WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY CLIMATE CHANGE FOR INFORMATION Title: Internal Greening Group Update Prepared by: Andy Rinning, Business Services Manager Purpose To provide an update of the work of the Internal Greening Group. Recommendations a) The Board is asked to note the report, and to raise any questions on the update provided. Executive Summary Update on Progress of the Internal Greening Group 1. The internal greening group have developed a comprehensive prioritised action plan covering a wide range of greening issues, scored in terms of ease of implementation. This plan is reviewed regularly to confirm action taken or to include other relevant points. 2. CNPA has implemented a carbon levy charge to provide a budget for the greening group. For this purpose the rates have been set as follows; a) UK domestic flights £5 per journey b) European flights £6 per journey c) International flights £15 per journey d) Pool cars £80 per car per year e) Mileage 0.65 pence per mile. Charges for 2007-08 were £1,951.18 and for 2008-09 £2032.10. 3. A green travel plan has been developed and implemented in order to reduce the Authority’s carbon footprint through greater use of public transport, car sharing and cycle to work scheme. The principles of this plan have been embedded into the travel section of the staff handbook and members’ travel and subsistence guidance note. 4. Recycled paper products are now being purchased for all use across the organisation. Use is being made of the Scottish Government procurement contracts to obtain best value. 5. Facilities have been provided to allow the recycling of waste products (cardboard, paper, glass, tins and plastics). The Authority has a permit issued by the local authority to allow disposal of recycled products at licensed commercial sites free of charge. Composting bins have also been installed at the Grantown office. 6. Consideration has been given to ways to improve the heat loss from the Grantown office, given the constraints of age and construction of the building. Loft insulation has been installed to prevent heat loss through the roof space and we are looking at the potential of installing secondary glazing, subject to the outcome of the accommodation review. 7. CNPA is a member of the Green Business Tourism scheme and was awarded Silver as a result of assessment in 2006. Following assessment in 2009 we were awarded Gold in recognition of the improvements to our office greening credentials. 8. A trial project of a community electric car is currently under way in Grantown to promote a reduced carbon means of transport. As an extension to this, the Authority has secured additional funding from its sponsor department for the purchase of an electric car as an addition to our existing pool car fleet. This new addition will help further reduce the overall carbon footprint of the Authority. 9. We have taken the opportunity to reduce the emissions of our pool cars on replacement. The Hondas and Subarus had Co2 ratings around 195g/km but with a more targeted approach in replacement with lower emission vehicles we have achieved ratings for most vehicles at a level below 130 g/km, with the latest two vehicles at 115g/km. We will continue to strive to achieve lower ratings where possible. 10. Statistics for mileage breakdown for members, staff and pool cars show a tendency for reduced mileage for staff and Board members and an increase in the mileage of pool cars, which offers a more economic means of travel. Details of mileage breakdown for the past two financial years are as follows: Note: Copy in this section forms part of a table and cannot be laid out in text. Please see original PDF for reference. 2007-08 2008-09 Staff 39,939 36,414 Board members 67,144 57,993 Pool cars 109,375 116,009 11. Statistics for expenditure on public transport over the past two financial years are as follows: Note: Copy in this section forms part of a table and cannot be laid out in text. Please see original PDF for reference. 2007-08 2008-09 Rail 7,515.55 8739.44 Bus 39.35 64.80 Ferry 0.00 127.00 Air 1320.20 4570.49 In 2007-08 there were 13 domestic flights and in 2008-09 there were 11 domestic, 6 European and 1 international flight. 12. Key performance indicators relating to emissions from vehicle based travel show a reduction in the estimated final figure for 2009-10. Details for the previous year and current year estimate are as follows: Note: Copy in this section forms part of a table and cannot be laid out in text. Please see original PDF for reference. 2008-09 2009-10 Mileage Emissions Mileage Emissions Staff 36,414 9,671 43,644 11,807 Board 57,993 17,153 41,087 12,251 Pool cars 116,009 27,243 117,025 25,594 13. As part of the shared services with Loch Lomond & Trossachs we are discussing the possibility to share their video conferencing hub which should allow us to link to a wider number of partners resulting in a reduction in the need for travel. ANDY RINNING 12 March 2010 andyrinning@cairngorms.co.uk