WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 14/01/05 Cairngorms National Park Authority OPERATIONAL PLAN – ACTIVITIES REPORT 2004/05 Progress to 31 December 2004 CORPORATE PLAN THEME: To foster a Park for All The CNP must be a Park which is accessible to and able to be enjoyed by everyone. It is not just a Park for the fit and the few or just for the better-off. Making it genuinely a Park for All means that the CNPA will take a lead role in making sure that: - there is widespread awareness of the CNP; why it is there, its special qualities and what it has to offer (see policy theme 2); - there is an integrated transport strategy I place and working to enable visitors and residents if all abilities and background to get around within the Park, with minimal impact on the enjoyment of the Park by others; - people have access to the information they need about the CNP; - everyone including the less able can exercise and enjoy their right of responsible access under the Land Reform Legislation, while respecting the needs of landowners and land managers for whom the land is also the basis of their business. Objectives: To deliver this theme we will focus on: Infrastructure: Work with partners to develop an integrated transport strategy and a strategy for signage, information centre. As the statutory access authority we will implement and maintain a core path network which is sufficient for giving the public reasonable access throughout the Park. We will also ensure that information about the path network is accurate, helpful and widely accessible, and signage of paths is effective. Outdoor Access Management: As the outdoor access authority we will set up a local access forum(s) to advise on and assist with disputes about the exercise of access rights, the existence and delineation of rights of way, and the adoption of a core path network. The CNPA will publicise the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. Ranger Services: the CNPA will work with the many different ranger services (approximately 14), that currently exist within the National Park and agree how best to provide the equivalent of a pan-Park ranger service, and what functions this would deliver. Information Provision: As mentioned under the next policy theme, the CNPA will take a lead in ensuring a coordinated approach to information provision to ensure that information for visitors is accurate, up to date, innovative and accessible, and uses a full range of media as appropriate. All Abilities: The CNPA will work to ensure access for all abilities becomes integrated into thinking across the Park by all organisations. It will also work to ensure that recreational facilities and in particular paths provide for the needs of people of all abilities. Youth: The CNPA recognises the importance of ensuring that young people are able to get involved in the National Park, to feed in their ideas, and to understand and enjoy it. Programmes of youth involvement will be developed including local schools, the Youth Parliament and universities, tailored to their needs. Health & Fitness: The CNPA will be looking to encourage enjoyment of the outdoor recreation opportunities of the Park as means of enabling people to improve their health and fitness. Social Inclusion: The CNPA will look at ways of reaching out to socially excluded groups within and outwith the CNP to increase understanding and appreciation of the natural environment. Action for 2004/05 Actions/outcome Integrated transport strategy 1 Policy context and issues paper to Board When Dec 04 Lead ESD Progress Delayed – in hand. In line with new Park Plan timetable, will now be presented to the Board in April 2005. The work has been commissioned. As an immediate action, work to draw together a public transport timetable for the Park, with links to walking/cycling opportunities, is being commissioned. Actions/outcome Strategy for Signage: Gateways signs 2 Scoping report for entry point signs complete When Jul 04 Lead VSR Progress Completed. 3 Signs in place at rails stations and Speyside Way. Work commenced on some road signs. When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress On track – amber. Costs obtained and funds allocated for temporary signage at 10 sites (tbc with local Board members). Approval given for detailed landscape designs at principal sites and development of marker with Park brand. Action/outcome Core path network 4 Electronic path management system in place for CNPA When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress Delayed in hand, to 05/06 to tie in with recruitment of Outdoor Access Officers 5 Compile Catalogue of Rights of Way for Park When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress Completed. Data to be incorporated in Outdoor Access Audit. Actions/outcome Outdoor Access Management: 6 Local Access Forum in place When Jan 05 Lead VSR Progress Delayed, in hand. Appointments process is under way. First LOAF meeting due in early March. 