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Businesses – save the environment and your pennies

9th December 2008

BUSINESSES in the Cairngorms National Park can help tackle climate change and benefit financially!

That is the message behind Biomass for Businesses, an event which is taking place later this month and is aimed at raising awareness of the environmental and economical benefits of using biomass rather than fossil fuels. The day will include a range of information talks on biomass including grant information, different types of biomass and installations, and costs.

The event will help secure a sustainable future for the National Park and will help to deliver the Park’s four aims. It is being run by Forestry Commission Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council and Scottish Enterprise.

Claire Standen, for Forestry Commission Scotland in Aberdeenshire, said: “Tackling climate change is a top priority for everyone and biomass – as a sustainable fuel – has a huge contribution to make.

“We are keen to get local businesses on board. As well as highlighting the benefits to the environment of using biomass rather than fossil fuels, we will also highlight the benefits to businesses of becoming a woodfuel processor or supplier.

“We also expect to convert a few people to the benefits of biomass heating systems for their own business premises.”

The event is free and takes place on Tuesday 16th December, 9.30am-1.30pm, Victoria and Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater. Businesses, charities, community groups and residents in Aberdeenshire are welcome to attend. It is the first in a series taking place across Aberdeenshire.

To register download a booking form from MC.pdf or email [email protected]

For more information on future biomass events, visit the Wood Energy Scotland website or call the Forestry Commission Scotland Grampian biomass team on 01466 794542.