CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: ADVISORY GROUPS – DISCUSSION PAPER Prepared by: JANE HOPE, INTERIM CHIEF EXECUTIVE Purpose To offer for discussion a proposed network of groups as successors to the Forums and Peer Groups of the Cairngorms Partnership, to advise and assist the Board in developing and implementing policy. A paper for decision will be brought forward at a later meeting. Recommendations That members consider the attached proposals, offer comments at the meeting, or subsequently to the Convener, Deputy Convener or Interim Chief Executive, to allow firm proposals to be put to the Board for decision at a later meeting. MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 1 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 ADVISORY GROUPS – DISCUSSION PAPER Introduction 1. The role of the board is to set the strategic direction of the CNPA, and the framework within which staff will take work forward (not necessarily on their own, but generally working in partnership with staff in other organisations). The Board will want to ensure that it is a “listening” organisation. Delivering the aims and purpose of the Park, which eventually will be encapsulated in the National Park Plan, will depend on effective communication with the users and residents of the Park, as well as good technical and scientific information where appropriate. In other words, good sources of opinion and advice will be needed. 2. The proposed staffing structure for the CNPA (set out in paper 2) proposes 7 groups: • Corporate services • Communications • Planning and Development Control • Natural Resources (Aims 1 and 2) • Recreation & Visitor Services (Aim3) • Business and Communities (including cultural heritage) (Aims 4 and 1) • Strategic Policy and Programme Management (National Park Plan, research and projects programme) 3. Three of the policy groups, shown in italics, are based on the four aims of the National Park. I acknowledge the importance of not allowing these groupings to lead to a “silo” mentality, and recognise the need to achieve an integrated approach to the aims; that will be addressed through working practices and culture. This arrangement of staff resources nevertheless provides a useful framework for also thinking about the advisory and other groups. The existing forums, project and other groups, from which the Board received briefings in May and June, are shown in Annex 1 grouped under these “group” headings which are used in the staff structure. Advisory Groups 4. The forums and peer groups established by the Cairngorms Partnership have proved a useful mechanism for engaging with stakeholders, providing a forum for resolution of different views, and generating ideas. It seems sensible to build on these existing groups. However, the role of the CNPA is subtly different from that of the Cairngorms Partnership. The CNPA is required, in the main through the National Park Plan, to ensure a coordinated and collective approach to the Park’s aims. It has a statutory duty to deliver a Park Plan, as well having a development control function and being the access authority for the area. It is implicit that the CNPA takes a lead in developing policy and ensuring its implementation (although this is likely to be largely through others). In doing so, the CNPA will need to establish good two way communications with others to ensure its policy development is well informed. In keeping with this, the CNP is required to establish advisory groups. MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 2 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 5. This paper therefore proposes, for further discussion, that the existing forums are essentially retained but in modified form as shown in Annex 2, and take on the role of advisory groups (under the terms of section 20 of the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000). A number of points need to be made by way of explanation: a) The three land management-related forums (Agriculture, SLF Liaison and Moorland) have been put together into one advisory group. It is a moot point whether the Rivers Forum could also be included. On balance I felt that the expertise and the issues were sufficiently different to warrant a separate advisory group. b) As the Access authority, the CNPA is required to set up one or more Access Forums under the terms of the Land Reform Act. This will be for the specific purposes under that Act. I suggest therefore that there may still be a need for a separate Recreation Forum, but with a membership that reflects providers and users. c) An advisory group on communities will be needed, but this is not necessarily the CCCG, if this is to remain as a semi-autonomous group (see below). I propose that a Communities Advisory Group should also encompass youth issues. d) An advisory group on cultural heritage is needed; there is currently no provision for advice on this important element of our first aim. e) While tourism is not the sum total of business activity in the Park, it is arguably the most important and complex, and a sector in which the Park Board potentially has an important coordination and enabling role. 6. In view of the clear role as advisory groups, I propose that the CNPA will provide the secretariat, will agree membership, will probably chair the groups, and will provide travel expenses to members (unless from other public bodies). Working Groups 7. I propose that number of working groups are also established, very similar to Advisory Groups, but focusing more on specific tasks or projects. Some of these already exist in the form of project groups. Others may arise as particular projects emerge – taking forward the development of a local produce marketing initiative is offered as one example. I also suggest that given the importance of communications in a Park this size, there may be merit in setting up a group to help generate ideas early in the life of the Park on this issue. Such working/project groups would have limited life, and would be disbanded as the project/task reached a suitable point. Members would receive travel expenses (unless already working for other public bodies). The Chair may or may not be a Board Member. Other Groups 8. Finally, there are groups which are semi autonomous, fulfilling a useful function in terms of furthering the Park’s aims, but which the Board would not need or wish to be closely involved in. In such cases, such as the Community Councils Group, and the Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce (which has not been entirely funded by the CPS, but has received a contribution), it might be appropriate for the CNPA to offer funding to the group in question as a way of helping with its administration. MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 3 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 9. For information, Annex 3 shows all the staffing groups, advisory groups, working groups and committees, under the same core headings. This suggests an obvious gap in terms of needing a group to assist in the development of the National Park Plan. The table at Annex 3 leaves open for discussion the matter of individual member responsibilities, something which the Board may like to consider further in this context. Jane Hope 20 June 2003 MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 4 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 EXISTING GROUPS/FORUMS Natural Resources Recreation and Business and Visitor Services Communities and Culture Forums Rivers Agriculture SLF Liaison Recreation Paths Task Force CCCG (Community Councils Group) Housing Tourism Moorland Project LBAP Affordable Health Forest of Spey Steering LAG (Local Action Group Group for LEADER+) Other Deer Management Rangers Youth Groups All Abilities MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 5 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 PROPOSED STRUCTURE FOR CNPA ADVISORY GROUPS Natural Resources Recreation and Business and Visitor Services Communities and Culture Advisory Rivers Access Forum Communities (& youth) Groups (Could be CCCG) Land Management [ Recreation Forum?] Tourism [Cultural Heritage?] Working [Food Marketing?] Rangers Housing Groups & Project LBAP [Communications] LAG Groups Moorlands Project [All Abilities] Health & Fitness for All Semi CCCG Autonomous Groups – Chamber of Commerce supported Others? Advisory Groups: ----- Advise CNPA on development and implementation of policy Supported by CNPA secretariat Travel expenses (except for public agencies) Member(s) of CNPA on group Chaired (generally) by CNPA Working Groups: ---- Advise CNPA on specific issues and projects – time limited Generally supported by CNPA secretariat Travel expenses except for public agencies Chair – agreed by group Additional Groups: -Groups which are semi-autonomous, but supported by a grant from CNPA because of benefits to Park. MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 6 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 2 27/06/03 POSSIBLE ORGANISATION: STAFF/BOARD COMMITTEES/ADVISORY GROUPS Staff – Teams Corporate Services Communications Planning & Development Control NP Plan Natural Resources Visitor Surveys & Recreation Business & Communities (& Cultural Heritage) j] Advisory Groups Rivers Land Management Access Communities Tourism Cultural Heritage Committees Audit Finance Recruit. Planning Call-in Group Working Groups & Proect Groups Communicat ions ? Food Marketing? LBAP Moorlands Rangers Communica tions ? Housing LAG [LEADER+ Youth Comm. All Abilities H & Fitness & Issues Indiv. Member Responsibilities MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\CNPA Board\Board Papers\20030627\CNPA Board Paper 2 270603 JH.doc 23/06/03 7