7 Outdoor access strategy – audit work complete and presented to LAF When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress On track. Outdoor Access Audit is under way, conducted by Land Use Consultants. To be completed early March. Actions/outcome 8 6 training events on access legislation and SOAC delivered for rangers, land managers, and community paths groups. When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress Completed. 6 events have been delivered (including Ranger Services, land managers, Wild Scotland and to local paths groups on funding). Plans in place for training in January through LBB scheme. 9 Agreement on management arrangements and funding mechanisms for, and coordination of access delivery in Park. When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress Delay possible, in hand - through Outdoor Access Audit and preparation of Access Strategy through 05/06. 10 Delivery of specific outdoor access projects: - Steering group (CNPA led) established for Aviemore-Glenmore offroad route; When Nov 04 Lead VSR Progress In hand. Meeting held with Council and CRAGG officer to review progress. - Laggan Challenging Off Road Cycle Route opened (with CNPA financial support) When Oct 04 Lead VSR Progress Completed. Facility formally opened with £15k support from CNPA. - Speyside Way extension: options on route presented to Board When Nov 04 Lead VSR Progress Completed. Consultation exercise now under way until end March. 11 Agreement with LAs on maintenance burdens on paths to be passed to CNPA When Feb 05 Lead VSR Progress Introductory meetings have been held with various local authorities. Actions/outcomes Ranger Services 12 Strategy for Park Ranger Services – paper to Board When Feb 05 Lead VSR Progress On track. Meetings held with 12 of the 13 Ranger Services and ranger managers, VISIT Forum, etc. Paper to Board in Feb. 13 Ranger events leaflet for 05/06 When Feb 05 Lead VSR Progress On track. Contract has been issued to collate leaflet for 05. 14 Ranger workshop as part of improving communications among rangers and other field staff When Nov 04 Lead VSR Progress Completed. Successful meting was held at Glenmore Lodge on 6/7 December 04. Actions/outcome Information provision 15 Visitor Management strategy – paper to Board When Sep 04 Lead VSR Progress Now combined with work on Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Interpretation Strategy (action 57) 16 System in place for tracking and recording visitor questions and feedback to CNPA When Sep 04 Lead VSR Progress Completed. Internal system in place, coordinated by Peter Crane 17 Visitor survey completed (September) and results disseminated When Dec 04 Lead VSR Progress Delayed – in hand. Final results now available. Final report to be issued in January 2005. 18 Visitor information and interpretation strategy paper to Board When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress On track. Timetable amended to allow incorporation of advice from VISIT Forum. 19 Visitor element of CNPA website developed When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress On Track 20 Produce materials for visitors and for enquirers; pilot completed on use of electronic information terminals. When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress Delay possible Justification paper for Ipoint pilot prepared. 21 Policy for mass-participation events developed. When Mar 05 Lead VSR Progress Delayed, in hand. To be addressed through Park Plan and National Access Forum. Actions/outcome All abilities 22 Report on year’s activities by All Abilities Communication Network. When Mar 05 Lead ESD Progress On track. 23 Involvement in Fieldfare Trust European project When Mar 05 Lead ESD Progress On track. Project currently being scoped - relates to all abilities volunteering in the Park. Actions/outcomes Youth 24 Report on year’s activities by schools youth group. When Mar 05 Lead ESD Progress On track. 25 Develop young Cairngorms website When Sep 04 Lead ESD Progress Completed. Website launched - hosted by Grantown Grammar. Schools working on development of content. 26 Develop youth programme for implementation in 2005/06 When Mar 05 Lead ESD Progress Delayed - A programme will not be established by March. Looking at the option of creating a temporary youth development project post to lead. Actions/outcome 27 John Muir award: 2005/06 business plan agreed When Feb 05 Lead ESD Progress On track Health & Fitness 28 Park wide conference to share best practice lessons When Feb 05 Lead ESD Progress On track CORPORATE PLAN THEME: Encourage enjoyment, understanding and appreciation of the special qualities of the area. We believe that we must ensure that everyone who comes to the Park can fully appreciate, understand and enjoy its special natural and cultural heritage and its recreational opportunities. In particular this must be a place where people from the