WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. [ Text in square brackets denotes proposed change and is highlighted in red type on the PDF. Text files cannot include colour] Intermediate Settlements Boat of Garten Proposals BG/H1: This 5.8Ha site to the west of the existing settlement is identified for housing development and would provide land for around 70 units. The site should provide housing land for Boat of Garten’s needs for the lifetime of the Local Plan [ in line with the target of 50 dwellings set out in table 4. Additional capacity will then provide a further 20 dwellings to meet future need. The site contains and is affected by important natural heritage interests and any development must ensure that appropriate mitigation and access management is incorporated to ensure adequate protection is ensured. The design of any development will also retain as much of the existing woodland on the site as possible and ensure access to BG/C1. ] [ BG/ED1: Land at the station will provide opportunity for future economic development in support of the village, and should incorporate the enhancement of this important tourism facility where appropriate. ] [ BG/ED2: The existing caravan and camping site provides continued support to the provision of tourism accommodation within Boat of Garten and will be protected from adverse development. Where appropriate, enhancement opportunities will be supported. ] BG/C1: The site to the west of the village and immediately west of the new village hall is to be retained [ in order to support ] the community [ and would be appropriate for a new school, or other uses which support the economic development of the settlement and its sustainable community. ] Any proposal must take accordance of the high environmental sensitivity of its context. The design of any development will retain as much of the existing woodland of the site as possible. [ BG/Env: A number of open spaces and land which contributes to the setting of Boat of Garten are identified and will be protected from adverse development. ] Page 76 Map - Boat of Garten (Image not available in full text format)