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Supplementary and Non-Statutory Guidance

The adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) 2021 states that it will be supported by two pieces of Supplementary Guidance covering Policy 1: Housing and Policy 11: Developer Obligations. The draft Supplementary Guidance must undergo public consultation prior to being adopted and the Authority must consider any timeous representations made to it during the consultation period. Alongside the Supplementary Guidance, we are also putting forward one piece of Non-statutory Guidance for public consultation. We are seeking your views on the form and content of this guidance.

Consultation Period: 5 October 2021 - 19 November 2021

Supplementary and Non-statutory Guidance is also being produced to help guide the implementation of most of the Local Development Plan’s (LDP) policies. To ensure people have time to fully consider these documents, the National Park Authority will be keeping the consultation until 19 November 2021. The guidance which is being consulted on in this period is:

It’s important to be clear that this is not an opportunity to comment on the policy content of the LDP itself. Neither can the guidance introduce new requirements that are not already part of the policy. Rather, the Supplementary and Non-statutory Guidance aims to explain and supporting information to help implement the policies of the current LDP. This consultation is therefore an important opportunity for you to influence its content.

How to respond

You can give us your views on the Draft Development Brief by completing our online response form (opens in a new window).

Alternatively, you can download a PDF version of the response form (PDF | 168KB), and return this to us by email at [email protected] or by post to the address below:

Cairngorms National Park Authority,
FREEPOST NAT 21454, Grantown-on-Spey,
PH26 3BR

All responses must be received by 5 pm on Friday 19 November 2021.

What happens next?

All consultation comments will be summarised and used to inform the final Supplementary Guidance. The process for adopting the guidance will differ depending on whether it is Supplementary or Non-statutory guidance as set out below.

Supplementary Guidance: The consultation comments and a proposed final Supplementary Guidance will be reported back to the Planning Committee who will be asked to agree to submit the guidance as modified to Scottish Ministers. Along with the Supplementary Guidance, the Authority will also send Ministers a Statement setting out the publicity measures we undertook, the comments we received, and an explanation of how these comments were taken into account. After 28 days have elapsed, the Authority may adopt the Supplementary Guidance unless Scottish Ministers have directed otherwise. Once adopted, the guidance will support the implementation of the LDP and will be a material consideration for the future planning applications

Non-statutory Guidance: After the consultation closes, we will consider all the comments made and report them to the National Park Authority’s Planning Committee, who will decide the final content of the guidance. Once decided the Non-statutory Guidance will be adopted.