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Leader funds boost for community facilities

14th September 2010

Communities in the Cairngorms National Park who would like to see their local facilities, such as village halls improved are being urged to apply for financial support from the Cairngorms Local Action Group (LAG), managers of the European-funded LEADER Programme in the Park.

The Cairngorms LAG has received a boost to its coffers with the transfer of £340,000 from the Scotland Rural Development Programme to LEADER. The funds are aimed specifically at helping communities take forward plans to revitalise their local facilities in the long term.

LEADER operates across the Cairngorms National Park with funding support from the Scottish Government, the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Programme runs until the end of 2012.

Patricia Methven, Grants Manager at the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) said: “It’s great news to have extra funds but it’s not the level of finance that can be used to redevelop an entire village hall. However, communities could apply for funding to help with the cost of structural assessments, legal costs and to help with development plans. Furthermore, they may want to consider energy efficiency work or new heating systems for the hall or even outdoor activity areas for young people.”

“The LAG would normally offer 45 per cent of the total project costs but in exceptional cases, the LAG may be in a position to offer a community group a higher percentage, which could help them realise their wishes for their local facilities.”

In addition to the money available to help improve community buildings and facilities, money is also available to help make broadband more accessible for communities. However, the deadline for submissions for financial support for broadband is the end of September so any group or organisation with an interest in this particular area is urged to contact the LEADER team as soon as possible.

For more information on LEADER in the Cairngorms National Park please visit the website or contact Patricia Methven on Tel: 01479 870543 or email