WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Annex 1 15/05/09 Annex 1- National Park Plan 5-Year Outcomes Key: 1. Conserving & Enhancing Biodiversity & Landscapes Park Plan 5 year outcome RAG 01/09 RAG 05/09 Assessment of achievement of outcome Headline Indicator BaselineTarget A Landscape Plan for the Park will identify the natural, cultural and built landscape qualities, the factors influencing them and underpin actions for positive management. 4. This outcome should be achieved with existing work/resource because the project planning phase has been contracted to David Tyldesley to progress while staff resources are focused on Local Plan Inquiry preparation. The Landscape Character Assessment is the main element planned for 2009 and the project scoping for this is in hand with partners and due to begin in May 2009 to fit with the timetable for supplementary planning guidance. Further CNPA staff time is planned to co-ordinate this work following preparation for the local plan inquiry and a steering group is in place to co-ordinate and monitor progress. 1a. % of consented developments that comply with the Landscape Framework. 2009 100% The key areas for the experience of wild land qualities will be identified, protected and enhanced as a major source of enjoyment of the Park and wild land qualities throughout the rest of the Park will be safeguarded. 3. This outcome needs more work/resource to be achieved because while the first phase of work has been completed, a pioneering, mapping project undertaken with Leeds University which has identified where wildness is most apparent in the NP, this work needs to be developed into a policy that will inform planning and development management and wider enhancement work with land managers. An SNH/CNPA perceptions study on the value of wildness in the National Park found strong support for wildness and found the most important attribute of wild land is perceived as ‘wildlife’. The policy work is planned as part of the supplementary planning guidance. 1b. Total area of land that has one or more attributes of wild land. Total area of land that has all attributes of wild land. 2008 No net loss of areas. 1 Will not be achieved 2 Unlikely to be achieved 3 Needs more work/resource to be achieved 4 Should be achieved with existing work/resource 5 Achieved