more populous areas can come and enjoy the mountains, forests, rivers, lochs and wildlife. That 39% of the Park is designated for its natural heritage interest is an indication of the national and international importance of the area. For a sustainable future it is essential that visitors, local businesses and local residents alike understand and respect those special qualities which underpin much of the local economy, management of recreation, the quality of the tourism experience, and decisions on planning and development control. To deliver this theme we will focus on: Balance: The CNPA’s statutory purpose is to take a collective and coordinated approach to delivering the four statutory aims of the National Park. We will in conjunction with partner organisations develop effective decision-making frameworks for addressing perceived conflicts between conservation and social/economic development. Information: We will ensure an integrated approach to providing orientation, information and interpretation about the National Park to visitors. Information is provided by a range of partners (tourist boards, individual attractions, local authorities, SNH, etc) in a variety of forms (websites, leaflets, newsletters and articles, etc) and covering various requirements (maps, where to eat, where to stay, what is on, etc). The CNPA will provide a lead in a coordinated approach to ensure that interpretation is effective and helpful to visitors, and conveys accurate and consistent messages about the National Park. We will put in place arrangements for measuring understanding and appreciation by establishing an early baseline, and subsequent measurement at intervals. National Park brand: We aim to develop a brand and enable and manage its use by businesses (for example, for quality assured food produced within the Park). Action for 2004/05 Actions/outcome Balance 30 Complete research project to develop structured process for decision making in dealing with s.9 principle (conflict). When Feb 05 Lead SPPM Progress Delayed. This work has yet to be started and is now scheduled for completion in May 05. 31 Generation of better evidence base for decision making on CORC at Glenmore, including work on impact of disturbance on Capercaillie. When Dec 04 Lead VSR & NRG Progress On track. Final report being prepared for mailing out. Recommendations being taken forward, such as legal status for establishing sanctuaries. Decision on site at Sluggan due in January 2005. Information See actions under Theme 1 Brand Development See actions under Theme 4 CORPORATE PLAN THEME: Develop clear cohesive strategies for stewardship of the natural resources of the National Park. We believe that we must have structured and focused strategies for the stewardship of the natural resources of the Park, coupled with effective visitor management systems. This will ensure that this wonderful landscape can be enjoyed by everyone and yet at the same time be managed in a way that provides for good local food production, timber production, traditional field sports where appropriate, and protects and enhances a diversity of key species and their habitats. Key to this will be the appropriate balance of regulation, incentive and best practice to deliver public expectations. Objectives: To deliver this theme we will be focusing on the following over the next 3 years: Land management schemes. We will be working with the Scottish Executive and our partners and land managers in the Park to ensure that land management support schemes are developed which are integrated and appropriate to the needs and aims of the National Park. As part of this, we will be taking a lead in developing a shared understanding of the “public goods” which the public sector will purchase from land managers, and incentive schemes that may be developed to achieve the management of farmed as well as non-farmed land in ways that will help deliver these. We will work with partners to develop an effective mechanism for integrating effective land and water management in the context of river basin management planning within the Park. We will aim to find ways of ensuring streamlined administration, providing assistance with access to schemes by working with partner organisations which already offer land management incentive schemes. We will help develop best practice guidance on sustainable natural resource stewardship by initiating research projects. We will develop planning policies which support the conservation and enhancement of the natural heritage, including minimising the use of energy, water and other resources and reduce production of waste. Biodiversity - we will help to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the National Park Action for 2004/05 Actions/outcome Land Management Schemes 32 Manage the Cairngorms Moorland project. When on going Lead SPPM Progress On track. Mid-term review should be complete by March 05. 