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Using Gaelic in Cultural Heritage Projects

A guide to developing cultural heritage projects for local communities

Our Heritage Interpretation Toolkit is a simple step-by-step guide aimed at supporting local communities to develop cultural heritage projects of their own. The toolkit also provides broad advice on using Gaelic, with the goal of encouraging communities to feel confident in applying the language within their chosen projects; this could be something as simple as including select words or phrases, which can bring an added element of interest and meaning for visitors. Although the toolkit focuses on Gaelic, the steps detailed within this resource serve only as a guide and are equally applicable to projects using Scots or Doric.

For local businesses, our Gaelic as an Economic Asset toolkit highlights the financial benefits that can be made when using Gaelic within your activities.

View the Cultural Heritage Interpretation Toolkit

Scroll through the guide by using the forwards and backwards arrows below the Toolkit. You can also view the guide in full-screen by hovering over the Toolkit with your mouse, selecting the three dots in the top right-hand corner, and clicking the small screen icon from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can download a PDF version here (PDF | 1.9MB) which can easily be printed.

Other helpful resources

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Special Thanks

With thanks to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their funding support in order to produce ‘The Shinty Trail’ online resource.

Le taing do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic maoineachaidh gus an goireas air-loidhne ‘Slighe na Camanachd’ a thoirt gu buil.