WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Paper 4 Annex 2 11/08/06 Annex 2 – Table of Public Benefit courses delivered and scheduled showing links to Priorities for Action, and NP aims. Key Draft Park Plan Priorities for Action 1. Conserving and Enhancing the Park’s Biodiversity and Landscapes 2. Developing Sustainable Deer Management 3. Supporting Integrated Land Management 4. Providing High Quality Opportunities for Outdoor Access 5. Making housing affordable and Sustainable 6. Making tourism and Businesses Sustainable 7. Developing Awareness and Understanding of the Park National Park Aims 1. To conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area. 2. To promote sustainable use of the natural resources of the area. 3. To promote understanding and enjoyment (including enjoyment in the form of recreation) of the special qualities of the area by the public 4. To promote sustainable economic and social development of the area’s communities Public Benefit Course/Topic 1. Updates on the law about Waste disposal and Exploration of waste disposal alternatives and composting Links to Priority for Action - 1; 6 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 2. Interpreting the Historic Landscape Links to Priority for Action - 7; 1 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 3. Butterfly Management Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 4. Water Vole Conservation through Mink control Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 5. Interpretation for land managers - how best to manage and deliver it Links to Priority for Action - 6; 7; 1 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 6. What does it mean to be a National Park (this will included at an international as well as a national level, and what we as the CNPA are trying to do with our NP by way of the Park Plan) Links to Priority for Action - 7 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 7. Conserving the Cairngorms Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 8. Non-native Fish – implications and management Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 9. Woodland Grazing and Management for Biodiversity Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 11. Wildflower Management and Identification Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 12. The Best use of signage to promote responsible Access Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 13. Historic Land Assessment Links to Priority for Action - 7 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 14. Giving outdoor recreation providers the necessary skills to enhance access to outdoor recreation for the disabled Links to Priority for Action - 4; 6 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4. Public Benefit Course/Topic 15. The use of Wood fuel Links to Priority for Action - 6; 1 Links to Park Aims - 2; 4. Public Benefit Course/Topic 16. Understanding Land Management Contracts Links to Priority for Action - 3 Links to Park Aims - 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 17 Participative Skills for rangers, keepers, land managers etc to engage with local communities Links to Priority for Action - 7 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 18. Understanding the Planning System with regards to Land Management (eg agricultural tracks and sheds, estate tracks etc) Links to Priority for Action - 6 Links to Park Aims - 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 19. The Water Framework Directive and its implications for land based businesses Links to Priority for Action - 6 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 20. Environmental Impact Assessments – what to look for and where to go for help Links to Priority for Action - 1; 6 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 21. Habitat monitoring/recording Links to Priority for Action - 1; 7 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 22. What makes the Cairngorms special (looking at our unique moorland, aspen, waders etc) Links to Priority for Action - 1; 7 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2; 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 23. How the countryside sector works (eg the co-dependencies of shooting, agriculture, outdoor recreation Links to Priority for Action - 3 Links to Park Aims - 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 24. Wildfire Behaviour – understanding and interpreting it Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 25. Communication – the tools to promote the public benefits you are delivering Links to Priority for Action - 6; 7; 3 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 26. Communication – understanding the media Links to Priority for Action - 6 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 27. Disability Awareness Links to Priority for Action - 4; 6 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 28. Water Margin management and Wildlife Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 29. SOAC and Communication Skills Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 30. Diffuse Pollution Links to Priority for Action - 1; 6 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 31. Cairngorms Wildlife – Identification, Management and Interpretation Links to Priority for Action - 1; 6; 7; 3 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 31. Basic Wildfire Fighting Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 33. Countryside Risk Management Training Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 34. Tick Control and Heather Management for keepers/land managers Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 35. Pond Creation and Habitat Management Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 36. Interpretation – how to get your message across Links to Priority for Action - 1; 3; 4; 6; 7 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 37. Wildfire Management for Supervisors Links to Priority for Action - 1 Links to Park Aims - 1; 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 38. Countryside Risk Management for Farmers Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 39. Wildlife and the Law Links to Priority for Action - 1; 7 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 40. Taking Strides with Access (more detailed scenario based course on the SOAC) Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3 Public Benefit Course/Topic 41. Maintenance of Access Paths Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 42. Interpreting the Geology of the Cairngorms Links to Priority for Action - 7 Links to Park Aims - 1 Public Benefit Course/Topic 43. Storytelling Links to Priority for Action - 7 Links to Park Aims - 1; 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 44. Farmland Waders Links to Priority for Action - 1; 7 Links to Park Aims - 2 Public Benefit Course/Topic 46. Gaining an Awareness of the Recreational, Historic, Environmental and Cultural opportunities for locals and visitors in the National Park. Links to Priority for Action - 7; 1; 4; 6 Links to Park Aims - 1; 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 47. Tick control and Lyme disease for Rangers Links to Priority for Action - 4 Links to Park Aims - 3; 4 Public Benefit Course/Topic 48. Best use of Signage Links to Priority for Action - 3; 4; 7 Links to Park Aims - 3, 1 Courses highlighted above have already been delivered. Italicised courses are scheduled for delivery this year. The balance are scheduled for delivery in 2007/08.