33 Park as an LMC region – advocacy and presentation at national LMC working group When Feb 05 Lead NRG Progress On track. Liaising with SEERAD over proposals for new year 34 Project plan with other agencies for deer certification scheme relevant to delivery of Park aims. When Nov 04 Lead NRG Progress Under discussion - possibly delayed until Apr 05 due to other agencies 35 Land Based Businesses Project: Encourage land based businesses to embrace training When On going Lead NRG Progress On track. Funding secured in principle for extension to end 2005. Considering further extension 36 Complete and develop Forest of Spey project to support forestry in the National Park – final report and recommendations for future work. When Oct 04 Lead NRG Progress Outputs completed by Nov. Extending project to deliver further outputs 37 Develop project plan for project to encourage responsible Agriculture waste disposal. When Dec 04 Lead NRG Progress Delayed. Developing contract to consider options for continuation 38 Project plan for project to encourage estates to engage with stakeholders and communities. When Sep 04 Lead NRG Progress Delayed/in hand. Started, developed to include all land managers/ first estate signed up producing newsletter 39 Identification of mechanisms to ensure nature conservation designations benefit wildlife and land managers. When Nov 04 Lead NRG Progress Delayed, but continuing in hand. Close liaison with SNH on NNR review; agreement to develop an overarching framework and individual unit development Actions/outcome Public Goods 40 Report on scope for defining public benefits delivered by land managers, and strategy for realignment of schemes based on this shared understanding. When Feb 05 Lead NRG Progress On track: Consultants appointed. Public consultation planned for Feb 05 Streamlined Administration 41 Identification of current schemes, and develop pilot scheme for delivering LMCs When Sep 05 Lead NRG Progress To follow on from 40 Best Practice 42 Report on scope for further guidance on best practice. When Feb 05 Lead NRG Progress Delayed. No progress due to staff changes. To be developed in 05 Biodiversity 43 LBAP - Develop partner delivery plans, identifying projects. When On going Lead NRG Progress On going – Amber. Projects being developed; Report to Board January 05 CORPORATE PLAN THEME: Encourage and support balanced thriving stable communities in the Park. We want to ensure vibrant, balanced and stable communities throughout the National Park. This must be a Park where young people can see a good future for themselves, where they can find work, training, affordable housing, and where they wish to and are able to bring up their families. We want to encourage and enable businesses and local communities to build a thriving local economy which has the natural and cultural heritage at its heart, and which as a result is sustainable both environmentally and commercially – businesses will not destroy the fabric which underpins their activities, and businesses which thrive locally will result in more money being spent in local garages, restaurants, shops, etc, which in turn helps to create thriving communities. And in order to thrive, businesses need a skilled workforce, who in turn need affordable houses to live in. Objectives: To deliver this theme we will focus on: Housing - We are, and will continue, working with partners to implement the Cairngorms Housing Strategy. We will also develop and pilot a scheme(s) for providing affordable housing through housing investment and ownership based on as yet undefined residency criteria (i.e. measures in addition to the existing Cairngorms Housing Strategy and focused on promoting private investment in and ownership of houses within the CNP by local people.) A Housing Development Working group has been set up to take this work forward. Capacity building in Communities - A successful National Park will be one in which communities (local communities as well as communities of interest) are able to play an active and effective role working with and advising the CNPA and other agencies. The CNPA aims to help communities develop the capacity to be effective partners and consultees on a range of important issues such as the National Park Plan and local plan. Effective use of electronic communications (possibly including wider availability of Broadband), training in its use, and effective systems of making the right information available in readily accessible forms, will be areas the CNPA will focus on. Business- the CNPA aims, in conjunction with the enterprise networks, to help create a business environment that can sustain quality employment and enable businesses to expand and develop while protecting the natural and cultural heritage. It will work with business to create career opportunities, linked to the Park’s aims and to this end aims to develop and pilot a Park-oriented apprenticeship scheme(s). Tourism – the Cairngorms National