WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 4 Annex 1 21/01/11 ANNEX 1 PROPOSED CNPA COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STANDARDS 1. The Involvement Standard a) We will work with our communities to identify what their interests and priorities are to ensure our plans reflect their needs. b) All those with an interest in the issue for consultation will be identified and made aware of a variety of opportunities for participation (not just ACC). 2. The Planning Standard a) The purpose and outcome of the engagement process will be made clear to participants focusing on how this will impact on their interests (WhatÕs in it for them?) and participants will be involved in agreeing the issues, scope, timescale, actions and resources/support involved. 3. The Support Standard and Methods Standard a) Mechanisms, roles and responsibilities will be agreed with the participants/representatives of the community and must be as inclusive as possible with any identified barriers/constraints removed or minimised. 4. The Working Together Standard and Sharing Information Standard a) Clear procedures, support and investment that enable participants to communicate, share information and work effectively together will be put in place (in partnership with others if at all possible) as required e.g. capacity building, training, facilitation, etc. 5. The Working with others Standard and Improvement Standard a) We will work with other public bodies to co-ordinate our community engagement activities, share resources and learn from each other to continually improve how we collectively engage with communities. 6. The Feedback Standard a) We will provide timely feedback to the community on the results of the engagement, what impact/influence the engagement has had and the rationale for decisions made and for what will happen next. 7. The Monitoring and Evaluation Standard a) We will monitor whether the engagement achieves its purpose and evaluate how the process could be improved for future participation. Feedback and comments about the process itself from participants should be encouraged. Some data must be analysed and reported in the same format each time to allow real comparisons to be made. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 4 Annex 1 21/01/11 Park Plan Community Plans PARK PLAN/COMMUNITY PLANS - COLLABORATIVE WORKING Seek to ensure strategic alignment Local Community Planning Groups ¥Identify needs and opportunities ¥Prioritise actions ¥Co-ordinate local delivery ¥Engage communities Park Plan Delivery Structures/ CNPA Communications activity Community Planning Delivery Structures Community Needs Initiative Ð identifies local needs and opportunities to inform both Park Plan and Community Plan related actions. ACC has a complementary role to play in helping to deliver effective community engagement, representing community views, sharing best practice, etc. Cairngorms LAG underpins all of the above by funding appropriate projects and seeking to make the best use of partner resources in advising and supporting project applicants.