WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can effect the formatting and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: Park for All Working Group: Purpose and Short-term Outputs Prepared by: Elspeth Grant, Social Inclusion Policy Officer Purpose The purpose of this paper is to inform the Board of the work of this Group; and seek their approval for the Group’s purpose and short-term outputs. Recommendations • The Board is invited to agree the Group’s purpose and short-term outputs; and be aware of the process involved in achieving the outputs. Executive Summary The Board agreed the provisional purpose and short-term outputs for this Working Group on 12th September 2003. The Working Group has now met three times, is chaired by Lucy Grant, and has received a presentation on the Affordable Health and Fitness Project. The Group has agreed a minor amendment to the provisional purpose, and that its short term outputs should be to produce two reports by the end of April and end of July 2004. One will detail the key constraints on social inclusion activity, and one will make proposals to address the most significant of these. The Group are currently undertaking an audit of social inclusion activity, which will feed into the first report and help the Group to identify priority areas it wants to focus on. Park for All Working Group: Purpose and Short-term Outputs Introduction 1. At its meeting of 12th September 2003, the Board agreed the proposed purpose and short term outputs of the Park for All Working Group, requesting that the Group refine these as necessary for final agreement by the Board. Membership 2. The Park for All Working Group has meet three times to date. Lucy Grant has agreed to chair the Group. Other members include Eric Baird, Anne MacLean and Sheena Slimon. 3. Until the Group agrees on priority areas to focus on, external members have yet to be identified. In the meantime, individuals / experts will be invited to meetings to brief the Group on Park for All issues on an ad hoc basis. To date, the Group have heard a presentation from Judith Turner, coordinator of the Affordable Health and Fitness Project and commented on the continuation of the project. 4. The Group recognises the need to liase closely with other Working Groups, such as Public Transport, Access, Gateways and Ranger Working Groups. In addition, the Group will draw on specialist advice from the All Abilities Communication Network as necessary. The nature of co-ordination with these Groups will be determined once the Group identifies its priority areas. 5. One official, Elspeth Grant, supports the Group. Purpose and Short-term Outputs 6. The Group’s provisional purpose and short-term outputs were as follows: Purpose To develop and take forward measures and initiatives to remove barriers and make the benefits derived from the National Park fully socially inclusive. Short-term outputs To produce a report to the CNPA board by the end of [Jan’04] detailing the key constraints to be tackled over the medium term, with specific reference to how to meet the requirements and spirit of the Disability Discrimination Act. To produce a report to the CNPA board by the end of [Apr’04] setting out detailed proposals for a 3-year project aimed at addressing the most significant of these constraints and designed with particular defined priority client groups in mind. 7. Following discussion, the Working Group are content with the provisional purpose, but agreed that the word ‘fully’ should be omitted. 8. The Group also agreed to revise the timescales for the both reports, with the aim of delivering the first report by the end of April 2004, and the second report by the end of July 2004. Progress Update 9. To date the Group has been familiarising itself on the scope of social inclusion, and the range of issues it covers. As part of this process, it is conducting an audit of current social inclusion activity in the Cairngorms area, which will provide the context for the first Output report. 10. The audit is being taken forward in-house, through consultation with the All Abilities Communication Network, Councils for Voluntary Service and the Cairngorms Community Councils Association. 11. The Group will consider the findings of the audit against current government policy, CNPA responsibilities and the needs of communities, in order to identify priority areas for the Group to focus on in the second Output report. Recommendation 12. The Board is invited to agree the Group’s purpose and short-term outputs; and to be aware of the process involved in achieving the outputs. ELSPETH GRANT 25th February 2004 elspethgrant@cairngorms.co.uk