WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 4 10/08/07 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DECISION Title: Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Strategy Prepared by: Francoise van Buuren, Head of Strategy and Communications Purpose To seek agreement from the Board for the proposed stakeholder engagement and communications strategy. Recommendations a) The Board recognises the important role communication plays to successfully deliver the National Park Plan through effective partnership working. b) The Board agrees with the communication objectives, target audiences and overall approach identified. c) The Board notes there will be a further informal discussion at a later date on how the Board can best support the Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Strategy. Executive Summary This Paper outlines a stakeholder engagement and communications strategy which supports the CNPA as an organisation as well our role in leading and coordinating the implementation of the National Park Plan. Given our role and limited resources, it is essential our stakeholder engagement and communications activity meets agreed objectives, adopts best practice in terms of sustainability, efficiency and accessibility and meets the communication priorities identified. This paper sets out how the communication objectives support our corporate objectives, who our key stakeholders are, what our messages are and what initiatives can best deliver the communication objectives. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY - FOR DECISION Background 1. Communication plays an essential role in the work of the Cairngorms National Park Authority. As an enabling organisation, set up to lead and co-ordinate the collective delivery of the Park aims, the Park Authority must work closely with a wide range of partners and interested parties in order to get things done. Working in partnership requires excellent communications to ensure all parties understand and support the overall aims and objectives set out in the National Park Plan, are kept informed of progress, feel involved and able to contribute to the decision making process and are clear what their role is in helping to deliver the priorities for action. 2. Given the many and varied interests in the Park and our limited available resources we must define the priorities for our stakeholder engagement and communications activity. There is a grave danger that by trying to communicate with everybody, and spreading resources too thinly, the organisation fails to communicate effectively with any particular group. A major element of the strategy must be to define the priorities for communication. 3. The Stakeholder Engagement and Communications plan complements other areas of work being delivered by the CNPA and our partners. In particular, this links in with the priority for action on raising awareness and understanding of the Park, the Visitor Services Group Interpretation Framework agreed by the Board in May 2005 and ongoing work by the Economic and Social Development Group in the areas of Tourism and Marketing, Community Relations and Social Inclusion, the Community Investment Programme and our various training initiatives. In addition, the development of our National Park Plan, Local Plan, Core Paths Plan, and other strategies all involved detailed consultation with our stakeholders and our ongoing operations such as the National Park Plan implementation mechanisms and pre- board, board and planning committee meetings all contribute towards our overall communications activity. It is important therefore that this paper is considered with these activities in mind. CNPA Objectives 4. Any communications strategy must be aligned to the overall aims and objectives of the organisation. The statutory purpose of the CNPA is to ensure that the National Park aims are collectively achieved in relation to the National Park in a co-ordinated way. This in practical terms can be described as: a) leading and co-ordinating the delivery of the National Park Plan to achieve the Park aims; b) gaining the support of our partner organisations to demonstrate best practice in partnership working; c) adding value by maximising the use of available resources; and d) demonstrating the value of National Parks (and the CNPA) to Scotland. CNPA Communication Objectives 5. When considering the development of communications objectives for the CNPA it is essential the importance of partnership working is at the forefront. Effective communications – within the Park Authority and between the Park Authority and its key stakeholders and audiences – will be heavily reliant on the contribution of others. This varies in nature from the continued enthusiasm and support from key partners to the role of individual accommodation providers and landowners in “talking up” the Cairngorms National Park as a great place to live, work and do business. Many of CNPA key stakeholders are also methods of communication in their own right, to a much greater degree than is the norm for other organisations. 6. The importance of this partnership working is reflected in the communications objectives set out below. 7. The Cairngorms National Park Authority should aim to: a) Demonstrate the value National Parks offer Scotland as a whole and how the CNPA and its partners help to achieve the Park aims; b) Generate and maintain enthusiasm and support for the Cairngorms National Park both within and outwith the Park Boundary; c) Encourage and assist key stakeholders to act as ambassadors and to communicate accurate and helpful information about the Park. Communications Issues 8. A number of broader issues need to be taken into account when developing the communications strategy. 9. The first is the importance of effective partnership working being heavily reliant on clear and effective communication mechanisms. In particular, there is a need to separate out the working relationships that are required in order to deliver day to day objectives, from the need for broader communication with various organisations. This is particularly relevant for partner organisations, especially the larger, more complex bodies. CNPA may have strong links with lead officers in, for example, Highland Council, on a day to day basis, but that does not mean the authority is necessarily communicating effectively with the chief executive, council convener, local councillors, strategic chairs etc. It is crucial to consider how communication is effectively maintained with all the relevant parties within any organisation. 