WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 6 10/08/07 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DECISION Title: ELECTION OF DEPUTY CONVENER – CHANGE TO STANDING ORDERS Prepared by: Jane Hope, Chief Executive Purpose To seek the Board’s agreement to a change to Standing. Recommendation That the Board agrees to the proposed change in Standing Order 4 to allow election of the Deputy Convener on the 5th October 2007. Executive Summary The current post of Deputy Convener ends on the 15th October 2007 (see minutes of Board meeting of 10th September 2004). The CNPA Standing Orders require elections to take place at the second-last CNPA meeting before the term of office expires. This would mean the upcoming election should take place at the Board meeting on the 10th August 2007. This would be less than ideal timing given that a number of members are likely to be away on holiday, and the new appointments to the Board will not have taken effect. It is therefore proposed that the Board agree to change Standing Orders for this occasion only, to the effect that the election of the Deputy Convener takes place at the Board meeting on the 5th October. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CONVENER – CHANGE TO STANDING ORDERS - FOR DECISION Background 1. The current post of Deputy Convener ends on the 15th October 2007 (see minutes of Board meeting of 10th September 2004). The Standing Orders set out a process for elections, including the requirement that election should take place at the second-last CNPA meeting before the term of office expires. 2. This would mean the up-coming election should take place at the Board meeting on the 10th August 2007. The Board agreed that this would be less than ideal timing and agreed that the election should take place at the following Board meeting on the 5th October. This requires a change to Standing Orders. This was notified at the meeting on the 15th June and the current paper seeks the Board agreement to that change. 3. Standing Order 4 states in the second sentence: “At the second-last CNPA meeting before the term of office of a current Convener [or Deputy Convener] expires, election of the next Convener [or Deputy Convener] shall take place.” 4. It is proposed that Standing Order 4 is changed so that after the second sentence as set out above, an additional sentence is added as follows: “This will not apply to the election of the Deputy Convener due by the 15th October 2007; this election will take place at the Board meeting scheduled for the 5th October 2007.” Recommendation 5. That the Board agree to the change in Standing Order set out in paragraph 4 above in order to allow the election of the Deputy Convener to take place at the Board Meeting on the 5th October 2007. Jane Hope July 2007 janehope@cairngorms.co.uk