There are a number of funding opportunities available designed specifically to help initiatives or projects which support the Park aims.
Cairngorms National Park Authority and its partners have a range of grant funds available. Details of funding opportunities, designed to meet specific aims, can be found below.
If you have a project idea, even if it doesn’t look to fit exactly, please use the enquiry form.
If you prefer a Word version of the enquiry form, please contact us at [email protected] or telephone +44 (0) 1479 873 535
What types of funding are available?
Transforming transport
The Cairngorms National Park Authority is welcoming applications for a new ‘Transforming Transport’ grant fund as part of the Cairngorms 2030 programme.
The £170,000 funding pot is open to projects working to make significant improvements to travel choices in the National Park. Applications are being invited for a minimum of £1000 and maximum of £25,000. Click here to find out more.
Climate adaptation fund
The fund has been established to support capital works and investments in response to the change that we have seen in our climate over the last decades and to prepare for the challenges that we will face as our climate continues to change. The value of this second year of funding is to be confirmed. Expressions of interest are now open. Please read the guidance notes associated with the fund. If you required the expression of interest in an alternative format please contact us at [email protected] or telephone +44 (0) 1479 873 535
Details of projects funded in year one can be found here.
Visitor infrastructure improvement programme
The fund is available to help plan and install appropriate visitor infrastructure in the Park delivering one or more of the following objectives: Reducing potential conflicts between residents and visitors and / or between different recreational activities, Promoting collaboration across land management and organisational boundaries, Helping provide better opportunities for everyone to enjoy the National Park so the visitor profile will be more diverse, especially with regards to people who are disabled, Delivering improvements at identified sites across all areas of the Park or improvements that address specific issues that are identified in the Strategic Tourism Infrastructure Plan or Active Cairngorms Action Plan. Expressions of interest are now open. Please read the guidance notes associated with the fund. If you required the expression of interest in an alternative format please contact us at [email protected] or telephone +44 (0) 1479 873 535.
Travel grants scheme
Supports schools and voluntary groups making educational visits to the Cairngorms National Park. Further details and application form available here.
Woodland Challenge Fund
The fund is designed to help reduce the costs of preparing an application to Scottish Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) administered by Scottish Government. This funding is to encourage planting proposals of native species with target areas identified in the Cairngorms National Park Forest Strategy more details on the fund are available here.
Cairngorms Trust is a small independent charity based in the Cairngorms with a mission to promote sustainable and community-led development throughout the local area for the benefit of the people who live here and the visitors who come to enjoy all that the Cairngorms National Park has to offer.
For more information about each fund and when they are open visit the Cairngorms Trust website.