10. Secondly, in order to gain the whole hearted support of our partners – whether that is within the public, private or voluntary sectors – the outcomes we collectively achieve must be seen to be for the benefit of the National Park and not the Park Authority. If our role and the role played by our partners are to be understood it must be made crystal clear that the Cairngorms National Park Authority is not the Park. 11. Finally, given the nature of the business, it is important that CNPA adopts best practice in terms of sustainability and accessibility in all its communication activities. All activity should be considered in terms of its sustainability and whether alternative communication mechanisms might prove as effective, whilst using fewer resources. Equally, given our commitment to being an open and transparent organisation and the importance of creating a ‘Park for All’ it is essential that communication mechanisms demonstrate accessibility. External Stakeholders 12. There are myriad stakeholders for the Cairngorms National Park and a significant task is to prioritise them in terms of communications. The focus initially needs to be on those individuals and groups who either are critical to the successful delivery of the National Park Plan, or are both stakeholders in their own right, and also conduits in terms of information. The aim should be to create ambassadors who champion the Park, but realistically it may be more reasonable, in the shorter term, to expect them to be information intermediaries who pass on information that is accurate and correct any misinformation. In broad terms, the key stakeholders fall into five main categories, namely: a) Critical decision makers and influencers (politicians, media, Non- Governmental Organisations etc.); b) Public Sector partners signed up to the National Park Plan; c) Land mangers, Land owners/estates within the Park; d) Local communities; e) Local businesses, including tourism businesses and business associations. Key Messages 13. A set of core messages already exists for CNPA which were distributed to Board and Staff members in January 2007. Below are some key messages which relate to the role of the CNPA and the Park as a whole, however, more tailored messages will also need to be developed for the various stakeholder groups. a) The Cairngorms National Park was established in 2003 with four clear aims; to conserve and enhance the area’s natural and cultural heritage, to promote sustainable use of the area’s natural resources, to promote understanding and enjoyment of the Park’s special qualities, to promote sustainable economic and social development of local communities. b) The Cairngorms National Park Authority was set up to co-ordinate the delivery of these four aims by acting as an enabling organisation which promotes partnership and gives leadership to all those involved in the Cairngorms – public bodies, private organisations and the voluntary sector. c) The CNPA is committed to being an open, trustworthy and fair organisation which delivers its aims and objectives efficiently. d) Scottish National Parks add value to Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage, the health, well-being, education and enjoyment of people who live in and visit the Park, and the local, regional and national economy. e) The Cairngorms National Park has a rich and varied landscape and wildlife which is of international importance. f) The Cairngorms National Park is home to 25% of the UK’s threatened species. g) Almost 40% of the Park is specially protected because of its landscape or wildlife. h) People have lived in the Cairngorms National Park for thousands of years and their activities have and will continue to impact on the landscape and wildlife of the Park (need for sustainable development & lifestyles). i) The Cairngorms National Park offers excellent sporting and outdoor activity facilities making a significant contribution to people’s health, well-being, education and enjoyment as well as the Scottish tourism product. j) The Cairngorms National Park is home to 16,000 people and welcomes 1.4m visitors every year making a significant contribution to the national, regional and local economy. Overall Approach and Tactics 14. There needs to be an emphasis on working with partners to promote messages and communicate information. Much of the work being carried out has to be done in partnership and it is vital that the various partners also play their part in communicating messages about the Cairngorms National Park. It is important for CNPA to keep partners well informed and make sure they feel involved and that their contribution is valued. 15. The overall approach must therefore: a) encourage and build on partnership working and use partners as information intermediaries as much as possible; b) create an “account manager” system for dealing with the larger and more complex partner organisations to ensure there is a consistent approach to communications; c) establish a Park-wide PR forum to co-ordinate communications to make best use of available skills and resources and avoid duplication; d) target specific interest groups with information tailored for them, rather than trying to produce information of interest to everyone; e) facilitate two way communication and develop listening mechanisms; f) utilise face to face communication where possible and innovative, sustainable ways of stimulating discussion and debate; g) lay the foundations for communications in the future by working closely with children and young people to create ambassadors; h) generate a sense of pride in being part of the Cairngorms National Park. Communication Action Plan 16. With limited resources, it is important to prioritise communication activity which meets the organisational needs of the CNPA. Below are the activities proposed. Media Relations 17. Media