Park is a large area with tremendous tourism potential. The CNPA aims to establish, working with Tourist Boards and local businesses, a co-ordinated Park-wide approach to sustainable tourism through the preparation and implementation of a sustainable tourism strategy including a marketing strategy and brand for the whole Park, based on the special qualities and attractions of the area and the establishment of a hallmark of quality. Planning and development Control – The CNPA will call in and determine those planning applications which are of general significance to the Park’s aims, with a view to ensuring a consistent approach to sustainable development, and to good design. Decisions will be based initially on the development plans inherited from the 4 local authorities, but over the next 3 years a local plan for the National Park will be prepared. Cultural heritage – the CNPA aims to develop and implement a strategy for encouraging participation in and raising awareness of the area’s rich cultural heritage. LEADER+ programme - The overall aim of the LEADER + programme in Scotland is to “pilot and communicate innovative approaches to rural development that will promote the sustainable economic, environmental and social development of Scotland’s rural communities”. The Cairngorms programme is focusing on “helping the local communities make best use of natural and cultural resources”. Approximately £200,000 is available each year to support local projects through these funds. The programme in the National Park runs to 2005. Actions for 2004/05 Actions/outcome Housing 44 Cairngorms Housing needs assessment drafted. When Mar 05 Lead ESD Progress On track. Initial scoping work completed by Tribal HCH. Heriot Watt University have been commissioned to carry out the full study. 45 Audit of potential mechanisms for delivering affordable Home ownership within Park When Aug 04 Lead ESD Progress Completed. Will now inform revision of Cairngorms Housing Strategy and Park Plan/Local Plan development. 46 Response to SW Q&A III consultation, and press case for improved infrastructure in Park. When Oct 04 Lead ESD Progress Completed Capacity Building in Communities 47 Support ACCC in implementing Local Plan consultation. When Jun - Dec Lead PDC Progress Completed consultation process. 48 and 49 Develop Community Development policy and issues paper for input to NP Plan When Dec 04 Lead EDS Progress Delayed. In line with new Park Plan timetable, will now be presented to the Board in April 2005. The work has been commissioned. 50 Develop series of community development projects (funding committed) to deliver social & economic development aims. When Sep - Oct 04 Lead ESD Progress Completed. Support approved for Glen Esk Roadman project, Adult Learning and Conservation in Deeside project, CRAGG and Deeside River Festival. Consideration being given to part-funding continuation of Boat of Garten and Carrbridge community worker posts. Community Investment Programme being developed for 2005/06 implementation. Business 51 Commission feasibility study for Park apprenticeship scheme. When Jan 05 Lead ESD Progress Delayed. Meeting held with key stakeholders. Tenders to be invited after meeting with HIE on 20 Jan. 52 Economic development strategy for input to NP Plan When Dec 04 Lead ESD Progress Delayed. In line with new Park Plan timetable, will now be presented to the Board in April 2005. The work has been commissioned. 53 Develop series of early action economic development projects to deliver economic development aims. When Sep - Oct 04 Lead ESD Progress Completed. Funding agreed for Park wide seminars to encourage women to take up employment/learning opportunities. Discussions being held with Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce over future development plans. Tourism 54 Ensure coordinated and integrated approach to tourism involving industry and agencies, via Tourism Development Group. When On going Lead ESD Progress Meetings with Ministers completed, and with VS in progress, to define CNPA’s role following review of tourism agencies. 55 Cairngorms Tourism Marketing Strategy and action plan completed. When Jun 04 Lead ESD Progress Strategy completed. Action Plan being finalised. 56 Brand developed When Feb 05 Lead COM Progress Market testing completed – decision on final design to be taken in Jan, with launch in March. 57 Sustainable Tourism Strategy and action plan completed. When Jan 05 Lead ESD Progress Delayed – in hand. Draft received 7 Jan. Board paper due in March. 58 Application for European charter submitted When Feb 05 Lead ESD Progress Delayed – in hand. Submission now scheduled for March. 59 Food marketing - complete research on producer capacity and branding opportunities. When Jan 05 Lead NRG Progress Delay - Contract let, report due early Dec. 60 Visitor Survey – see under Park for All Planning and Development Control 61 Make sound decisions, based on sound advice, able to withstand challenge on appeal. When On going Lead PDC Progress On track - Imminent review of performance to allow us to take stock. 