WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING held at the Albert Hall, Ballater on Friday 15th October 2010 at 12.15pm PRESENT: Peter Argyle Mary McCafferty Geva Blackett Eleanor Mackintosh Duncan Bryden Willie McKenna Angela Douglas Ian MacKintosh Jaci Douglas David Paterson David Green(Convener) Andrew Rafferty Kate Howie Brian Wood Gregor Hutcheon In Attendance: Murray Ferguson Don McKee Jane Hope Francoise van Buuren Apologies: Marcus Humphrey Gregor Rimell Bob Kinnaird Allan Wright Welcome and Introduction 1. David Green welcomed new Board Members to this first meeting of the Cairngorms National Park Authority Board since the extension of the National Park to include Highland Perthshire, and the changes in Board composition. The meeting was simply to agree some operational and organisational details following those changes to the Board size and membership. Minutes of Last Meeting Ð approval 2. The minutes of the last meeting on the 3rd September 2010 would be considered for approval at the next scheduled Board meeting on the 29th October. Matters Arising 3. None. Declarations of Interest 4. None. Board Operating Arrangements (Paper 1) 5. Jane Hope introduced the paper which sought agreement to a number of changes to Board operating procedures in the wake of changes to Board size and membership. 6. The recommendations of the paper were agreed as follows: a) Changes to Standing Orders were agreed as set out at Paragraph 4. Most notably, it was agreed that the quorum would change to 10, with consequential changes at Standing Order 12 and Standing Order 39. b) Election of the vacant post of CNPA Deputy Convener to take place at the January Board Meeting, and in the interim the Convener of the Planning Committee to Chair the Board in the absence of the Convener. It was noted in passing that opportunities for Members to take the Chair of meetings should be sought as a way of providing experience. c) Membership of three Committees was agreed as set out in Annex 2 of the paper. d) It was agreed that David Paterson be nominated to sit on COAT (Cairngorms Outdoor Access Trust), and Jaci Douglas should take over Chairmanship on behalf of CNPA of the Sustainable Tourism Steering Group. e) The Board meeting dates for 2011 were noted, with the addition of the following dates as provisional days in case of bad weather leading to cancellation of other scheduled meetings: 14th January, 11th February, 11th March, 8th April. It was also noted that an opportunity would be provided once the new Board members had settled in, to consider how best to use Board meeting days. f) David Green announced he would be stepping down as Deputy Convener of the Planning Committee, and therefore served notice that election to this vacancy would take place as the first item of business at the next meeting of the Planning Committee on the 29th October. Planning Committee Operating Arrangements (Paper 2) 7. Don McKee and Murray Ferguson introduced the paper which sought the BoardÕs agreement to changes to the Standing Orders of the Planning Committee, and also sought agreement to introducing new arrangements for calling-in planning applications. 8. The new Standing Orders were broadly agreed subject to some minor changes at Standing Orders 11, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, and 33. It was felt that Standing Order 9 which made provision for oral representations needed some further thought. In the meantime it was proposed that the Standing Orders be approved, subject to the minor changes mentioned, with any further changes to Standing Order 9 to be brought back for further consideration shortly. 9. There was considerable discussion on the detail of the proposed new arrangements for calling-in planning application. The new arrangements were intended to be more efficient in terms of use of Board MembersÕ time, maintaining transparency of process. These changes were possible now because of the change to the Cairngorms National Park Designation Order. There was broad agreement to the principle and for a trial to take place running in parallel with the existing arrangements whereby the Board met every fortnight to consider call-in decisions. New arrangements would only be brought in once a suitable period of testing had taken place and Board Members were content with the new arrangements. 10. The Recommendations of the paper were approved as follows: a) Subject to some minor changes the new Standing Orders as set out at Annex 1 were approved. Further consideration would be given to Standing Order 9 on oral representations, with a further paper be brought to the Board for agreement on this particular issue. b) The principle of new arrangements for call-in were agreed as was a period of parallel running of the new arrangements with the existing arrangements. The new arrangements would only be brought in once a suitable period of testing had taken place and the Board had given its final approval. AOCB 11. Francoise van Buuren explained the system for providing Board Members with briefing on current issues. The regular briefing pack would consist of key facts about the National Park; projects and current activities; forward look of major events. 12. The Convener reported on a recent open evening in Ballater at which the Ballater Business Association had raised the very tricky and complex issue of business rates. Recent changes across the country had left Ballater particularly badly hit, the problem being that allowances had risen by 20 to 25% but rateable values had risen by 60%, and taking away Transitional Relief had taken away the safety net. The Convener agreed to write to the Minister, Jim Mather drawing BallaterÕs plight to his attention, given the fourth aim of the National Park (promoting the sustainable, economic and social development of the areas communities). Date of Next Meeting 13. Friday 29th October, Lonach Hall, Strathdon.