WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms National Park Core Paths Plan Consultation and Engagement Process – Stage 2 Public Consultation Meeting – Strathdon Date: Wednesday 9th of May 2007 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Lonach Hall Location: Strathdon No. Attending: 6 Introduction This report details the feedback obtained at a public meeting where people were asked to give their views on the Interim Draft Core Paths Plan. Summary During the meeting the following issues were raised: • Allocating resources A question was raised about how resources would be allocated to path networks, with specific concern raised that communities with already established and promoted network might acquire the lion’s share of support. • Core Paths and traditional country sports A question was raised about whether core paths would affect traditional sports with an example used from an estate that experiences a lot of recreational use on a right of way across high hill country important for deer stalking • Responsible Behaviour There was some concern over access rights extending to water users, and the impacts this has on traditional fishing activity. • Funding The issue of funding for the core paths network was raised with particular reference to use of other mechanisms such as land management contracts. • Path No. UD04 Realign the link to go directly to Heughhead on lower edge of forest boundary. Also, put in a new aspirational link between UD04 and UD02 connecting the Colquhonnie Inn with routes on the south side of the Don, and reinstating the bridge. • Path No. UD03 There are trees along the walk between the Memorial and Roughpark that need clearing • Path No. UD01 and UD03 There are some difficult hillocks and kissing gates which make the routes difficult for all-abilities users, but could be relatively easily sorted out • Ben Newe woodland walks Include the promoted routes in Ben Newe woodlands as they are popular and well-used • Glac Riach There is a route over the Glac Riach to Roadside which has recently been upgraded by FCS and now a good well-used route – include as CP Next Steps The comments and issues raised at this meeting will inform revisions to the Interim Draft Core Paths Plan as part of the wider consultation process. A revised version will be considered by the CNPA Board in December 2007 and the revised Plan will then be submitted to Scottish Ministers in February 2008. Cairngorms National Park Authority 11th May 2007 franpothecary@cairngorms.co.uk