62 Applications processed timeously. When On going Lead PDC Progress Delay - Amber Have advertised again for a 3rd DC officer; interview Jan 05. Actions/outcome 63 Set benchmarks for processing CNPA applications within set timescales. When Mar 05 Lead PDC Progress Scottish Executive requiring us to perform as other LPAs, we are reviewing delivery. 64 Enforcement: statement on enforcement policy approved. When Oct 04 Lead PDC Progress Complete. Approved by Committee 8 Oct 04 65 CNPA able to monitor compliance with own determinations and take enforcement action as necessary. When On going Lead PDC Progress Meeting with 4 LAs Jan 05 to discuss enforcement. 65a Review delivery of planning function and committee arrangements When Oct 04 Lead PDC Progress Delayed – in hand. Review of Standing Orders underway. Cultural Heritage 66 Cultural heritage policy and issues paper for Input to Park plan When Dec 04 Lead ESD Progress Delayed – in hand. In line with new Park Plan timetable, will now be presented to the Board in April 2005. The work has been commissioned. 67 Scheme of early action projects developed. When Dec 04 Lead ESD Progress Complete. Funding approved for redevelopment of the Retreat Heritage Centre in Glen Esk, Feis Spe, Strathmashie Community Heritage Project, a ski museum feasibility study at Cairngorm Mountain and DANNSA. Dr Seamus Grant is developing content for a Gaelic place names leaflet to be produced in March. 68 Interim Gaelic language policy developed When Jun 04 Lead ESD Progress Completed LEADER+ 69 Manage the Cairngorms Leader + programme When On going Lead SPPM Progress On track. A bid for £400,000 of additional funding has been submitted to the Scottish Executive. Small Grants scheme 70 Deliver grants scheme (total value £100k) to help communities mark their inclusion in the CNP. When Mar 05 Lead SPPM Progress Completed. 49 projects were approved in total, committing all the £100,000 budget. CORPORATE PLAN THEME: Integration – the National Park Plan The CNPA’s statutory purpose is to take a collective and coordinated approach to delivering the four statutory aims of the National Park. The four aims cannot be considered in isolation as they are all inextricably linked one with another. The major vehicle for delivering this integrated approach will be the National Park Plan, which the CNPA must prepare, setting out “its policy for managing the National Park and coordinating the exercise of the CNPA’s function and the function of other public bodies and office holders so far as they affect the National Park, with a view to accomplishing the CNPA’s statutory purpose.” The National Park Plan must be approved by Scottish Ministers, and all public bodies will be required to have regard to it in exercising their functions (insofar as they affect the National Park). We will be working closely with public, private and voluntary sector organisations to put together a National Park Plan which sets out a strategy for delivering a number of key objectives for the National Park – these will be objectives which have been agreed by a wide range of public, private and voluntary sector organisations, and which will be delivered not just by the National Park Authority, but by a range of other organisations. The document will represent a partnership agreement for the National Park. In preparing the National Park Plan, we will be looking to develop effective ways of consulting others and seeking constructive input; it will also be looking to develop effective indicators and means of monitoring progress with an integrated delivery of the aims of the Park over the subsequent years. Objectives: To deliver this theme we will focus on: Prepare a National Park Plan – we aim to present a draft National Park Plan, in accordance with the provisions of the National Parks (Scotland) Act, to Scottish Ministers in April 2005. Preparing a Cairngorms National Park Local Plan – The CNPA now has the statutory responsibility for local plan(s) in the National Park. Four local plans currently cover the National Park, and the CNPA will produce a new local plan for the Park providing consistency across the area and helping to deliver the 4 aims of the National Park. It will be a major tool for delivering the National Park Plan, and will flesh out the strategic framework provided by the Park plan. Actions for 2004/05 Actions/outcome National Park Plan 71 State of the Park report completed. When Jan 05 Lead SPPM Progress Delayed- amber. We have received initial working papers. These require significant improvement. We have requested redrafts by end of Jan 05 and expect to complete the report by end of March 05. 