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Deer stalking courses in the Park

7th March 2011

The Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) in partnership with the British Deer Society is running a deer stalking course in Blair Atholl at the end of this month.

The training will take place from Monday 28 to Thursday 31 March covering a range of subjects including deer biology and ecology, stalking techniques, safety, shooting and the relevant laws in relation to deer stalking in Scotland.

The course will end with an assessment of the candidate’s knowledge and some elementary elements of practical competence, this is an initial stage in the process of becoming competent to carry a rifle and shoot deer safely, accurately, humanely and legally. The course is aimed at people wanting to develop their knowledge and skills in deer management and those working in the land based sector who may want to widen their employment options.

Will Boyd Wallis, Senior Land Management Officer at the CNPA, said: “Deer are an important resource in the Park and we want to broaden people’s knowledge and understanding of deer management. This is why we have got together with the British Deer Society to offer this course at half the usual price via our Land Based Business Training Programme. Instead of £300, the course will cost National Park residents just £150, excluding accommodation and meals.”

For more information on the course please visit the British Deer Society website

Anyone who is interested in taking part in the course is asked to contact Andy Rockall on tel: 01479 870535 or by email