WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Page 1 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 4 Annex 1 29/10/10 ANNEX 1: Evaluation of Options for Delivery of Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Enhancement Key: + Advantage over other options -Disadvantage compared to other options o Neutral (could be advantage or disadvantage depending on how the mechanism is managed) Criteria Option A: No change Option B: Direct delivery by CNPA Option C: Park-wide Trust Funding and -Reduction in LBAP funding and -Reducing budget means reduction in scope + Access to a greater range of funds Resources capacity likely -Leader funding for Community Heritage Project ends in 2011 of CNPA delivery -More difficult to access potential funds which are available to charities + Transparent and direct mechanism to invest funds Quality and Control + Quality of work ensured by skilled, dedicated staff o Direct control by CNPA + Quality of work ensured by skilled, dedicated staff o Influence at arms length -exercised through governance structures and allocation of finance + Quality of work ensured by skilled, dedicated staff Impact on other stakeholders -potential disengagement of stakeholders linked to reductions in funding commitments -significant untapped potential to engage others -potential disengagement of stakeholders linked to funding reductions and inference it is now CNPAÕs sole responsibility -unlikely to strengthen community capacity to significant degree + potential to increase stakeholder participation and sense of ownership + potential for strengthening of capacity of existing smaller Trusts and community companies where appropriate -potential duplication of overlapping Trusts Charity and corporate legislation o Charitable status not applicable + likely to obtain charitable status o need approval from the Charities Regulator Procurement o governed by the Financial Memorandum of CNPA and potentially o would have to comply with procurement rules that are appropriate MAINPC Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Board Mtg 29 Oct :WORD DOCS:CNPA Bd Paper 4 LBAP and Trust -MH.doc 26/10/10 Page 2 Criteria Option A: No change Option B: Direct delivery by CNPA Option C: Park-wide Trust of other funding bodies -projects procured internally would be subject to full, unrecoverable VAT for use of public funds as agreed by funding partners o potential added consideration of VAT implications Fund management -Limited opportunity for flexible fund management between financial years -Limited opportunity for flexible fund management between financial years o May have some access to additional sources of funding for complementary projects + Greater opportunity for flexible management of funds between financial years (as agreed by funding partners ) + Access to additional sources of funding for complementary projects Staff and administration -Significant staff time in seeking project funding + Opportunities for synergy with other CNPA work and staff skills -Requirement for CNPA to finance full staff costs (including admin costs) -CNPA resources tied to direct delivery for indefinite commitment + focus moves from managing CNPA resources internally to managing strategic outcomes that are delivered in partnership with others -potential duplication of administration costs MAINPC Macintosh HD:Users:markmackenzie-smith:Desktop:Board Mtg 29 Oct :WORD DOCS:CNPA Bd Paper 4 LBAP and Trust -MH.doc 26/10/10