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Executive Summary To capitalise on the interest of a range of partners in carbon savings, a workshop was held in early March to begin the process of analysing the potential carbon savings in the National Park. This is a key basic building block in taking forward the ambition agreed by the Board to move towards a low carbon National Park, and to setting out a transparent basis on which to deliver and demonstrate contributions to the targets of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act. The workshop brought together partners from a range of sectors, to pool their knowledge and expertise to consider the baseline of carbon flows and stores within the Park and the likely effectiveness and relative cost of possible interventions. The technical analysis which will develop from the workshop will provide a clear analysis to inform policy decisions in developing the National Park Plan and a transparent basis on which to engage interest groups needed to deliver change. The full report of the workshop is in preparation, this paper seeks to update on the board on some of the key messages coming out of the workshop. LOW CARBON CAIRNGORMS – ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL CARBON SAVINGS - FOR INFORMATION Background 1. In July 2009 the Board agreed an ambition to move towards a ‘Low Carbon National Park’. This is a headline aspiration which provides a focus to a number of current and potential workstreams on climate change mitigation and adaptation and a shift towards a low carbon economy. 2. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act creates a challenging statutory framework for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Scotland. The Act sets the following targets: a) 42% reduction by 2020 b) 80% reduction by 2050. 3. The Act requires: a) that all public bodies contribute to the delivery of the national GHG reduction targets b) that the Scottish Government delivers a low carbon land use strategy (by March 2011) c) there is engagement with the Scottish general public so that they better understand the challenges of climate change and change behaviours accordingly 4. The Climate Change Delivery Plan specifically identifies four key abatement options: a) Reduce energy use through decreasing demands and increasing efficiency with which energy is used; b) Reduce use of fossil fuels and produce more low carbon energy; c) Reduce consumption of products which emit greenhouse gases as part of their manufacture (e.g. cement); d) Sequester carbon geologically in soil and vegetation. 5. CNPA and partner are engaged in a number of current workstreams contributing to these ambitions, including work on energy, transport, waste and land use. Planning for future workstreams will come through the process of developing the next National Park Plan, 6. Given the range of potential options, and the resources that may be required to effect change, we need to have some sense of the baseline and the relative cost/benefit of opportunities – ie where are the biggest flows and stores of carbon in the National Park, and where the most effective interventions might be made. This analysis will provide a transparent basis on which to base and communicate policy decisions and to demonstrate the contribution of the National Park to the Scottish Government’s climate change targets. Analysis of potential carbon savings 7. To get some technical analysis behind our decisions on low carbon work, we invited a group of specialists from different sectors to come together to pool their knowledge and expertise in developing a baseline analysis of carbon in the Park. This is an innovative process, drawing on the shared opportunity for a range of partners to develop their work using the National Park. 8. To begin this work, a workshop was held in early March with the aim: “To map and quantify carbon stores and flows within the Park and to identify the relative potential of various different possible interventions with a view to the creation of a lowcarbon National Park”. 9. The workshop was designed and facilitated by Dick Birnie (Macaulay Institute) and Jonathan Dawson (consultant). In practice the workshop focused on: a) discussions on how to get a baseline data set against which carbon savings could be measured; b) attempting to identify likely cost-effective interventions to reduce carbon use and emissions in the National Park; and c) identifying next steps to take this work forward. 10. Participants (see annex 1) were invited on the basis of their technical knowledge in relation to the five sectors identified in the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Delivery Plan, tailored to the context of the National Park. 11. All participants gave their time freely on a partnership basis to contribute to this workshop, and the commitment and enthusiasm for the collective opportunity to contribute to realising a low carbon National Park was encouraging. 12. A full report of the workshop is currently under preparation but some of the main messages arising included: a) agreement that it is practically possible to develop a sufficiently accurate baseline of carbon uses and potential savings to inform policy direction; b) clarification on the distinction between analysing carbon production versus carbon consumption and the importance of not double counting; c) recognition that initiatives on reducing carbon consumption (rather than production) are more likely to engage communities and individuals; d) agreement to work on developing a ‘marginal abatement cost’ (MAC) curve for the National Park – in essence this would rate the various options for carbon savings across all sectors in terms of the potential extent of carbon saving versus the likely cost of implementation. 13. The MAC curve of carbon savings potential and costs will help identify quick wins which can be achieved at relatively low cost, but also those options that might make significant impact into the future but at high cost (which may therefore require long term planning in order to make possible). 14. We will now be working with several of the partners attending the workshop to pull together the data required to develop that MAC curve in a way that is sufficiently tailored to the National Park. 15. Overall the benefits from the technical workshop are two-fold: a) It has identified a way to develop a technical analysis that can underpin our policy development for the Park and on which to base our contribution to the Climate Change Act. b) It has strengthened relationships with a number of partners which is likely to yield benefits in delivery beyond this immediate technical process. Next Steps 16. There are two principal strands to taking this work forward: a) Development of the analysis and partner discussions on policy direction; b) Engaging communities of place and interest needed to deliver changes towards a low carbon National Park. 17. The first will be taken forward in partnership with several of the participants in the workshop, and once the analysis is further developed we intend to hold a seminar with key policy stakeholders towards the end of 2010, as part of the National Park Plan development. 18. The second, engagement, needs to be taken forward as an integral part of our work with communities and stakeholders – this is a long term commitment to shape change in the Park. There are though some quick wins which we should seek ways to deliver in the short-term, through partners and communities. For example, there was agreement at the workshop that one of the most effective contributions that could be made in the National Park is enhancing insulation in homes and other buildings, for which there are grant support options available. 19. We intend to bring some of the results from the analysis of carbon savings potential to the next Board climate change session on 9th July for discussion to help shape the National Park Plan. Consultation 20. The paper reports on the collaborative approach of partners at the workshop. This first stage of analysis will inform consultation on the National Park Plan. Policy Context 21. The analysis of potential carbon savings will inform development of the National Park Plan, showing how best the National Park can contribute to the Scottish Government’s climate change targets. Implications Financial Implications 22. There are no immediate financial implications. There may be some data costs associated with developing the technical analysis further, which can be covered within the proposed operational plan for 2010/11. Presentational Implications 23. At present the analysis of potential carbon savings is a technical process, however, the resulting picture of potential opportunities should be a tool to help engage people seeing how actions could contribute to the bigger picture. Implications for Stakeholders 24. The workshop proved to be a very successful example of partnership working in which a range of partners from different sectors came together around the focus of the National Park, each seeing a relevance to taking forward their own agendas while being willing and able to contribute to meeting the needs of the National Park. Hamish Trench 10th March 2010 hamishtrench@cairngorms.co.uk ANNEX 1 The following participated in the workshop: Eric Baird, CNPA Elaine Booth, Scottish Agricultural College Jan Dick, SEE360 Diana Feliciano, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute John Forbes, Energy Savings Trust David Griffen, Energy Savings Trust Dominic Moran, Scottish Agricultural College Ian Murdoch, Energy Savings Trust (transport) Bill Slee, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Pete Smith, University of Aberdeen Ed Taylor, Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment Alex Walker, Development Trusts Association of Scotland In addition, the following specialists were invited but were prevented from attending by adverse weather conditions: Hugh Raven, Soil Association and Sustainable Development Commission Nicky Souter, Waste Aware Scotland All the members of the steering group participated in the workshop: Richard Birnie, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Chris Bremner, CNPA Fiona Chalmers, CNPA Jonathan Dawson, Independent consultant Hamish Trench, CNPA