WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Paper 2 10/09/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: MEMBERSHIP AND REMIT OF COMMITTEES Prepared by: JANE HOPE, CHIEF EXECUTIVE Purpose To review membership, chairmanship and remit of the CNPA committees. Recommendations a) That the remit of the Staffing & Recruitment Committee is modified to reflect the completion of the senior recruitment process, and continuing development of the organisation (paragraph 15); b) That other arrangements for membership, chairmanship and remit remain essentially unchanged (Annex 1); c) That a process is agreed (paragraph 8 & 9) for establishing membership of Committees in the future; d) That the Board consider whether, in light of one year’s experience of a unique planning function, they wish to receive a fuller assessment (at a future meeting) of the arguments for and against keeping the planning committee at its current size (paragraph 14). Executive Summary Four operational Committees were established by the Board in June 2003. It was agreed that membership, chairmanship and remit should be reviewed annually in September. There have been no suggestions or proposals for change at this point, and it is proposed that the Committees remain unchanged, as set out in the attached paper, except for a modification to the remit of the Staffing and Recruitment Committee. A process is proposed for reviewing and changing membership of Committees in the future. MEMBERSHIP AND REMIT OF COMMITTEES Background 1. The Board established four operational committees in June 2003, with the agreement that these would be reviewed annually in September. 2. The Committees in question are: a) The Audit Committee b) The Finance Committee c) The Staffing & Recruitment Committee d) The Planning & Development Control Committee 3. One change has been made during the year, with the agreement of the Board, when Bruce Luffman was added to the Staffing & Recruitment Committee. Proposed Changes -Membership 4. One minor change is now proposed in the staff attending the Finance Committee – namely that following the recruitment of additional staff, this committee should be serviced and attended by the Head of Corporate Services and the Finance Manager. 5. There have been no other changes sought. The Committees, like the Board, have been in place only a year, and were established on the basis that they would be reviewed at the end of that year. I propose that we now set an agreed period of membership of Committees, so that it is clear to individuals what commitment they are taking on. The length of time needs to be a balance between, on the one hand continuity and experience, and on the other hand bringing new perspectives and spreading the demands placed on Members’ time. We also need to recognise that changing the total membership of a Committee at one time is not compatible with achieving this balance. 6. I propose that membership of a Committee (other than Planning, which is a committee of the whole Board) should generally be for two years. This would mean that the Committees would remain as currently constituted for a further year. 7. However, we need to find a mechanism for the future for ensuring that only some Committee Members change each year, and that there is scope for bringing in any new Board Members. 8. It is suggested that the process for agreeing membership of Committees (other than Planning & development Control, while this remains a committee of the whole Board) should in future be as follows: a) Changes in membership and remit of Committees will be reviewed each September, and any proposed changes put to the Board for agreement; b) The presumption is that Members will stay on a Committee for 2 years. c) Each year in August, Members will be invited to say which Committees (if any) they would like to serve on. Those coming to the end of their 2 year period may express a wish to stay on the Committee, although there will be a presumption that they step down (and they may express a wish to sit on another Committee). d) The Convener and Chief Executive will put proposals to the Board for agreement, on the basis of these expressed preferences. These proposals will reflect the need to avoid changing the whole membership of a Committee in one go. e) Chairs will be elected by the Committees themselves, and ratified by the Board. 9. If the Board are content with this proposed process, it is suggested that membership of Committees remain as at present (as shown in Annex 1). But next September, to avoid wholesale changes to membership of Committees, one or two members in each case may need to stay for a further year. If however any Members wish to step down now from existing Committees, it is suggested that they advise the Convener and Chief Executive, who will then invite substitutes in accordance with the above process. 10. Further consideration is given below to the remit of the Staffing & Recruitment Committee, and the membership/remit of the Planning and Development Control Committee. The Planning and Development Control Committee 11. The Planning Committee was established as a committee of the whole Board, on the basis that the CNPA would by definition only be calling in and determining planning applications "of significance to the Park’s aims"; these would be relatively few and would, especially in the early days of the Park, be difficult decisions while policy was still being established. It therefore made sense for all Board members to be involved. 12. The Board had considered forming a smaller committee/group to deal simply with decisions of call-in, but concluded that for consistency, and because of lack of clarity in the secondary legislation, that the whole Board would be the planning committee for all call-in decisions and determinations of called-in applications. 13. This arrangement has resulted in the need for the whole Board to meet every two weeks, to satisfy the demanding call-in timetable. On the plus side, this has helped the Board to develop and implement policy in a consistent and corporate way over the past. On the practical side, fortnightly meetings result in a more even flow of business, and shorter agendas than would be the case with monthly meetings. 