Carrbridge steps up for Capercaillie
15th February 2019

Eager to start piloting new ways to save our capercaillie from extinction, over 75 people gathered in Carrbridge Village Hall last week. Over half were residents of Carrbridge. Others travelled from across Strathspey, such is the interest in Carrbridge’s pioneering work.
From proprietors of local guest houses to school children, families, local mountain bikers and artists, Carrbridge is helping to put the people who live, work and play in the Cairngorms National Park at the heart of capercaillie conservation. This pilot work is funded by National Lottery players and LEADER as part of the Cairngorms Capercaillie Project
Many who attended last week’s events in Carrbridge were keen to learn more about capercaillie and enjoyed an introduction to the species and an overview of capercaillie conservation to date, shared by Frank Law, a Carrbridge resident and former Seafield Estate Sporting Manager. Project Manager, Carolyn Robertson, also presented an overview of the Cairngorms Capercaillie Project before asking all those who attended to begin leading the way.
People were invited to share their thoughts and ideas about what capercaillie related events and activities might work in the village to help inspire and engage others and what capercaillie related signage people respond most positively to & why. The role of Carrbridge’s Capercaillie Community Ranger was up for discussion with people sharing what they would like the Ranger to do. Attendees were also invited to share their local capercaillie stories and thoughts about volunteering activities they’d like to get involved in. Ideas included volunteering to talk to visitors on local woodland trails, helping with habitat and survey work and creating capercaillie crafts to sell in the village shops.
The project is now keen to hear from more Carrbridge residents to ensure the ideas that go on to be developed and piloted in the village represent those that the majority of residents are keen to test out for the benefit of Carrbridge and their endangered capercaillie.
If you’d like to contribute to the conversation and share your ideas you can get involved in the following ways:
- Keep an eye on the below for dates & times to meet up with the Carrbridge Capercaillie Community Ranger, Emma:
- Carrbridge Nature noticeboard outside the old Police Station in the village
- Carrbridge News Facebook page
- Carrbridge Nature Facebook page
- Email the project directly [email protected]
Image courtesy of Mark Hamblin /