WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 5 Annex 1 20/04/07 ANNEX 1 - CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK PLAN DELIVERY TEAMS Priority for Action Delivery Team Purpose 1. Each delivery team is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring and reporting on the required actions and ultimate achievement of five year outcomes within its priority for action. They are also responsible for delivering efficiencies, sharing best practice, joining up our efforts to add value and determining who can best deliver particular actions – whether this should be the public, private or voluntary sectors - to achieve longer term sustainability. In particular, the delivery team is responsible for ensuring the agreed five-year outcomes set out in the National Park Plan are achieved by the deadline of 2012. Delivery Team Structure 2. The delivery teams will have a dedicated project manager responsible for overseeing the implementation process. The Project Manager will be a senior member of CNPA staff. 3. The delivery teams will be chaired by a senior member of a lead public sector agency. Regular progress updates will be fed into the CNPA Board and used to keep the CNPA advisory forums informed. In addition, input and feedback from the advisory forums, Board and partner organisations will be taken into account by the delivery teams when carrying out its role. Membership 4. Each delivery team will consist of representatives from various partner organisations who have a direct and active contribution to make towards delivering the priority for action outcomes. Their role, in consultation with their colleagues, will be to allocate financial and staffing resources, manage specific actions and determine future resource contributions that can be made through their organisation’s corporate plans and budgets for the years 2008- 2011 and beyond. Delivery Team members should oversee and report back on the delivery of those activities they have committed to undertake as well as keep their own organisation informed of progress against the Park plan as a whole. Members must have the authority of the organisation they represent to take decisions on delivery of actions and commitment of resources allocated to those actions in pursuance of the Priority for Action milestones and five-year outcomes. Responsibilities 5. Each delivery team will be expected to fulfil the following responsibilities: a) To deliver agreed actions set out in the Action Programme and Monitoring Framework, achieve agreed milestones within required timetables, and deliver the agreed five year outcomes for that Priority for Action. b) To annually agree a chair of the team, who will take overall responsibility for leading the work of the delivery team, in line with these terms of reference, to ensure the team collectively delivers the agreed five year outcomes by 31st March 2012. c) To prepare and regularly update the Action Programme and Monitoring Framework, using the standard template, drawing reference for planned activities and milestones directly from the agreed National Park Plan. The Action Programme and Monitoring Framework should be developed by 31st December 2007. d) To monitor progress against the Action Programme and Monitoring Framework and through that delivery of the five year outcomes on a regular basis, preparing a six-monthly report on progress made by 30th September and 31 March each year. e) To report on the teams achievements at the end of each financial year to feed into the National Park Plan annual report. ANNEX 2 – Advisory Forums and Strategy Group Advisory Forums Remit 1. To provide advice and feedback to the CNPA and its partner organisations in the management of the National Park - specifically in terms of progress being made in delivering the park plan, any issues or concerns they feel need to be addressed and helping to generate new ideas for policy and implementation. In addition, the advisory forums should help communicate key messages with other interested parties to help gain their support and understanding for the work being carried out in association with the Park Plan. Each forum should focus on the interests of one of the three strategic themes identified in the park plan. Membership 2. To be as inclusive as possible and drawn by invitation from organisations from all sectors, groups and individuals who are able and willing to advise constructively on the management of the National Park and delivery of the Park Plan. Membership will therefore not be on a strictly representational basis, but will be drawn to ensure a wide range of relevant experience and expertise, coupled with the ability to constructively and critically advise the CNPA and its partners on its role and work in relation to the National Park. In addition to the members invited to attend meetings, there would be a wide second tier of interested individuals who are kept informed of progress. Each forum will have a number of Board members nominated as their champions who will be responsible for ensuring the views and advice given at forum meetings are raised at Board meetings when decisions are being made. In addition, each forum will be supported by a senior member of the CNPA staff. Method of Operation 3. Meetings will be serviced (called, agendas prepared, papers/presentations prepared and minutes written) by CNPA staff. Meetings will be called as frequently as needed, but expected to be around twice a year (Autumn/Spring) with an additional annual strategic conference being held for all forums. We must recognise, there are limits to the demands we can place on people’s time, particularly those who are self employed. Those attending would be eligible for mileage expenses, unless from a public agency, in which case the agency would be expected to cover travel costs. We will continue to hold these meetings at locations across the Park and use the opportunity to visit areas and/or activities which are of interest to the topics being discussed. 4. The Local Outdoor Access Forum remit and membership remains unchanged. 5. The panel of joined up government was established to advise the CNPA on the development and implementation of the National Park Plan as a strategic framework for more integrated public sector activity in the Park. It is proposed that this panel should continue with the same remit, membership and method of operation and should also give strategic advise relating to the longer term issues such as the best methodology to monitor the health indicators of the Park, agree what research projects are needed to fill information gaps and review the existing National Park Plan and help direct the content for the next Park Plan to cover the years 2012-2017. The panel will be renamed the Cairngorms Strategy Group and will include representation from the ACCC, CCC and Scottish Environment LINK. Input from a ‘think tank’ of strategy specialists will provide relevant information for discussion and decisions.