WARNING: By their nature, text files cannot include scanned iamges and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the original PDF version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DECISION Title: Supplementary Planning Guidance Ð Approval for Public Consultation Prepared by: Alison Lax, Local Plan/Policy Officer Purpose This paper seeks the BoardÕs formal approval to consult on a suite of draft Supplementary Planning Guidance which will support the Local Plan once adopted. Recommendations That the Board: a) Approve the following draft Supplementary Guidance for consultation: Water Resources Open Space Affordable Housing Natural Heritage The Sustainable Design Guide Conversion and reuse of existing traditional and vernacular buildings Carbon Emissions Housing Development in Rural Building Groups Site specific development briefs. b) Approve the consultation on the supplementary guidance, from 24th May Ð 24th September 2010. Executive Summary The Cairngorms National Park Authority has a duty to prepare a Local Plan for the Park and to support and add further detail to that Plan. A suite of Supplementary Planning Guidance has been drafted covering a variety of topics. This Supplementary Planning Guidance is intended to assist applicants in understanding the requirements for their planning applications, and adds a level of detail which is inappropriate for the Local Plan. The guidance will support the adopted Local Plan and will form a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and appeals. The supplementary planning guidance topics included at this time are the Water Resources, Open Space, Affordable Housing, Natural Heritage, the Sustainable Design guide, Conversion and reuse of existing traditional and vernacular buildings, Carbon Emissions, Housing Development in Rural Building Groups, and a series of site specific development briefs. Supplementary Planning Guidance Ð Approval for Public Consultation Ð For Decision Background 1. The Board will be aware of the previously approved programme of supplementary planning guidance (October 2008). This report presents a suite of supplementary planning guidance in line with that programme. It seeks the approval for consultation of the next tranche of draft guidance, and the agreement to commence that consultation. Water Resources 2. The Water Resources guidance supplements the Local Plan policy on water resources, and sets out guidance to underpin this policy, as revised through post inquiry modifications. It deals in turn with three distinct water related issues; use of existing water resources, flooding, and connection to sewerage and associated development required for waste water. Open Space 3. This guidance provides additional information to underpin the Local Plan policy on Open Space provision. It has been underpinned by an open space audit of the 5 main settlements in the Park. The guidance sets out what developers will have to consider when undertaking new development, and what open space they will need to provide. Affordable Housing 4. This guidance underpins the policy in the Local Plan dealing with affordable housing. It sets out a detailed methodology about the model which will be applied to assess housing proposals in order to determine what percentage of any given development will have to be affordable. Whilst this model and its results cannot make decisions on exact numbers it can helpfully provide information to inform decisions on the level of affordable provision being sought in each specific development. Natural Heritage 5. This guidance provides additional information to underpin the first five policies of the Local Plan. It sets out how the natural heritage of the National Park will be taken into account when considering all development proposals. It explains the evidence that should be gathered and the information that should accompany any planning application. It also details how the importance of natural heritage on any site proposed for development should be assessed. Sustainable Design Guide 6. This guidance underpins the policy in the Local Plan dealing with Design Standards for Development. It is intended to help developers consider all the issues that need to be looked at when planning any development in the National Park to achieve a distinctive and sustainable outcome. It will encourage developers to opt for designs to respond to the local landscape and the local climate basing the guidance on a number of key sustainable design principles which are related to the aims of the Park. Conversion and Reuse of existing Traditional and Vernacular Buildings 7. This guidance underpins the Local Plan policy dealing with conversions and reuse of traditional and vernacular buildings. It provides advice, general considerations and information which developers should take into account. It details the issues that must be considered to achieve a successful and sympathetic conversion and includes information that should accompany any planning application. Carbon Emissions 8. This guidance underpins the Local Plan policy dealing with Carbon Emissions. Previously considered by Planning Committee in April 2009, this guidance has been alerted to take account of previous comments raised by Members. It provides guidance to applicants on how to achieve a reduction in the carbon emissions produced by their development. It also provides a number of examples of technology, general considerations and outlines information required in support of planning applications. Housing Development in Rural Building Groups 9. This guidance underpins the Local Plan policy dealing with Housing within Rural Building Groups. Previously considered by Planning Committee in April 2009, this guidance has been amended to take account of previous comments raised by Members, and also to include a