Planning & Place
Responsible for the Cairngorms National Park Authority's work on strategic policy, planning (including the Local Development Plan, development management and enforcement), rural development (including economic and community development, sustainable tourism and affordable housing) and visitor services (including management for visitors, ranger services, volunteering, recreation and outdoor access, active travel & lifestyles).
Leasachadh Dùthchail agus Planaidh
An urra ri obair an CNPA a thaobh planadh, Plana Leasachaidh na Sgìre, poileasaidh ro-innleachdail, manaidseadh agus cur an-gnìomh leasachadh, taigheadas neo-chosgail, dùthchail, leasachadh eaconamach is coimhearsnachd seasmhach.