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Online Reports

This is the list of online 'grey' literature in the Cairngorms National Park. This refers to research that is either unpublished or has been published in non-commercial form

Online Reports

Atterton, J2014Planning and Rural Economic Development: Discussion at the Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Rural Policy
Atterton, J. and Skerratt, S2011Walking to a Healthier Scotland
Britton, A, Hester, A & Perex-Barberia, JNo DateThe Only Constant Is Change
Brooker et al2017Feasibility study: translocation of species for the establishment or protection of populations in northerly and/or montane environments Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 913
Brown, C2013Track Changes Tracks constructed under Permitted Development Rights : the need for planning control
Brown, K. et al2016Benefits from woodland derived by communities from case study areas and the main trade-offs
Bruneau, P. M. C., Gordon, J. E. and Rees, S2011Ecosystem sensitivity and responses to change: understanding the links between geodiversity and biodiversity at the landscape scale
Burt, T, P, Thompson, D, B, A, Warburton, J2002The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change
Cairngorm Mountain LTD 2017Cairngorm Mountain Visitor Management Plan 2017
Cairngorms Business Partnership2015Cairngorms National Park Economic Strategy 2015-2018
Cairngorms National Park Authority2008The Forests of the Cairngorms
Cairngorms National Park Authority2018Draft Cairngorms National Park Forest Strategy 2018
Cairngorms National Park Authority2021A strategic overview of wild deer population dynamics in the Cairngorms National Park
Cairngorms National Park Authority No Date aCairngorms National Park Local Development Plan 2020 Main Issues Report - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Cairngorms National Park Authority No Date bCairngorms National Park Local Development Plan Action Programme June 2018
Christie, M., Greene, D. and Trench, H2012Challenges of implementing an ecocystems approach in the Cairngorms National Park
Collin, H. et al2012Renewable Energy Options study for the Cairngorms National Park
Davis, A. R. and Gray, D2010Scottish Wildcat Survey 2006-2008 2010 - SNH Commissioned Report 360 - Scottish Wildcat Survey 2006-2008.pdf
Dick, J. et alNo DateSocial survey to estimate value of recreation activities to Glenlivet integrated valuation-Cairngorms.pdf
Donaldson-Selby, G2014Modelling flooding at Mar Lodge, Cairngorm National Park, Scotland
Falk, S. J. and Crossley, R2005A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 3: Empidoidea
Fielding, A. et al2011A Conservation Framework for Hen Harriers in the United Kingdom
Forest Research 2017NFI provisional estimates for woodland in the Cairngorms National Park
Forestry Commission Scotland 2014Native Woodland Survey of Scotland
Gaywood, M.J., Boon, P.J., Thompson, D.B.A., Strachan, I. MNo DateThe Species Action Framework Handbook. A five year species action framework: Species management in Scotland 2007-2012 2016 - Species Action Framework Handbook 2016.pdf
Gilbert, L. et alNo DateLand Use and Disease Risk
Ginalski, A2007Management in national parks and nature conservation - Report of study visits in the British National Parks
Harris, S., Morris, P. and Wray, S1995A review of British mammals: population estimates and conservation status of British mammals other than cetaceans
Hodgetts, N. G1992Cladonia: a field guide
JNCC, (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) 2009Looking to the Hills - Issue 16
JNCC, (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) 2011Looking to the Hills - Issue 17 to the Hills - Issue 17 - May 2011v final.pdf
JNCC, (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) 2018Natura 2000 Standard Data Form
McMorran, R2008Constraints and opportunities for integrated multifunctional forest management in the Cairngorms region of Scotland
McMorran, R2016The Role of Landowners in the Economy of the Cairngorms National Park (CNP)
Mitchell, R.J., Beesley, L., Donald, C., Green, G. Hewison, R.L., Owen, I.J. Newman, G., Sturgeon, F., White, D., Williams, E, Black, H. I. J2016Applying soil indicators at biomonitoring sites
Morecroft, M. D. et al2005Monitoring the impacts of air pollution (acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone) on terrestrial habitats in the UK: A Scoping Study
No Author No Date aAviemore and Boat of Garten (Potentially Vulnerable Area 05/11)
No AuthorNo Date bCairngorms Local Development Strategy 2014-2020
No AuthorNo Date cEuropean Community Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (92/43/EEC)
No AuthorNo Date dRiver Basin Management Planning River Dee catchment summary
No Author No Date eThe Story of Invereshie and Inshriach National Nature Reserve
Pizzirani, S., Gardiner, B. and Edwards, DNo DateAnalysing forest sustainability under various climate change scenarios: a case study in northern Scotland
Rivington, M., Spencer, M.2020Snow Cover and Climate Change on Cairngorm Mountain
Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks2018Visual Mitigation of Overhead Lines in the Cairngorms National Park A submission to Ofgem as part of VISTA : An Assessment of the Visual Executive summary
Scottish Forest AllianceNo DateCreating Woodlands for wildlife and people in Scotland: A Case Study for the 18th Commonwealth Forestry Conference
Scottish Natural Heritage2010SNH Commissioned Report 375: The Special Landscape Qualities of the Cairngorms National Park 2010 - SNH Commissioned Report 375 - The Special Landscape Qualities of the Cairngorms National Park.pdf
SEPA No DateIdentifying river restoration sites to deliver multiple benefits in the River Dee
SNH 1996Cairngorms landscape Assessment 1996 - SNH Review 75 - Cairngorms landscape character assessment.pdf
SNH 2001Natural Heritage Trends Scotland 2001 - 2001.pdf
SNH 2019Survey of Brachyptera putata ( Newman ) ( Plecoptera , Taeniopterygidae ) – a stonefly endemic to Scotland Research Report 1094 - Survey of Brachyptera putata.pdf
SNH No DateCairngorms massif - Natural Heritage Futures - Cairngorms Massif.pdf
Wilson, R2008Dendrochronological Investigations of Scots Pine from the North-West Cairngorms Region, Scotland Pine Report.pdf

