union for the Scottish Programme, known as "n+2", "n+3" etc. If these spending deadlines are not met, the amount of funding for subsequent years is reduced. 10. The Programme administration has a good reputation with the Scottish Executive for running a successful Programme, that spends public money effectively and efficiently; and we are one of the few Programmes in Scotland to meet and exceed our “n+2” target for 2004. Proposed Funding Package 11. The current funding package runs out at the end of 2004. As the lead body, we have proposed a follow-on package for 2005-07. This will administer the programme until the end of 2007, by which time we expect all projects to have been completed and a final evaluation of the Programme carried out. 12. The proposed budget was approved by the LAG on 2nd September 2004, and we are now formally approaching the other funders for their contributions. 13. The main items of expenditure are the continued employment of a full-time Programme Manger until the end of 2007; a part-time Support Officer (30 h/wk) until the end of 2006; a part-time Admin Officer (10 h/wk) until the end of 2005; and a programme evaluation in 2007. 14. We anticipate that the annual expenditure on administration will decrease between 2005 and 2007 as the programme winds down. A more detailed annual breakdown is enclosed at Annex 2. 15. The proposed funding package is as follows: Actual contribution in 02-04 Proposed contribution in 05-07 Annual contribution in 02-04 Annual contribution in 05-07 SNH 7,277 10,125 2,425 3,375 Moray Council 6,000 8,100 2,000 2,700 Highland Council 12,000 16,200 4,000 5,400 Angus Council 6,000 8,100 2,000 2,700 Aberdeenshire Council 12,000 16,200 4,000 5,400 MBSE 15,000 20,250 5,000 6,750 Leader + 78,111 41,139 26,037 13,713 Scottish Enterprise Grampian 7,500 10,125 2,500 3,375 CNPA 10,000 40,500 6,666 13,500 Cairngorms Partnership 10,000 0 - - Interest from Leader Advance 1,326 1,300 - - Carry forward from 02-04 - 8,992 - - Total 165,214 181,029 - - 16. Due to the late starting of the Programme in 2002, and increased staffing costs, the overall expenditure on administration for the second half of the Programme is more than the first half. At the same time, the contribution from LEADER+ is capped at £41,139 under the rules of the Programme. 17. We have therefore proposed that all partners increase their contributions by approximately 35%, with the CNPA in addition carrying the bulk of the increased staffing costs. These are due to a combination of factors including the CNPA’s entry into the Civil Service Pension Scheme and the outcome of the Pay and Grading Review. Link to Corporate Plan 18. Continued support for the running of this programme is in line with our Corporate Plan for 2003-2007, and explicitly marked up as an action for the next 3 years under the theme of "Encourage and Support Balanced, Thriving, Stable Communities in the Park". Discussion 19. In line with the agreed levels for approval of project funding, this decision is before the Board as the contribution sought is above £25,000. 20. We consider that the Programme needs to maintain a significant albeit reducing staffing complement over the next 3 years as reflected in the expenditure figures. We also consider that it is reasonable for the CNPA to be the most significant funder, reflecting our lead role in the Programme, our interest across the Programme area, and our responsibility arising out of the Pay and Grading review. 21. We consider that the current administration of the Programme represents good value for money. The administration costs represent 13.85% (£338,156) of the total value of the Cairngorms Programme (£2,440,000). Although there is no absolute data, this level of funding would appear to compare favourably with other Programmes for LEADER+ and the previous LEADER II Programme. Recommendation 22. The Board are invited to agree that the CNPA contributes £40,500 over 2005-07, as well as accommodation and other in-kind support, towards the costs of the Cairngorms LEADER+ Programme administration costs. Nick Halfhide 8th October 2004 nickhalfhide@cairngorms.co.uk Current LAG Members Peter Mackay - LAG Chairman Kate Adamson - Association of Cairngorms Community Councils Cattie Anderson - Scottish Natural Heritage Fiona Bell - Aberdeenshire Council Elaine Booth - Scottish Enterprise Grampian Linda Caston - Angus Council Louise Clark - Highland Council Jenny Devlin - Women’s Representative Roddy Dyce - Moray Badenoch & Strathspey Enterprises Nick Halfhide - Cairngorms National Park Authority Pierre Mason - Moray Council John Rainy Brown - Councils of Voluntary Service Helen Richardson - Laggan Community Association Joyce Simpson - Association of Cairngorms Community Councils Derek Stanton - Royal Deeside Partnership Sheila Thomson - Association of Cairngorms Community Councils Mike Thornton - Birse Community Trust Ross Watson - Young Peoples Representative Tim Whittome - Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce Details of Proposed Expenditure 2005 2006 2007 Total Office Overheads 500 500 250 1,250 Printing 250 250 - 500 Programme Manager Salary Costs 39,127 40,104 41,108 120,339 Programme Manager T&S 1,200 1,200 600 3,000 Support Officer 17,800 18,245 - 36,045 Support Officer T&S 150 150 - 300 Admin Officer 4,500 - - 4,500 Admin Officer T&S 100 - - 100 Training 800 800 - 1,600 LAG T&S 2,000 2,000 1,000 5,000 LAG Training 1,000 - - 1,000 Hospitality 150 150 - 300 Midterm/End Evaluation - - 8,000 8,000 Total 67,577 63,399 50,958 181,934