WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. OAS Policy 8: Managing Outdoor Access at Popular Countryside Sites 1. Active management measures should continue to be applied and monitored at popular recreational sites in the Cairngorms National Park so as to maximise visitor enjoyment, safeguard health and safety, maintain or enhance the quality of the environment and to minimise the adverse effects of recreational use. The Management for People system (SNH, 2004) should be used at popular countryside sites within the Park where possible. In relation to camping at unmanaged sites the policy in the Cairngorms National Park is based on the following principles: a) Positive management measures should be adopted to discourage roadside camping (except in the circumstances prescribed in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code); b) Promoting the provision of suitable managed facilities for camping – especially in and around those areas where there is demand and/or where current unmanaged camping is causing problems; c) Direct involvement of the relevant ranger service in the area to provide assistance to land managers where there are problems; d) Development, in association with land managers and appropriate representative bodies, of signage and other written material that explains the problems and encourages responsible behaviour.