14. On balance, it is suggested that the current arrangements remain for the moment, while policy is still developing, and the new planning processes are still bedding in. However, Members are asked to consider whether they wish to have a further paper and a more in– depth analysis of this issue to enable a discussion of this question. Staffing & Recruitment Committee 15. This committee was established in the first year of the CNPA mainly to deal with the process of recruiting senior staff. That process is now complete. It is proposed that Committee is retained, and has a continuing role in senior recruitment as the need arises in the future (not expected to be frequent). However, its role in the foreseeable future will need to focus more on the oversight of HR issues introduced as the organisation develops - this will include the pay and grading system; performance appraisal and performance related pay (a requirement of the Scottish Executive); annual pay awards. It is proposed that the remit of the Committee is modified slightly to reflect this change in emphasis. Jane Hope 31 August 2004 janehope@cairngorms.co.uk CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 Annex 1 10/09/04 CNPA AUDIT COMMITTEE Membership: 5 (quorum 3) Members: Eric Baird Sally Dowden Sheena Slimon Bob Wilson Duncan Bryden Staff in Attendance: Chief Executive (Accountable Officer) – non voting Head of Corporate Services - non voting External Attendance: To include external auditor (Auditor General for Scotland) and internal auditor as required. Remit: a) To agree appointment of an internal auditor; b) To oversee and monitor the development of the CNPA’s internal audit plan (in accordance with the Scottish Public Finance Manual); c) To receive and consider reports by the internal auditor; d) To monitor the adequacy of the CNPA’s internal control systems; e) To consider reports by the external auditor on the CNPA’s annual accounts and other matters; f) To oversee the CNPA’s arrangements for ensuring use of resources economically, efficiently and effectively (as required by s.19 of the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000). g) To oversee the CNPA’s risk management and corporate governance arrangements. Committee Life: Permanent, but with a review of membership, chairmanship and remit each year (in September). CNPA FINANCE COMMITTEE Membership: 5 (quorum 3) Members: Andrew Thin Joyce Simpson David Selfridge Eleanor Mackintosh Gregor Rimell Staff in Attendance: Finance Manager - non voting Head of Corporate Services - non voting Remit: a) To oversee the preparation of annual budgets for the CNPA; b) To oversee the preparation of the corporate plan and seek approval of the whole CNPA Board prior to submission to Scottish Ministers; c) To monitor income and expenditure during the year against budget and report to the CNPA board once per quarter; d) Seek approval of the CNPA board to the annual accounts. Committee Life: Permanent, but with a review of membership, chairmanship and remit each year (in September). CNPA STAFFING AND RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE Membership: 6 (quorum 3) Members: Andrew Thin Eric Baird Anne MacLean David Green Douglas Glass Bruce Luffman External Attendance: For appointment of the Chief Executive, the Committee should include the Head of Environment Group, Scottish Executive (since the appointment is subject to approval by Scottish Ministers). Remit: a) To oversee and monitor the HR (human resources) systems put in place for the CNPA, including in particular the pay and grading system, performance appraisal system and related performance related pay system. b) To advise the CNPA Board on annual pay awards. c) To provide an interface between staff representative group(s) and the Board, and play a role in arbitrating on staffing issues as set out on the organisation’s procedures, and as otherwise required d) To oversee the recruitment of senior staff (Heads of Group and Chief Executive) including agreeing the job descriptions, adverts and salary; to take responsibility for interviewing and selecting the successful candidates, and seeking the endorsement of the whole CNPA Board (and of Scottish Ministers in the case of the Chief Executive); Committee Life: Permanent, but with a review of membership, chairmanship and remit each year (in September). CNPA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE Membership: The whole CNPA Board Staff in Attendance: Head of Planning Planning Officers as required Remit: a) The determination of planning applications called in by the CNPA. This includes: applications for planning permission; listed buildings consent; conservation area consent; advertisement consent; review of minerals consents; prior notifications of applications for the demolition of buildings; erection of farm/forestry buildings; the development of Crown land; b) The approval of enforcement actions or the serving of any other notices under the Planning Act which may control the development of a site; c) The approval of non-statutory planning policy documents such as statutory planning advice, design guides or other interim policy statements; d) The approval of formal responses to consultations on statutory planning related matters such as Scottish Executive consultations on NPPGs (National Planning Policy Guidance), PANs (Planning Advice Notes) and other policy documents in cases where there may be an adverse impact on the CNPA’s interests; e) The approval of formal requests to consultations by neighbouring local authorities on structure plans and neighbouring local plans in cases where there may be an adverse impact on the CNPA’s interests; f) The approval of TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders). g) To receive advice from the Head of Planning (or staff to whom the Head of Planning has delegated authority) and decide whether or not to call in planning applications made within the Park area, for determination by the CNPA; Committee Life: Permanent, but with a review of membership, chairmanship and remit each year (in September).