Proposed Plan
The Proposed Plan includes sites and proposals for development as well as the policies that will be used to make future decisions on applications for planning permission
Consultation Period: 25 January 2019 - 5 April 2019
The Proposed Plan is now subject to examination by the Scottish Government’s Planning and Environmental Appeals Division. More information is available at the weblink below:
Consultation on the Local Development Proposed Plan 2020
We have now reached an important stage in preparing our new Local Development Plan (LDP). As a key part of the plan preparation process, we have published a Proposed Local Development Plan (PDF | 9MB).
Following the Main Issues Report consultation, which sought views on the big issues that the new LDP will need to address, the Proposed Plan is the next step towards obtaining a plan set to tackle these issues.
The Proposed Plan sets out suitable land allocations which will help to deliver appropriate development within the National Park, and policies that will be used to make future decisions on applications for planning permission.
Proposed Local Development Plan (PDF | 9MB)
Please be aware that this a large file size and it may take a while to download and requires Adobe Reader.
View our specially designed online interactive Plan
This has been designed to make it easier to jump to the sections you want. You can view individual settlements and zoom in to maps.
How it will be delivered
The Proposed Plan is accompanied by a Proposed Action Programme which identifies the way in which the Plan’s policies and proposals will be delivered. The Action Programme will be kept under review throughout the plan period.

Supporting documents
- Housing Fact Sheet
- Proposed Action Programme (PDF | 6.4MB)
- Monitoring Statement (PDF | 6.9MB)
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (PDF | 3.4MB)
- Background Evidence Papers
- Strategic Environment Assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF | 7.9MB)
- Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF | 181KB)
- Site Assessment Report