Special Landscape Qualities – Recreation
General Qualities * The Mountains and Plateaux * Moorlands * Glens and Straths * Trees, Woods and Forests * Wildlife and Nature * Visual and Sensory Qualities * Culture and History * Recreation
A landscape of opportunities
Since Victorian times, the outstanding scenery of the area has been a draw to visitors. The diverse landscapes lend themselves to a wide range of pursuits and it is one of the foremost localities for outdoor recreation in Britain. Whilst some visitors seek out the physical challenge of an extreme environment in extreme conditions, others choose physical endeavour in a more organised and safer setting. The high mountains are both alluring and forbidding, attracting climbers, walkers and winter sports enthusiasts. However, the rounded summits and gentle slopes can turn treacherous in sudden changes of weather, and being at the mercy of the elements can be an added attraction and source of exhilaration. But it is not just the highest mountains that attract people to the outdoors. Active pursuits on the lower ground include water sports, cycling and horse-riding, together with the traditional sporting pursuits of deer-stalking, grouse shooting and fishing. There are also many who are content to enjoy gentler and less challenging pursuits, whether low level walking, bird-watching, exploring the past, or simply enjoying the scenery. However, all derive pleasure directly from what the landscape has to offer.
For those seeking peace and escape from modern intrusions, solitude in this vast landscape can be readily found. Whether it is sought on the highest exposed peaks, the still calm of a pine forest or far into the heather-clad hills, the beauty of the landscape and dominance of nature prevails.