work will be a core element of the communications activity and will focus on both local media including community newsletters and websites and specialist publications aimed at land managers, developers, environmentalists and the tourist industry. Local newspapers and community newsletters will play a vital role in many local communities in the Park’s area and the CNPA should be supporting these publications where possible as they are part of the very fabric of the area. In addition to the mainstream media, articles should be placed in the publications produced by partner and other key organisations, such as RSPB and NTS. Both produce magazines with very high readership. Most organisations will also produce some form of staff magazine or newsletter and the communications team should aim to include material in these on a regular basis. A Park-wide press officers group should be created to ensure communications about the Park is co-ordinated with all our main partners. CNPA Website 18. The Cairngorms National Park Authority website was established to provide information about the Park Authority and its work. It is not aimed at promoting the Park and its special qualities but at keeping people informed and helping to coordinate work being carried out to deliver the National Park Plan and meet the Park aims. Work is currently underway to consider options on how a customer-oriented website on the Park itself can be developed in partnership with others which will meet the needs of visitors and other customer groups. Working Groups, Forums and Briefings 19. There are already a significant number of forums and groups that meet on a regular basis and it would be foolish to undermine these by overloading people with too many commitments. With the approval of the National Park Plan the forums managed by the CNPA have been reviewed to ensure they are aligned with the Park Plan’s strategic objectives and priorities for action. 20. Seven delivery teams have been established which focus on delivering the priority for action outcomes by 2012. Three forums, in addition to the Local Outdoor Access Forum (LOAF), will focus on the three strategic objectives of the plan – Conserving and Enhancing the Park, Living and Working in the Park and Enjoying and Understanding the Park. These will evolve and replace the Integrated Land Management, Economic and Social Development and Visitor Services and Tourist Information forums respectively. The purpose of these forums is to allow all interested parties to be kept informed of progress being made against the National Park Plan and to offer advice on potential issues and future decisions which can be shared with the CNPA Board and other partner organisations. They will also provide a useful networking opportunity and provide a communication mechanism which reaches a wide range of interested parties. 21. In addition, a Strategy Group will oversee the longer term issues affecting the Park such as monitoring the ‘health indicators’ of the Park and developing the next Park Plan 2012-2017. 22. Finally, one to one briefings with critical decision makers and influencers will make sure they are kept informed and understand the role of the CNPA and are aware of progress being made in delivering the National Park Plan. This will include Ministerial visits to the Park and regular meetings with key influencers and partners including the media. Promotional and Print Material 23. There is a need for a suite of printed materials, targeted at different audiences on a variety of topics. Care will be taken to avoid duplication with our partners and where ever possible the use of new technology should limit the need for printed material. Corporate materials about the CNPA are limited to our Corporate Plan, Annual Report and ‘The Work of the CNPA’ booklet. All other materials will make use of the Park brand and promote the Park or the work of the National Park Plan. Events Programme 24. In order to raise the profile of the Cairngorms National Park with some of our key decision makers and influencers the Park Authority and its partners need to have a presence on a national as well as local/regional basis. As national events can be expensive these must be carefully selected to meet specific communication objectives. Following the general and local elections in May we need to build up contacts with new Ministers, MSPs and local councillors and with the quinquennial review taking place next year we must ensure we are able to demonstrate the value the Cairngorms National Park and CNPA have delivered for Scotland as a whole. A shared presence at the Royal Highland Show with our Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Development partners provided an opportunity to target the new Ministers and other MSPs as well as farmers, land managers, children and young people. Equally, a shared event at Holyrood with Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority can help promote the value National Parks deliver for Scotland as a whole. 25. The various community events, agricultural fairs and Highland Games are part and parcel of the way of life for many in the Park. However, attending each event with a manned stall is very costly, both in terms of staff time and exhibition and print materials and we simply do not have the resources to do it. Participating in some and not others needs a clear rational to justify the effective use of public sector funds. As our public sector partners also have a need to reach local communities, a partnership approach where a Park branded stand is taken and manned by CNPA and our partners may provide an effective solution. Alternatively, where attending is not possible support could be offered by creating a banner or signage which could be erected which remind people that they are within the Cairngorms National Park. Park Ambassador’s 26. Board members play a significant role in helping to raise the profile of the Park, clarify the role of the CNPA and explain what we and our partners aim to achieve through the delivery of the National Park Plan. This is an invaluable role whether it is done formally as hosts or speakers at conferences and events or informally when meeting members of the public at