WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Annex 1 10/03/06 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY: ORGANISATIONAL GREENING POLICY The Cairngorms National Park Authority was established in April 2003 with the purpose of ensuring the delivery of the statutory four Aims of the Cairngorms National Park in a collective and co-ordinated manner. These Aims are: • To conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area • To promote sustainable use of the natural resources of the area • To promote understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the area by the public • To promote sustainable economic and social development of the area’s communities. In achieving this function, the CNPA as an entity consumes and deploys resources with consequent impacts on the environment. Accordingly the Authority has a duty to use its own resources economically, efficiently and effectively to reduce these impacts. In order to achieve this goal and to set a positive example to others in the Park, we have developed, the following Organisational Greening Policy Statement to guide our actions: 1. Office We shall seek continual improvement to our environmental performance by aiming to: • minimise overall resource use in all our offices and operations; • increase use of renewable as opposed to non-renewable resources; • use reusable and recycled materials wherever practical; • minimise harmful outputs to the environment; • minimise waste production by reusing and recycling wherever feasible; and • minimise energy consumption, and the consequent production of atmospheric pollutants by regular review, by progressive introduction of energy efficient equipment and systems in all offices, and by the active promotion of energy saving actions amongst staff. 2. Travel We shall review all our travel practices and aim to encourage a minimisation in the use of motor cars by staff and Board Members: • for getting to their workplace through encouragement of cycling, walking, car sharing and appropriate home working; • when travelling for business, through encouraging public transport for long journeys, by using pool vehicles with good environmental performance in relation to functional requirements; • by encouraging sharing of vehicles wherever practicable; • by minimising the need to travel for meetings through the use of teleconferencing and other technology. 3. Procurement We shall develop meaningful environmental impact criteria which will be incorporated into our procurement procedures for services and materials 4. Performance Indicators We shall develop meaningful performance targets against which we shall measure and report our environmental improvements on a regular basis. 5. Assessments We shall make effective use of Strategic Environmental Assessments to ensure that our plans and policies governing our statutory and other functions are most environmentally beneficial. 6. Influencing Others We shall establish the CNPA as positive example and use our powers to encourage and enable others to carry out their functions in compliance with best environmental practice. 7. Active Staff Participation In achieving the above, we shall: • promote the active involvement of all our staff, harnessing and encouraging their interest, ideas, energy and commitment; and • provide clear information, advice, guidance and training to achieve this end.