72 Public Funding Streams research completed. When Jan 05 Lead SPPM Progress Delayed – in hand. This work has just been let to Hall Aitken for completion by early March 05. Delay caused by a vacancy in the Park Plan Officer post. 73 Advisory Panel on Joined Up Government in place When May 04 Lead SPPM Progress Completed. First meeting May 04. We expect to hold the second meeting in May 05. 74 Present vision papers to the Board When Jan 05 Lead SPPM Progress Delayed. Drafting is in hand. We now expect to discuss with the Board informally in Feb 05, and present for Board approval in April 05. Local Plan 75 Consultation (pre-draft plan) completed, engaging successfully with communities When Dec 04 Lead PDC Progress Completed. 12000 households had community profiles/questionnaires, >13% response rate. 40+ community meetings of varying types during Nov/Dec. Consultation report will now be prepared. 76 Substantial progress towards first draft of Plan. When Apr 05 Lead PDC Progress On track - amber Taking stock of consultation results and intensive drafting of local plan takes place Jan – April 05. 77 Suite of 7 interim planning policies in place When On going Lead PDC Progress Houses in Countryside & Design delayed owing to local plan consultation, work has recommenced. Other interim policies have been out to consultation and will be brought back to Members. 78 Presentation of CNP perspective to Aberdeenshire Local Plan Inquiry. When Nov 04 - Mar 05 Lead PDC Progress On track. CNPA perspective put to Reporters at hearing in Ballater Nov 04. Request made that no decisions should be taken that will prejudice CNP local plan. Core Path Plan 79 Collation of community aspirations for core paths in CNP When Dec 04 Lead VSR Progress Delayed – in hand. Relevant information arising out of Local Plan consultation will be collated. CORPORATE PLAN THEME: Develop an enabling organisation that is trusted and respected The issues that face the Cairngorms National Park are complex. Finding solutions where there are several competing interests requires an organisation that has the ability to take an overview; bases its conclusions on sound evidence and analysis; is even-handed and is competent. This requires the organisation to have very able, experienced and well qualified staff, but importantly, staff who are able to engage effectively, and if necessarily robustly, with all parties to an issue. As a public body, the CNPA must also be mindful of the need to be open and transparent in its decision making processes, and to account for use of public funds. Objectives: To deliver this theme we will focus on: Recruitment – we will identify priorities for the organisation and recruit able staff to take these forward. Recruitment will be on the basis of competition to ensure high quality staff. Organisational structure- we will establish arrangements which create and maintain a cohesive organisation which recognises and rewards good performance, and which provides for staff development. In particular, we will put in place a bespoke pay & grading system; an annual staff appraisal system; training and development plans; encourage secondments and loans between the CNPA and other organisations (private, public and voluntary sector). Culture – we will work to create an organisation which values its staff and Members and their contributions to the National Park; which has a clear understanding and recognition of its “customers” (i.e. who the organisation is there to serve); and is outward facing in everything it does. Partnership Working – we will work closely with partners, in the public, private and voluntary sectors, to deliver the aims of the Park and the National Park Plan. We will clarify with partners our role as an enabling organisation, not duplicating or substituting for the work of others, but coordinating and facilitating activities of others in ways which bring added value, making things happen which otherwise would not have done, and helping to find solutions in cases of conflict. The overriding aim will be to benefit the National Park and meet its aims. Communication- we will establish efficient communication systems within and without CNPA involving the use of electronic communications where possible, an informative and accessible website (with good linkages), and a newsletter to all Park residents. Effective communications are also important for staff and Members, operating across such a large Park area, and in view of the constraints imposed by bad weather in the winter. All staff and members will have access to e-mail, the intranet, and a video conference link between the CNPA offices. Openness and Accessibility – we will ensure the organisation is accessible to the public and to other organisations who wish to engage with us. This will include ensuring that formal board meetings and committee meetings are publicised and open to the public; that board papers and other information are readily accessible (though a variety of means), and that the CNPA has an appropriate presence at different locations in the Park. Operational Effectiveness