community meetings or local gatherings. Each Board member has their own network of people and organisations they are able to directly influence and by making the most of these opportunities a great deal can be achieved to gain understanding and support for the Park and the Park Authority. Communication Activities Table by Objectives CNPA Objectives / Communications Activity / Lead Partners / Target Audience # Lead & co-ordinate delivery of National Park Plan Delivery teams, monitor & report on outcomes (annual report, annual seminar, 6monthly progress reports, regular update e-bulletins, share information on the website), advisory forums, strategy group CNPA National Park Plan partners # Gain partner support and demonstrate best practice in partnership working Strategy Group, account managers between CNPA and partner organisations, promote joint successes via Park PR Group CNPA, Strategy Group partners, Park PR Group National Park Plan partners, decision makers & influencers # Add value by maximising use of available resources Strategy group, ‘On the Ground’/SEARS initiative, delivery teams, a Park-wide PR forum to co-ordinate communication activities CNPA, Strategy Group, delivery teams, Park PR Group National Park Plan partners and decision makers & influencers # Demonstrate value of the National Park(s) National events, ministerial & MSP visits and briefings, annual reports, seminars, local events, media relations CNPA & LLTTNPA decision makers & influencers Communications Activities Table by Stakeholder Groups Stakeholder / Communications Activity # Public Sector Partners (16 in total) Strategy group, account managers, Park PR Group, ‘On the Ground’/SEARS initiative, delivery teams and advisory forums # Local Communities AoCC, advisory forums, delivery teams, Cairngorms Action Training Scheme, Community Investment Programme, Park Life, e-bulletin, John Muir Award, pre-board meetings, board meetings, board at Community Council meets, CNPA consultations, community planning & needs survey, media relations, local events, Community Newsletter Awards, schools & youth groups # Local Businesses Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce, DMOs & marketing groups, advisory forums, delivery teams, Brand Management Committee, tourism conference, CNPA training schemes, Park Life, e-bulletin, CNPA consultations, community planning & needs survey, media relations, local events # Landowners & Land Managers Advisory forums, delivery teams, public grant schemes, CNPA training schemes, Park Life, CNPA consultations, media relations, events, 1to1 briefings # Key decision makers & influencers 1to1 briefings, ministerial visits, national events & conferences, mailings (e.g. annual report), media relations, advisory forums, strategy group Evaluation 27. Carry out an opinion poll in 2008 and 2012 with our partner organisations, local communities, local businesses, land managers and owners and key decision makers and influencers to determine whether people: a) understand the role of the CNPA and its partners in helping to achieve the Park aims; b) are enthusiastic and supportive of the Cairngorms National Park both within and outwith the Park Boundary; c) are willing to act as ambassadors and communicate accurate and helpful information about the Park; d) understand the value National Parks offer Scotland as a whole. Consultation 28. This paper has been prepared following an informal discussion session with the Board on 26th January which presented some perspectives on our stakeholders’ views on the Park and the work of the Park Authority. Further discussions with David Green, Jane Hope and the Management Team on our stakeholders and our priorities for the coming five years and further work has led to prioritising who our target audiences should be and setting clear communication objectives for the organisation. In addition, input was sought from an external Highland based Communications Consultancy, Platform PR. Policy Context 29. This paper supports the Park Authority’s role to lead and co-ordinate the collective delivery of the National Park Plan. It also supports effective partnership working through a focused approach to stakeholder engagement and communications. Financial Implications 30. The strategy recognises the important role communication plays to allow the CNPA to fulfil its role and meet its objectives. Given our limited resources it aims to focus our resources on specific target audiences and communication objectives. The Board agreed to allocate additional resources to the Strategy and Communications Group to help address Climate Change in June 2007. As much of the work on Climate Change is linked to the National Park Plan and as communication was recognised as a critical role the CNPA can deliver to help tackle climate change this additional resource will also support this wider need for effective communication. It is therefore anticipated that much of the work identified will fall within the resources allocated to the Strategy and Communications Group, however, it is important to recognise that support from the Board, other internal groups and external partners is essential if these communication objectives are to be met. Next Steps 31. The proposed strategy is aimed at fostering the support and active engagement by all our stakeholders, particularly our public sector partners. Agreement as to how we can jointly deliver the communication objectives needs to be sought. A Park PR Group which involves all our public sector partners in the first instance will help ensure a joined up approach is taken while delivery team members will need to consider how progress against the National Park Plan is communicated within their own organisations and with their network of contacts. In addition, an informal discussion with the Board is planned to consider how Board members in their ambassadorial role can best support our communication objectives. This strategy will be used to direct our stakeholder engagement and communications activity over the next five years and reports on progress will be presented to the Board as part of the regular Corporate Plan Theme five reports. Francoise van Buuren 10th August, 2007 francoisevanbuuren@cairngorms.co.uk