WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 11/02/05 Cairngorms National Park Brand Wheel Facts & Symbols - UK's biggest national park - Aviemore - Mountain Railway - 4/5 of Scotland's highest mountains - Snow reports - Balmoral - Royal Deeside - Rare wildlife - Highland Games - Clans - Speyside Whisky - Monarch of the Glen - Capercaillie - Lesley Mckenna - Craig McLean - Alain Baxter - Billy Connolly Rational Describe the Product - UK's largest national park - Stunning natural environment - Conservation area - Mountains/glens/forests - Rare wildlife/habitat - Touring centre - All year round destination - Established Tourism infrastructure - Strong history & heritage - Royal connections - Vast range of outdoor activities - Adventure / extreme sports - Local produce - Attractive villages - Huge range of accommodation Emotional How the brand makes me feel - Sense of achievement - Sense of belonging - Spiritual - Relaxed - Fulfilled - Alive - Refreshed - Inspired - Fit & healthy - Want to come back for more Values - Openness - Viability - Dynamic Evolution - Integrity How the brand makes me look - Adventurous - Individual - Independent - Cultured - Smart - Healthy - Discerning - Trend-setters - Green - Caring What the product does for me - Accessible - Wilderness experience - Unique wildlife - Genuine people - Outdoor expertise - All round recreational destination - Space - Purity - Health & well being - Adventure - Discovery - Fun - New & different experiences - Freedom - Safety - 4 seasons in 1 day - Unique light Proposition "At any season be inspired by Scotland's most exciting and accessible wilderness experience" Brand Personality - Energetic - Inspirational - Friendly - Spiritual - Adventurous - Fun Positioning "The UK's largest and most dramatic National Park, at the heart of the Scottish Highlands"