and efficiency – we will ensure arrangements are in place (principally through the establishment of Committees), to enable the Board to have a level of oversight of the operation of the organisation compatible with their taking responsibility for the organisation. We will also ensure that effective internal control systems are in place and are used, to provide accountability and efficient use of resources. We will establish an effective internal greening policy within the CNPA. Training – we will ensure a continuous programme of training for board members and staff is implemented. Perception – we will aim to be justly seen as a trusted and respected organisation, and will establish systems for assessing and monitoring how we are perceived. Actions for 2004/05 Actions/outcome Staff Recruitment 80 Continue assessment of needs, and recruitment of staff to bring numbers up to around 50. When Mar 05 Lead CS Progress On track. Further posts to be filled by March Complement of 50 core staff by Mar 05. Organisational Structure 81 Pay and grading system in place. When Aug 04 Lead CS Progress Delayed – in hand. System in place; process of fitting in existing staff on going. 82 Annual appraisal/performance review system in place When Mar 0 Lead CS Progress Delayed- in hand. Process to be started by Jan once HR officer in place – completion likely to be autumn 05. Culture of Outward facing 83 Opinion poll on perceptions within the Park When Dec 04 Lead COM Progress Delayed – in hand. Contract let in December. 84 Communications strategy in place When Jun 04 Lead COM Progress Completed 85 Complete programme of visits to Park by key local and national media, and profile raising events; Series of authored articles to raise public understanding. When Mar 05 Lead COM Progress On track. Visits undertaken by Press Officer. 86 Establish clear set of core messages about the Park When Jul 04 Lead COM Progress Completed. These are available and regularly updated. 87 Regular flow of press coverage When On going Lead COM Progress On going 88 Complete website development When Oct 04 Lead COM Progress Complete/on track. Next phase went live in November, further development being planned. 89 Install ISDN interview facility at Grantown office When Nov 04 Lead COM Progress Delayed – in hand- to February. 90 Develop photographic library When Jan 05 Lead COM Progress In hand - Communications Officer is building this up. Openness and Accessibility 92 Publish accessible summary of key CNPA documents (Corporate plan and annual report) When Sep 04 Lead COM Progress Delayed (due to re-think). This will now be published in March. 93 Production of 3 editions of newsletter “Parklife” to distribution to all households in Park. When On going Lead COM Progress On track. Next edition will be circulated in February. 94 Submit scheme as required under Freedom of Information Act When Aug 04 Lead CS Progress Completed. Follow with staff training. Internal Control Systems 95 Agree work plan with internal auditor for reviewing current systems and identifying improvements. When Oct 04 Lead CS Progress Delayed – in hand. Audit needs assessment outline plan done – detailed programme to Audit Cttee Nov. Risk assessment process starting October. 96 Put in place efficient and effective financial control system for project expenditure. When Jul 04 Lead CS/SPP Progress In place. Keep under review Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency 97 Complete installation of admin systems - IT, filing, guidance, video conferencing. When Jan 05 (VC Oct) Lead CS Progress On track. Audio conferencing arrangements to be in place Oct and trialled. Video conf. Under consideration. 98 Corporate and operational plan – complete for 05/06 When Nov 04 Lead CS/CE Progress Delayed –in hand. discussion Jan, Board decision Feb. 99 Put in place new Corporate planning process with targets and performance indicators. When Feb 05 Lead CS/CE Progress Delay likely to April – in hand. Training 100 Hold two staff away days When Nov 04 Lead CS/CE Progress Completed, April and Nov. 101 Media training for all When Nov 04 Lead COM Progress Delay – in hand. Contract let in Dec. Training for all board and staff - Jan-Mar. 102 Complete training plans; implement training for Groups, individuals and organisation as a whole. When Mar 05 Lead CS/CE Progress Group training completed; for individuals on going. Perception as trusted and respected organisation 103 Develop methods of measuring this objective. When Mar 05 Lead COM Progress This has been rolled into the opinion polling project (action 83). Calendar 104 Produce Park calendar following photographic and poetry competition. When Sep 04 Lead SPPM Progress Completed. Calendars were delivered in Sept 04 and circulated in Nov and Dec 04. 105 Produce travelling exhibition based on winning poems and photos. When Oct 04 Lead SPPM Progress Completed. Exhibition is now touring a series of local venues.