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Heritage Horizons | 2024-02-22

You can download the current public tender documents for Cairngorms 2030 from the Public Contracts Scotland website. Tenders past closing date/award in progress/awarded View Notice – Public Contracts Scotland – Cairngorms 2030 Evaluation consultants View Notice – Public Contracts Scotland  – Provision of planning consultancy river restoration projects services for…More

Climate Change | 2022-10-01

This report, for the Cairngorms National Park, is one of a series of methodologically compatible reports produced for each UK National Park and Welsh AONB, with the Cotswolds AONB and Cannock Chase AONB in England also joining. They are designed to provide a robust and consistent evidence basis for climate…More

Outdoor Access | 2024-05-17

Paths and trails may need to be closed from time to time for reasons such as being in an unsafe condition following storm damage, flooding, unavoidable maintenance work or land management operations e.g. tree felling. Please always be vigilant when visiting the countryside and follow all signage for your own…More

Planning | 2021-11-24

Listed below is the suite of planning guidance that supports the Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan 2015. There is planning guidance for all policies except for Policy 6 on the Siting and Design of Digital Communications Equipment. The guidance comes in two forms: Supplementary Guidance, which is statutory and carries…More

Strategic Environmental Assessment | 2019-01-25

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan 2020 is a statutory requirement under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. SEA is a systematic process developed to ensure that potential environmental impacts of Plans, Programmes and Strategies (PPS) (both positive and negative) are assessed and considered during…More

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