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Cairngorms National Park (CNP) Online Grey Literature Search Protocol

Detailed below is the search protocol used for the online grey literature search or download a PDF Version (PDF | 331KB). There are additional notes in italics to support the updating of this reference list in the future.


A list of potential organisation’s websites to search was collected as a basis for research.
Below are key organisations and their website in brackets (Note: Additional guidance related to the Forestry Commission search is available under “Additional Notes”)

A range of key search terminology was used due to the variability of organisation search functions, in brackets there is feedback about the terminology:

  • Cairngorm
  • Cairngorms (Often Cairngorm gave the full list of results, however, some sources required “s” to appear in the search)
  • Cairngorms National Park (Many returns related to national parks and national research rather than specifically relating to the Cairngorms National Park)
  • CNP (Rarely returned any new results after the above terminology had been used).

Due to the robustness of some organisation search tools a Google search of the organisation’s name followed by “Cairngorms” was required to gain as many references as possible.


Google search engine was first used

  1. To potentially source other websites to search further,
  2. To find individual pieces of grey literature that may be relevant to download but not on the key
    organisation’s website,
  3. To ensure as many sources as possible were gathered to minimise the risk of organisation’s search tools not being fully comprehensive.


Each key organisation’s website search tab was used with the key search terminology as listed above.


Returned results titles scanned and a control F search for the key words (Cairngorm & Cairngorms) conducted, a decision was then made whether the source was relevant or not. If potentially relevant, the web link, title and the search platform used were imported into Excel.


A further scan of each potentially relevant source was conducted, this was completed by a skim read. Following a skim read, only relevant sources that contained some form of original work in the CNP were downloaded.


Relevant sources were then imported to Mendeley, including details such as the author(s), title, dates and sources website.


References checked for errors and any discrepancies noted below.

End product – A list of relevant references which mention one of more of the key terminology listed above.

Additional notes:

Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) has been devolved and FCS website no longer has a search function, instead an alternative search was made, listed under key organisations.

Some references are difficult to find on the source’s website and are easier to find through Google, such as “Modelling flooding at Mar Lodge, Cairngorm National Park, Scotland”. Which is easier to find by googling the title or by searching for the author on the source’s website rather than searching for the title on the source’s website.

The general search tab on some organisation’s website does not give the same result as when a filtered search is conducted. An examples of this is at the FR website, different results are given when using the “all publication and research” tab compared to the general search tab on the website.

Some titles of references are not the name of the file, so are difficult to find using the search function for example: “Identifying river restoration sites to deliver multiple benefits in the River Dee” is named “dee-non-technical-summary” on the SEPA website ( This is the same for “NFI provisional estimates for woodland in the Cairngorms National Park” which is called “Cairngorms National Park woodland” on the FR website (