Map of community-owned and managed assets
Community-owned and managed assets deliver a variety of social, economic and environmental benefits

Communities throughout the Park have been taking ownership and management of a wide variety of assets that bring a range of benefits to residents, the local environment and visitors to the Park.
The community asset map includes over ninety assets currently owned or managed by community interest organisations. Using information supplied by local community groups, the map celebrates the efforts of these groups and reflects the vibrancy and variety of each community.
Map of Community Owned and Managed Assets
The Benefits of Community Owned and Managed Assets
Community-owned and managed assets deliver a variety of social, economic and environmental benefits. Hydro schemes, heritage attractions and accommodation projects generate revenue that is reinvested back into other community activity and the local economy. Some provide volunteering opportunities whilst others create paid employment for local people. Leisure facilities, footpaths, woodland and water assets enhance access to our outdoor spaces, whilst community halls provide an important social and cultural focus for communities and visitors to enjoy.
By taking ownership and responsibility for these assets, communities have empowered themselves to make decisions and directly shape the community and environment they wish to live in.
Interest in community asset ownership and management continues to develop throughout the Park. This activity builds community resilience, new skills, confidence and a sense of pride.
The Unsung Work of Communities
The map does not adequately reflect the extensive work being done by communities on a range of other local initiatives that deliver benefits for everyone. Community landscape improvements, active travel projects and play park upgrades are examples where community groups are playing a key role in raising and managing funds, undertaking community consultations and improving local assets they do not directly own.
Community Asset Ownership and Management Continues
New community housing developments and other exciting asset transfers are underway, when these are complete, they will be added to the asset map.
Help us keep the community asset map updated
If you know of a community owned or managed asset that is not listed on the map and you think it should be, email Tania Alliod, Rural Development Officer.
From time to time, the Park will contact all asset owners listed on the map to verify and update the information.
If your community is interested in community asset ownership and management please contact Tania Alliod.
PDF for download. Definitions of Community Assets and Organisations and guidance on the types of assets that have/have not been included in the asset map.