Deer Framework gets thumbs up
1st November 2010
The board of the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) has endorsed the draft ‘Deer Framework’ prepared by the Cairngorms Deer Advisory Group (CDAG).
Meeting in Strathdon on Friday 29 October the CNPA congratulated CDAG on the production of the document which sets out to provide a bridge between national policy and local deer management, setting out a number of forward looking principles for working with deer in the Park. CDAG hope to approve the final version of the Framework this week and it will be published in spring 2011.
CNPA’s Senior Land Management Officer, Will Boyd-Wallis explained: “The most important thing about this ‘framework’ is that is has brought together the views of local deer managers and local community alongside National interests. It provides a positive focus for sustaining the deer resource and the Park’s environment for future generations. I hope that it will also help to build on a growing sense of cohesion and understanding amongst all with an interest in deer.”
Also included in the aims of the ‘Deer Framework’ are:
. Promote protection of the deer population and the habitat upon which they depend.
. Promote wider involvement in the management of deer.
. Promote the value of deer as a management tool for maintaining a high quality environment.
. Promote the value of deer / sporting related tourism.
. Promote deer welfare and the marketing of venison.
‘Supporting Sustainable Deer Management’ is a priority for action in the Cairngorms National Park Plan, with deer having a key influence on the habitats of the Park and a key economic driver.