WARNING: By their nature, text files cannot include scanned iamges and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the original PDF version of this document. NOTE: This section contains a table which cannot be converted to text. Please see the original PDF for reference. Designated sites in the Cairngorms National Park Designation Purpose SAC Ð Special Area of Conservation These areas, created under the EC Directive on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (the ÒHabitats DirectiveÓ), are of European importance. SPA Ð Special Protection Area These areas, created on the EC Directive on the Conservation of wild birds (the ÒBirds DirectiveÓ) are of European importance. Collectively SAC and SPA sites are known as Natura sites. SSSI Ð Site of Special Scientific Interest Areas in Scotland which are special for their plants or animals or habitat, their rocks or landforms or a combination of these features. GCR Ð Geological Conservation Review These sites display sediments, rocks, fossils, and features of the landscape that make a special contribution to our understanding and appreciation of Earth science and the geological history of Britain, NNR Ð National Nature Reserves All of these sites are important in terms of public understanding and enjoyment, as well as being important nationally for nature. They are also designated SSSIs. Ramsar These sites, designated under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance are internationally important wetland sites protecting wildfowl habitat. Scottish Government policy states that proposals with potential to affect these sites are considered under the same process as SAC and SPA sites. TABLE ENDS These designations often overlap. For example, Insh Marshes is SAC, SPA, SSSI and NNR. European Protected Species are also present on the site. The possibility of effect on a designated site brings a statutory requirement on the planning authority to apply more stringent tests in determining applications. This requires a greater level of information from the developer. A guide is available from SNH (www.snh.org.uk/pubs/results.asp?Q=natura+sites&rpp=10) outlining the consideration of proposals which may affect SACs and SPAs. An interactive map is available on the SNH website (www.snh.org.uk/snhi/map.asp) which shows the location of all SSSIs, SACs, SPAs and RAMSAR sites. If an applicant believes that their proposal may affect a designated site then they should contact the planning authority as early as possible.