number of amendments as a result of the post inquiry modifications. The guidance provides criteria, general principles and good practice advice for new development. It provides concise and flexible guidelines to allow applicants to make informed considerations about additional housing development in a rural building group of three or more dwellings. Site Specific Development Briefs 10. These cover 5 of the remaining housing allocations identified in the Local Plan which do not already have permission or masterplans in place for their development. These sites are Dulnain Bridge H1, Grantown H2, Kincraig H1, Newtonmore H1 and H2. They set out the policy context for each site, and the development requirements, including issues such as natural heritage considerations, phasing, density and design, access and open space provision. Recommendation 11. It is recommended that: a) The Board approve the draft Supplementary Guidance for consultation for the following: Water Resources Open Space Affordable Housing Natural Heritage The sustainable design guide Conversion and reuse of existing traditional and vernacular buildings Carbon Emissions Housing Development in Rural Building Groups Site specific development briefs. Next stages - Consultation 12. It is proposed to commence a period of consultation on the 24th May 2010, closing on the 24th September 2010. The documents for consultation will be sent to all key stakeholders, community groups and will be available to the wider public. The documents will be made available at CNPA offices, libraries and other accessible points as required, and will be available on the CNPA website. 13. A summary of the comments and proposed CNPA response will be submitted to a future meeting, with any proposed changes as appropriate, and seeking approval of the final guidance. It is hoped to achieve this in line with the timeframe for the adoption of the Local Plan. Once adopted the guidance will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. Recommendation 14. It is recommended that: a) The Board approve the commencement of consultation on the supplementary guidance, starting 24th May Ð 24th September 2010. Policy Context 15. The CNPA is responsible for the production of a Local Plan for the Park and to support this any necessary supplementary planning guidance. The National Park Plan provides the strategic context for this Local Plan, its policies and proposals, and any supplementary planning guidance. These must accord with the objectives of the National Park Plan. The adopted Local Plan and its supporting guidance, and development management procedures must ensure all developments protect the ParkÕs special habitat and special qualities, and site design plans for developments make a positive contribution to biodiversity as appropriate to their location is a priority for Action in the National Park Plan. In addition the National Park Plan includes as a further Priority for Action to make provision for effective land and policies for housing in the Local Plan. Adopting and implementing the Local Plan and its supporting supplementary planning guidance will therefore significantly assist in the delivery of these priorities. In addition the adoption of the Local Plan and its supplementary planning guidance will achieve one of the strategic objectives set out in the Corporate Plan. It will ensure the Park is a well designed, sustainable area of high environmental quality which provides affordable places for people to live, work and actively enjoy. Implications Financial Implications 16. The budget for publication, consultation and adoption of the Local Plan and its supporting supplementary planning guidance is planned for in the agreed Operational Plan. The staff resources required to undertake this work will fit within existing work programmes. Presentational Implications 17. This Report raises a number of presentational issues linked to the recommendations made by the Reporters, and how the CNPA take these into account when taking forward the Local Plan and its supplementary planning guidance to adoption. It is therefore extremely important that all consultation on the supplementary planning guidance is completely transparent, and that any changes to the documents are clearly reasoned and justified. All objections and comments received to the consultation will be reported back to the Board for their consideration. Implications for Stakeholders 18. The constituent Local Authorities will use the adopted Local Plan and its supporting supplementary planning guidance in determining those applications submitted in the Park but not called in by CNPA. Developers, key agencies, infrastructure undertakers, community groups and residents will also use the Local Plan and the supplementary planning guidance to guide and inform further development work in the Park. It will be a necessity to continue to work closely with all involved to ensure a clear and widespread understanding of the Local Plan and the supplementary planning guidance and how it is to be used once adopted. Next steps 19. Following the close of the period for consultation, CNPA must consider all of the submissions received and decide whether to make any changes to the supplementary guidance. The results of the consultation and the further changes proposed will be reported to a future committee. It is hoped to complete this work in line with the timetable for the adoption of the Local Plan. Alison Lax 4th May 2010 alisonlax@cairngorms.co.uk CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 3 14/05/10 Appendices Water Resources Open Space Affordable Housing Natural Heritage The sustainable design guide Conversion and reuse of existing traditional and vernacular buildings Carbon Emissions Housing Development in Rural Building Groups Site specific development briefs.